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  1. hi after having put my first outpost on mun surface, few mouths later i get the mission to expend it the probleme is : once i dock the expansion part on the old outpost the option " Ensure that the outpost has an antenna, has a docking port, and can generate power " becomes grey my mods are KER and KAC both updated here are 2 shoots : Edit : it seems like retourning to this outpost from tracking station few days later solves this issue
  2. almost a weak after my first support steam ticket finally i get the mail to recover my acc ty guys
  3. well i dont see where to find help on steam support it's like speaking with a machine and the question answers u already seen tons of times :x
  4. hi during the christmass my steam aacount was hacked the profil was changed ( fusion with an other acc or something like this i supose ) i recover the steam profil, changed the password and inculde the phone check... anyways that's not the problem since there i can't to play any game i already baught, steam asks me to connect with my old profil ( witch does'nt exist anymore ... ) to give me the authorisation for.... is anyone know what am i suposed to do right now ? euhm sry for the title dunno what happened
  5. hi, nice mod realy enjoy to use it, but after dll all the mods listed on the first page ( except the life support) there is still few empty nodes in my tree can someone tell me witch modes are going into : 1. the "blue clear" nodes ( tech lvl 5 line 5 and line 6 the last 2 tech lvls ) ? 2. the "purple ones" after advanced ion propulsion there is a line with advanced electrostatic prop. and exp. electrostatic thrusters on advance ty
  6. euhm am i alone to use radiators only in case of any specific part create heat and need to been cooled ( ex. isru ) i see no reason to put them as coolers on ssto : 1. drag 2. weight 3. they are heating by their own in atmo it's always cool to have some Tcs once in space, but why in atmo flight ? it's like put a heatshield on the top of a rocket
  7. pretty strange there is still no viable solution for this problem.... espacialy if btw adding to Jr. and Goo, the crew report is also resetable.. seems like squad crew wants to make us click on the smallest parts of the vessel
  8. i'm already running on, to get correctly readings i added the fuel lnks.. and once on space ( without fuel links ) i simply refuel the " central" tank with the radials, but yeah that's pretty confusing stuff edit : gosh i restored my game data folder with an old KER version (?!) ... sry guys indeed works fine....
  9. hi, i dont know if i should to report this but the radial mounted fuel tanks are consider simply as payload for KER (?) , or maybe the mod parts are not compatible for dV reading (?) here are 2 pictures to illustrate my dV reading problem, it should be clear : the fuel tanks are from "ModRocketSys" i have no clue if it's a general issue or just relates to this particular mod, but as u see adding these fuel tanks resulting on lose of dV. again good job @Padisharcybutek and all the other ppl working on this mod cheers
  10. it's not a question of scene, vab, sph, in flight on kerbin, in space, i only have a choice between 2 (always the same) modules, as there should be kac, ker and some other stuff... they are not. but thx anyways @COL.R.Neville
  11. ok guys maybe i'm completly dump or somethnig but i still dont understand how to put my mod buttons into a toolbar, when i click "configure visible buttons" this only shows me 2 mods there... i have tens what am i missing ?
  12. actually with a basic mk2 ssto i was able to aerocapture on around 75-80km, the deeper was 72km and i burn out ( the mk2 cockpit isn't great for this ),
  13. i just realise having the same issue on my duna station .. on minmus i completly redisgn my outpost cos of this..; but here on duna, i can't.. so i tried different things here are the conclusions : lowering the legs = no shake having wheels on structural segments = almost no shake... the mega xxl revomax rover gears are the real problem they was breaking apart everytime i end the refuel.... so i basicly remove the part with this gears and put as close as possible to the "refuel tanker" ... still this is the ground station i dont realy understand why is it happen on space for u @Rocksummit
  14. hi there i was experiencing the same issue on my minmus ground station and as it's a common part of our ships i suspect the "HubMax" causing this i tried to made an X connexion for several parts ( labs, ore tanks crew cabins.... ) once 4 parts connected on each side the final connexion of the fuel tanker produce the incontrollable shake of all the assembly. did u try to disable the autostruts as @bewing suggest ? did it solve your issue ?
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