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Everything posted by Kieran

  1. 日本語は喋る、それのほうが易しいですか
  2. There is definitely a lot more information to sync between players than the average game. The most analogous multiplayer game would be Garry's Mod, because all the contraptions in it are created from physics objects, just like in KSP. And in that case, Gmod manages to network hundreds of individual physics objects in real time without sacrificing latency.
  3. Sorry, I didn't mean to put words into your mouth. I am interested in taking a look at the source code, but I can't exactly promise I'm going to work on it. I'm sorry for being aggressive with my first post, I'm just concerned with developers giving users the impression that their current machines are weaker than they actually are, or that something is technically infeasible when it is not. Take the developers of STALKER, for example. They said that their game system was too complicated to implement multiplayer, they literally claimed it was impossible. As a result, people didn't attempt to create a multiplayer mod for years. It's only just recently that a mod group has decided to work on a multiplayer mod for that game, and once they tried doing it they found it was a very simple matter. The original developers just made that claim because they didn't have the time or resources, and they mislead an entire community for years because of it. All talk of STALKER multiplayer was immediately silenced because "the devs say its impossible," until a team finally came out with proof of concept videos showing that it was indeed very possible.
  4. My apologies, as I said before I only want to dispel misconceptions. It's not helpful to give other forum users false expectations. Am I the one interrupting? This person is posting about their own mod in a thread for somebody else's. I can help them by saying that if they are finding 500ms to be necessary for whatever they are trying to do, there is a fundamental issue with the design, and they may want to examine that.
  5. You are definitely mistaken here. If the server is running locally on your computer, the latency should not be much higher than 5 or 10 ms. Network messages are fast, even a large network message will arrive virtually instantly. If you're required to have such massive latency in the system, something is going wrong or something has been written inefficiently. Needing 500ms as a baseline latency between a locally networked program is absurd. I'm only saying this because I don't appreciate you giving users less knowledgeable about programming the wrong idea. You can network KSP with the exact same amount of latency as any regular co-op game, i.e. approximately 50ms or better.
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