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Gabriel Strange

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  1. As @RoverDude said, it's the colloder, I moved the drill head up a little bit and it's fine. It's not always practical to do that if you already have an sizable mining operation. I was lucky enough to only have a few rigs out there. I don't know if there is a quick fix, or if we need to wait for a patch.
  2. So just updated my install, everything was working fine on 1.2.1. I have some drilling rigs on Minmus, that worked wonderfully under 1.2.1, but when I go to them in 1.2.2. they are bouncing all over the place, like a drunk soldier. If i try to time warp when the drills are active the ship drops through the landscape and the games goes funny. Sometimes i can't switch away from them when the drill is working as it says the ship is about to crash. Also with this bouncing around they ship walks across the terrain. I haven't updated any mods, just the main game and before the update everything was fine. It seems elements of the drills animation are being put on the ship itself. Has anyone else noticed this issue? Gabriel
  3. I have found the bug, it required some editing of the mods cfg files. The following two files have bugs that I have found. Kerbal Space Program\GameData\NearFuturePropulsion\Parts\Engines\ionArgon-125\ionArgon-125.cfg Kerbal Space Program\GameData\NearFuturePropulsion\Parts\Engines\ionXenon-125\ionXenon-125.cfg Open them in a plaintext editor such and notepad on windows and find the line 'TechRequired = Unresearcheable' change that to 'TechRequired = ionPropulsion' Then reload the game and you should have everything working again. Do the same if you find other parts that are missing. Gabriel
  4. I'm having exactly the same problem, all science unlocked, parts on satellites, yet loading ad launching a ship it says they are locked parts. I Think this is a bug in Near Future Propulsion.
  5. Now to fight with everything else to get it working. Mostly I think it's just changing some things from Strut to Part until the mod devs update things.
  6. Not sure if it's not KJR, then something has done it, as just a name change solved the issue and everything is back to normal. Well if we find the culprit then hopefully someone posts here or on the mods forum. Gabriel
  7. I only use two types of strut one stock (EAS-4) and one non-stock, and the non-stock one is fine. Unless something has altered the name and added Medium. Because when I made the change and replaced the names everything worked fine. The only other thing I can think that may have done something is Kerbal Joint Reenforcement, looking at the save file other than the name the parts are identical. I know someone else has had this issue, so I'm not sure what is causing the name change, my best guess is KJR. Either way, the above fix still applies and gets the save file working properly. If anyone knows is KJR is responsible for this change post here as it might have appended other things after other parts. Gabriel
  8. It's the EAS-4 connector, and when I did the name swap, it worked fine. Unless something else has changed the name of it. Maybe Kerbal Join Reenforcement.
  9. After some messing around I have found a bug, well not a bug just something I presume (Edit: presumed wrong but no clue as to what mod has changed the name) Squad missed in 1.2. Essentially the save game and ships need patching as one of the base parts has been altered and has its name changed slightly. If you get the message saying some parts are missing or ships won't load because of missing parts then this might help you. The Missing Part: strutConnectorMedium (AKA: EAS-4 Strut) If you get an error saying this part is missing, then you need to edit your save file, and ship files. Even though it seems it might be a mod that has changed the name of this part this fix still gets things working as the parts are identical. Open ([KSP Dir] \saves\ [savefile name] \ persistent.sfs) in a plain text editor i.e. Notepad. Find and replace all instances of 'strutConnectorMedium' with 'strutConnector'. Don't change anything else. Save the file, then reopen KSP, and load your save. The error is gone and the strut is exactly the same as before. I know were all fond of struts, and I hope Squad gets onto this in the next patch. I would submit a bug report but the tracker isn't working for me. If someone else can submit this for me that's great. Gabriel
  10. I have the same issue, Squad has renamed a part and not patched any saves or ship files. I have found a solution. Open up you're save file in a plain text editor and replace all instances of 'strutConnectorMedium' with 'strutConnector' Save and reload. And it should be fine.
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