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Posts posted by ShaneRoach

  1. The closest thing Kerbal seems to have now to the edge shaders setting is "Highlight FX". Toggling it does nothing for this issue on my end. I don't see me rolling back drivers just for Kerbal. I would however like to try your script. I'm going to have to get back to you on that script. though. I just ran up on the notification that I had a response here, and I am a little worn out. Hopefully tomorrow morning I'll be more motivated. 

    It would seem a lot of people don't seem to be all that bothered by this bug, but it annoys the bejeezers out of me. LOL

    P.S. Is it possible to just add those 4 entries into Steam in series? Or do I need to locate Kerbal in my .steam file and make the bash file to even use those? I ... didn't read the file. Sorry. Like I said, tired. 

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