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  1. Your images is of the LY-05 Steerable, not the LY_01 Fixed. You're not looking at the right part. I'm not modded and i'm running the vanilla Steam purchased and updated version.
  2. Bewing asked: " Which "in game info", please? " Click the left side "ground" tab. Roll over the "LY_01 Fixed Landing Gear" and then right click to bring up extended information. The extended info shows: Brake Torque: 2.0kNm however the brakes don't work.
  3. That's it then. The in game info says it does have brakes but I could never get them to work. OK, thanks.
  4. So I just started down the tech tree and got to planes. I decided to create a car to run around the main complex and gather science like I saw a guy doing on a YouTube video. I have the first set of plane science with the starter wheels. I created a car with science gear, a rocket cockpit, small engine, and the starter wheels. The car will not stay in one place. It rolls down hill when I launch. I apply the brakes from the brake group and nothing happens, the car continues to roll. So I fired up the engine and started down the runway then killed the engine and tried the brakes again. No joy. I looked at the specs and that first set of wheels are supposed to have 2km brakes. What am I doing wrong?
  5. Thanks everyone, excellent advise. I shall endeavor to science on.
  6. As you have most likely figured out, I'm a new Kerbal Player and i'm playing in career mode. I'm finding it difficult to earn science points. I spotted a post from someone talking about "science bombing" the Mun? Can someone explain? I went around with the science kit, thermometer, barometer, did EVA's, etc.. and have run out of places I can get to for log data. Is there a way to earn more science than just running a mission that gives me 10 or so at a time? What's the best way to earn science?
  7. For those of you following my progress. --- I upgraded my runway to a paved runway. Increased my wing area by using the large wing pieces instead of the tiny small swept wings. Used the empty fuselage pieces instead of fuel tanks. Mounted my engines with one fuel tank each and an intake under each wing. Created a "correct" plane like tail with both horizontal and vertical stabilizers. Got rid of all nonessential equipment. I got off the runway on the first launch of the new plane however I was unstable due to placement issues with landing gear, wings, tail section, etc. I'm working on that now. But It did fly! Note: If I could figure out how to attach an image I could show you my plane. Excellent tip.
  8. So, --- Whenever I place landing gear on my fuselage it goes on upside down. I'm forced to play around with the dang rotate controls for 5 minutes every time I try to move them. Snap-to on or off does not help. Am I missing something in placement or is this a bug?
  9. Anyone know how to set Steam to run the 64 bit version? I checked task manager and it looks like it runs the 32 bit version by default and there does not seem to be any settings to go with the 64 bit version. What am I missing? Never mind, I found another thread on it. Thanks.
  10. It sounds like I am way to heavy. I didn't realize there was a weight restriction on landing gear and loaded up with everything I thought I would need on my survey trips. I have a full liquid fuel fuselage tank with two engines mounted on the side. I also have a full set of science gear, batteries, solar panels, etc. I will lighten the load and see how I do. Thanks for the advise!
  11. So --- I built my first plane, just like one I saw built on a Youtube video by Quill. I only have the starter plane parts so it got the basic gear. I start the engines, taxi down the runway at full throttle, and blow up. The log shows my take off then the landing gear making contact with the runway and after that the show's over. I've tried attempting to fly up sooner, later, never, more power, less power, etc, with no joy. Any suggestions? Note to mods: Any particular reason I always have to get my posts approved by mods before they go up? It's kind of annoying.
  12. I'm a new player attempting to grind my way up the science tree in career mode and currently on the first and second level of the tree. I found a bunch of survey contracts that I could not figure out how to do so I declined them. After declining them I noticed that they had a -1 to reputation stars when declined. Does reputation actually effect anything? I seem to be at 0 reputation because I declined about 10 contracts while looking for something I actually had the equipment to do. Is there any drawback to cycling through contracts until you find a good one?
  13. Did they get rid of the small storage compartment that allowed you to store science? I was watching a video where Quil built a plane and added a small storage compartment that allowed him to fly around to different bioms and collect science and store it as he collected it. Is that feature missing in the latest Steam release? I can't seem to find it.
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