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Everything posted by saphera12

  1. 1. SAS is as likely to crash my vessel as keep it steady. This problem is especially clear in planes. This combined with the rockets being even more floppy than KSP1 means that during Launch/ Flight/ or even in space with large vessels SAS can not be used 90% of the time. 2. Maneuver nodes reset constantly. 3. Orbital Path is not shown when entering a new SOI. Either a glitch or just a missing feature. Either way it needs to be corrected to allow for any kid of transfer correction or fine tuning. 4. Kraken strikes! When using time warp low in the SOI of a body besides Kerbin a rotation gets applied that will spin the vessel to destruction. Makes landing and decent burns tedious because you cannot use time warp. 5. The pop up messages for Pause/ start time and “auto: ground” glitch out and fill the entire screen. Pausing repeats the message between 3-5 times and if flying in a low orbit near the boarder or ground/orbit the camera message just covers the whole screen. These messages should be transparent (like KSP1), togglable, and not glitch out and repeat from a single event. 6. Fuel lines and cross feed are broken, just don’t work. Turn off cross feed still drains all tanks, put in fuel lines still drains all tanks… makes stages and sstos difficult if not impossible. 7. The VAB: this is a whole set of its own issues: a. Mirroring is broken for things like struts and fuel lines. They have to be placed one by one and then they disappear if you move/ reload/ or merge the part. b. Data!!! Delta V display just doesn’t work most of the time. c. Select Root and launch buttons don’t seem to really work. d. Placing parts inside payload/hollow parts is very difficult as it tries to attach to the outside. e. Center of mass and center of lift do not update accurately or reliably. Big problem when making planes. Adjusting the fuel in the part editor did not translate to show the new center of mass. When using the wing editor, the center of lift display does not update until the editor is closed. this means that in order to manipulate the center of lift you have to blindly try and adjustment close the editor see the effect on the center of lift and reopen the editor and repeat.
  2. This is the first major game breaking issues I've run across. If i time warp in low altitude around the Mun or Min the craft goes into a completely uncontrollable spin when I exit warp. To the extent that the ship flies apart and the orbit is drastically changed. This happens with multiple ships. The one savings grace was that if i only did short warps it would give it less spin and i was able to reorient and then do another short warp. But if i Warp through say a quarter of an orbit to begin a decent burn the ships would be lost. Together we shall slay the kraken!!!
  3. The nodes are seriously broken. 1. Nodes resetting 2. Can't view orbital data while editing a node makes it almost impossible to get precise orbits. (Rendezvous, interplanetary transfer.) 3. Can't see remaining delta v info during the burn again makes precise burns difficult. 4. Can't do small edits to a manuver node with the scroll wheel. 5. Can't advance an node to the next orbit 6. Not exactly a node issues but not being able to see the projected orbit in a secondary body (eg. The Mun) during a transfer means it is very difficult to figure out the direction of your final orbit. This is a core game mechanic and right now it is extremely limiting.
  4. Yeah it seems to be how the game ends any warp that isn't manual.
  5. I had the same thing. It appeared that some kind of rotational force builds up in time warp and is all applied when you come out. Iv had it with any vessel. Doing a very short time warp just gives it a jolt but warping through half an orbit puts it into a spin that cause the vessel to fly apart.
  6. I purchased it several years ago and I'm having the exact same problem. except I'm updating to 1.2 but the patcher doesn't seem to work on 64-bit so trying to download fresh copy from site. you might be able to copy/paste it from another computer onto a drive and onto your laptop though. I think I'm gonna have to wait till they fix the site though...
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