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    Dreams of reaching Kerbin orbit with either way less or way more explosions than the average stupid kerbal.

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  1. Oops almost forgot that: Max 8pts -1 point for each satellite successfully deployed, and another for retrieving -1point for reaching Eeloo with an intact vessel -2pts for successfully deploying a colony -1point for reaching Eeloo at all
  2. Believe me, I tried... It didn't go very well despite hours of brainstorming. Though, as a tip, I assume that some modded behemoth megaship of sorts would be the best solution, even though all my attempts at that failed. As for documentation, well, there's not much inspiration to be taken. I mainly tried with rocket clusters, and now it's too late to try something else... You see, I have a little confession: I don't personally own KSP quite yet, I'm waiting for a steam sale when I'm not broke already. I do try some designs and stuffs at friends' expenses, and I think I've read everything I can read on game mechanics and similar stuff, but my actual experience is likely under 24h... Sadly.
  3. Here's a challenging challenge I kinda just made up outta the blue: Perform a trip to Eeloo in a single vessel of your choice carrying equipment to deploy a permanent, self-supplied colony (Kerbal housing, rover(s), drill(s), sensors, all that stuff). Note that I have not succeeded in this myself, but it should be possible. -Easy-ish version: Deploy the colony on Eeloo. -Hard-ish version: Deploy a self-sustaining colony on Eeloo, and deploy a satellite into stable Duna orbit on the way. -Hard hard version: Drop a self-sustaining colony on Eeloo, deploy a satellite into orbit around Duna on the way, and return the vessel to Kerbin or a space station orbiting it. -Turboninja-extraordinary-superwow version: Drop a self-sustaining colony on Eeloo, deploy a satellite into orbit around Duna and one around Jool (Or one of its moons, you choose), drive your vessel on the surface to your desired dropoff destination for the colony, deploy the colony, and last but not least retrieve the satellites placed on the way out and return to Kerbin. All in one vessel. Good luck.
  4. I crashed some stuff, as usual. Much fun, very kaboom.
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