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  1. Hey guys,right so I have replaced strutConnectorMedium with strutConnector and this seems to have resolved that issue, however I now have this issue is there another replacement I can make?
  2. Where do i find the craft files and persistence files?
  3. Like is there anyway I can edit the cfg files of the actual ships to remove the part so it can load without it?
  4. So I should sit tight and wait? Is there nothing I can do in the meantime?
  5. Sorry, forgot to mention that strutConnectorMedium was a part from KW Rocketry! I just worded my initial question wrong
  6. Hi All! So as you all must know, the 1.2 update came out today!! (yayyy) and so i dutifully updated my game from Steam. Anyway I have lots of mods installed, including, but not limited to, KW rocketry. Anyhow, when I updated my game it informed me that it could no longer load pretty much any of my spacecraft as the part medium strut connector was missing. Is there any way to resolve this?????
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