Hey players and devs.
I tried to make this post before but i think it didn't go through (page crashed randomly) if it does come through well i will just delete this one, anyway on to the post!
I am just curious because i have been searching the forums here, on steam and redit and i can't get a clear answer.. why are they continually developing the first game when they are planning to release the second game in half a year?
The game doesn't contain a story line and if the second game contains everything the first has plus a lot more content, mechanics, multiplayer and improved graphics, why would anyone play the first one at all?
I can understand if people have computers that might not be able to handle the 2nd game but a part from that, the first game would be obsolete to the 2nd wouldnt it? unless their is things you can do in the first that you can't do in the
second which seems a little silly. I would use universe sandbox as an example, when the 2nd was released the first was completely redundant, there was no reason to play the first at all, so for a game like this where their is no story
to go back to experience, i can't see the logic of the continuous development of the first while the newer one of the series is released.
Can a dev or anyone here with more knowledge about it please explain it to me? i tend to leave a previous installment of a game and focus on a sequel in any series i play, so i am curious why i should keep the first installed when i will
be giving the second game all my attention?
Thanks in advanced,