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Everything posted by PSU_Jedi

  1. @TheDicko you won't be able to use Serial Monitor while connected to Kerbal Simpit because the arduino board uses the serial connection to connect to KSP. That's what you're getting a port busy error message. @TheDicko noticed that on a couple of your posts you made an Edit and said that you solved it...for the benefit of the rest of us on the forum, could you explain what you found to be the problem and how you fixed it? I'm sure others have run into similar issues and this might help quite a few people. Thanks!
  2. What happens if you put the translation code directly into loop() instead of in a separate call?
  3. I'm running KSP version on Windows 10. Acording to CKAN I have Kerbal Simpit version I'm on Arduino IDE 1.8.13 (Windows Store I tried your code here and strangely I got this error: no matching function for call to 'KerbalSimpit::send(int, int*, int)' These two pieces of advice seemed to work really well. I played for well over a half hour and had no issues with the controller locking up at all. I didn't change the RefreshRate at all. So based on a couple of test runs, I want to say it was the code for the analog stick that was overloading everything. Also, something I did in this part of code didn't work right. The LEDs no longer responded properly and only seemed to randomly come on and never turned off once on. THANKS for your advice above! It has really helped me enjoy my custom controller again!!!
  4. My control box becomes unresponsive ~20-30 minutes into gameplay, or sometimes it seems shorter if I'm using the analog joysticks a lot. Given that, it seems that maybe the information exchange between the Mega board and the game is getting overloaded? Also, the rotary encoder for my SAS mode selector isn't working anymore. Could be that the wiring came loose (hard to check without pulling the whole panel off the control box), but if you see anything in that part of the code that would give you pause, let me know please. BTW, I also have a Leonardo emulating keyboard commands into KSP running on the same control box. It continues to function indefinitely, even after the Mega quits functioning. Code is below...any help would be appreciated! // Sets up the Arduino Mega to handle the analog joysticks, Action Groups, switches and buttons #include <KerbalSimpit.h> #include <KerbalSimpitMessageTypes.h> #include <PayloadStructs.h> #include <ezButton.h> // loads ezButton library for button debounce #include <Rotary.h> rotationMessage myRotation; translationMessage myTranslation; const int ROT_X = A0; // assigns rotation joystick X-axis to pin Analog 0 const int ROT_Y = A1; // assigns rotation joystick Y-axis to pin Analog 1 const int ROT_Z = A2; // assigns rotation joystick Z-axis to pin Analog 2 const int TRANS_X = A3; // assigns translation joystick X-axis to pin Analog 3 const int TRANS_Y = A4; // assigns translation joystick Y-axis to pin Analog 4 const int TRANS_Z = A5; // assigns translation joystick Z-axis to pin Analog 5 const int STAGE_BTN = 2; // assigns the Staging button to pin 2 const int RCS_LED = 3; // assigns the RCS indicator LED to pin 3 const int BRAKES_LED = 4; // assigns the Brakes indicator LED to pin 4 const int GEAR_LED = 5; // assigns the Landing Gear indicator LED to pin 5 const int LIGHTS_LED = 6; // assigns the Lights indicator LED to pin 6 const int SAS_LED = 7; // assigns the SAS indicator LED to pin 7 const int THROT_CLK = 22; // assigns the Throttle rotary encoder CLK output ("A") to pin 22 const int THROT_DT = 23; // assigns the Throttle rotary encoder DT output ("B") to pin 23 const int THROT_BTN = 24; // assigns the Throttle rotary encoder Switch output to pin 24 const int THROT_CUT = 25; // assigns the Throttle Cut button output to pin 25 const int SAS_CLK = 32; // assigns the SAS rotary encoder CLK output ("A") to pin 32 const int SAS_DT = 33; // assigns the SAS rotary encoder DT output ("B") to pin 33 const int SAS_SWITCH = 34; // assigns the SAS switch output to pin 34 const int RCS_SWITCH = 35; // assigns the RCS switch output to pin 35 const int BRAKES_SWITCH = 36; // assigns the Brakes switch output to pin 36 const int GEAR_SWITCH = 37; // assigns the Gear switch output to pin 37 const int LIGHTS_SWITCH = 38; // assigns the Lights switch output to pin 38 const int ABORT_BTN = 39; // assigns the Abort switch output to pin 38 const int AG_01 = 41; // assigns the Action Group 1 switch output to pin 41 const int AG_02 = 42; // assigns the Action Group 2 switch output to pin 42 const int AG_03 = 43; // assigns the Action Group 3 switch output to pin 43 const int AG_04 = 44; // assigns the Action Group 4 switch output to pin 44 const int AG_05 = 45; // assigns the Action Group 5 switch output to pin 45 const int AG_06 = 46; // assigns the Action Group 6 switch output to pin 46 const int AG_07 = 47; // assigns the Action Group 7 switch output to pin 47 const int AG_08 = 48; // assigns the Action Group 8 switch output to pin 48 const int AG_09 = 49; // assigns the Action Group 9 switch output to pin 49 const int AG_10 = 50; // assigns the Action Group 10 switch output to pin 50 int sas_Counter = 1; // initializes SAS Mode counter value variable at 1 int currentSASStateCLK; int lastSASStateCLK; int throt_Counter = 0; // initializes Throttle counter value variable at 0 int currentThrotStateCLK; int lastThrotStateCLK; int rot_X_Read; int rot_Y_Read; int rot_Z_Read; int rot_X_Mapped; int rot_Y_Mapped; int rot_Z_Mapped; int trans_X_Read; int trans_Y_Read; int trans_Z_Read; int trans_X_Mapped; int trans_Y_Mapped; int trans_Z_Mapped; int debounce_Time = 25; KerbalSimpit mySimpit(Serial); ezButton buttonSTAGE(STAGE_BTN); ezButton buttonTHROT(THROT_BTN); ezButton buttonTHROT_CUT(THROT_CUT); ezButton buttonSAS(SAS_SWITCH); ezButton buttonRCS(RCS_SWITCH); ezButton buttonBRAKES(BRAKES_SWITCH); ezButton buttonGEAR(GEAR_SWITCH); ezButton buttonLIGHTS(LIGHTS_SWITCH); ezButton buttonABORT(ABORT_BTN); ezButton buttonAG_01(AG_01); ezButton buttonAG_02(AG_02); ezButton buttonAG_03(AG_03); ezButton buttonAG_04(AG_04); ezButton buttonAG_05(AG_05); ezButton buttonAG_06(AG_06); ezButton buttonAG_07(AG_07); ezButton buttonAG_08(AG_08); ezButton buttonAG_09(AG_09); ezButton buttonAG_10(AG_10); Rotary throtRotary = Rotary(THROT_DT, THROT_CLK); Rotary sasRotary = Rotary(SAS_DT, SAS_CLK); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // begins the serial connection to the computer through USB pinMode(ROT_X, INPUT); // defines inputs and outputs on Arduino pins pinMode(ROT_Y, INPUT); pinMode(ROT_Z, INPUT); pinMode(TRANS_X, INPUT); pinMode(TRANS_Y, INPUT); pinMode(TRANS_Z, INPUT); pinMode(STAGE_BTN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(SAS_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(RCS_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(BRAKES_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(GEAR_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(LIGHTS_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(SAS_CLK, INPUT); pinMode(SAS_DT, INPUT); pinMode(SAS_SWITCH, INPUT); pinMode(THROT_CLK, INPUT); pinMode(THROT_DT, INPUT); pinMode(THROT_BTN, INPUT); pinMode(SAS_SWITCH, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(RCS_SWITCH, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(BRAKES_SWITCH, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(GEAR_SWITCH, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(LIGHTS_SWITCH, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(ABORT_BTN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(AG_01, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(AG_02, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(AG_03, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(AG_04, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(AG_05, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(AG_06, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(AG_07, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(AG_08, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(AG_09, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(AG_10, INPUT_PULLUP); buttonSTAGE.