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Everything posted by DaDodsworth

  1. I was playing around today and made a hexagon tank for a refuel station, I quiet like it think it could be a nice small addition to the pack. I'd make one myself but not experienced in texturing and don't have a computer for the next week so it'll have to wait. Here's a pic anyway http://imgur.com/41jvi0F
  2. where is that walkway part from? Looks very cool.
  3. I'm not launching the whole thing off duna, the Centre is a return rocket, to LDO. The mission plan is, Find a spot that looks flat, send a rover to check and mark the landing zone, send the base down, using parachutes and the vtol engines on the side so it lands soft, send down 2 manned pods with a couple of solar panels to put away from the base and connect using the KAS mod. Explore Duna for a while In the previously landed rover. Then launch the centre return vehicle to orbiting return stage, and happily land back on kerbin. Here is some picture >>>>> http://imgur.com/a/lILln
  4. That makes sense, Thanks. Oh I completely forgot about this feature! I'm going to give this a go now, Thanks people!
  5. So on all my Probe missions to other planets I always come in clockwise and not anti-clockwise, can anybody explain why and how to get in anti-clockwise?
  6. Those Decouplers might come in handy for my in development Duna Mission, The centre has a 7 kerbal launch vehicle to reach low duno orbit and dock with a kerbin return stage.
  7. Love this update especially the big warthog pod and centrifugal part. Having problems with the airlock door though, There seems to be like some form of invisible block in front of the hatch so you can't get in. Getting out works fine.
  8. Yeah sorry I didn't give enough detail. The hatch at the front is fine it can be used to get out just not in as you cant get onto of the wheels in EVA on Kerbin. To get round this I though I'll put a airlock on the back with a ladder, climbed on ladder, couldn't get onto the airlock ladder. Tried a whole bunch of things, I think its to do with the collision mess for the model.
  9. I love this mod, been playing with the new wheels and I cant make a good rover without it blocking the hatch :/ http://i.imgur.com/b0rtd04.jpg and then even with the airlock in that position I can't access it?
  10. the latest B9 download had 2 part folders, one says FAR on it, you need those parts for it to work.
  11. Is there something I'm missing with the VTOL engines? You can't radial attach them with out some trusses.
  12. I had a feeling that's what you was thinking. Do you Plan on doing an internal for it or you waiting to see what the devs do when they redo the aero parts? Loving the parts anyhow, especially the internals and cargo bays.
  13. Is there no internal for the MK5 cockpit? Its a shame to have all those nice internals and then not even have one for that since its probably going to be the most used one by me.
  14. Just bought the game for the 0.14 release and thought it would be appropriate to say hello. Hello. I love the game, mainly for its potential at the minute, but it still has a lot of play factor even now in alpha stages.
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