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); // sets debounce times for buttons buttonTHROT.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonTHROT_CUT.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonSAS.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonRCS.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonBRAKES.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonGEAR.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonLIGHTS.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonABORT.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonAG_01.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonAG_02.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonAG_03.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonAG_04.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonAG_05.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonAG_06.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonAG_07.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonAG_08.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonAG_09.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonAG_10.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); digitalWrite(SAS_LED, HIGH); // turns on all the LEDs while the handshake process is happening digitalWrite(RCS_LED, HIGH); digitalWrite(BRAKES_LED, HIGH); digitalWrite(GEAR_LED, HIGH); digitalWrite(LIGHTS_LED, HIGH); while (!mySimpit.init()) { // initializes (handshakes) with Simpit mod delay(100); } digitalWrite(SAS_LED, LOW); // turns off all the LEDs once the handshake process is complete digitalWrite(RCS_LED, LOW); digitalWrite(BRAKES_LED, LOW); digitalWrite(GEAR_LED, LOW); digitalWrite(LIGHTS_LED, LOW); mySimpit.inboundHandler(messageHandler); // declares the message handler to read incoming messages from Simpit mod mySimpit.registerChannel(ACTIONSTATUS_MESSAGE); // subscribes to the Action Status message channel mySimpit.registerChannel(ROTATION_MESSAGE); // subscribes to the Rotation message channel mySimpit.registerChannel(TRANSLATION_MESSAGE); // subscribes to the Translation message channel mySimpit.registerChannel(SCENE_CHANGE_MESSAGE); // subscribes to the Scene Change message channel } void loop() { mySimpit.update(); // necessary updates and loops for called functions buttonSTAGE.loop(); buttonTHROT.loop(); buttonTHROT_CUT.loop(); buttonSAS.loop(); buttonRCS.loop(); buttonBRAKES.loop(); buttonGEAR.loop(); buttonLIGHTS.loop(); buttonABORT.loop(); buttonAG_01.loop(); buttonAG_02.loop(); buttonAG_03.loop(); buttonAG_04.loop(); buttonAG_05.loop(); buttonAG_06.loop(); buttonAG_07.loop(); buttonAG_08.loop(); buttonAG_09.loop(); buttonAG_10.loop(); throt_Counter = constrain(throt_Counter, 0, 32767); // sets upper and lower limits for counter variables for rotary encoders sas_Counter = constrain(sas_Counter, 1, 10); int rot_X_Read = analogRead(ROT_X); // takes a reading for the X-axis; from testing determined X-min = 330, X-mid = 505, X-max = 693 if (rot_X_Read < 510 && rot_X_Read > 500) { // determines if the X-axis pot is in the middle deadzone to eliminate jitter rot_X_Mapped = 0; } if (rot_X_Read <= 500) { // determines if X-axis pot is in the negative portion of its motion rot_X_Mapped = map(rot_X_Read, 330, 500, -32768, 0); // sets the mapping for the negative portion of the axis } if (rot_X_Read >= 510) { // determined if X-axis pot is in the positive portion of its motion rot_X_Mapped = map(rot_X_Read, 510, 693, 0, 32767); // sets the mapping for the positive portion of the axis } int rot_Y_Read = analogRead(ROT_Y); if (rot_Y_Read < 518 && rot_Y_Read > 508) { rot_Y_Mapped = 0; } if (rot_Y_Read <= 508) { rot_Y_Mapped = map(rot_Y_Read, 344, 508, -32768, 0); } if (rot_Y_Read >= 518) { rot_Y_Mapped = map(rot_Y_Read, 518, 680, 0, 32767); } int rot_Z_Read = analogRead(ROT_Z); if (rot_Z_Read < 520 && rot_Z_Read > 510) { rot_Z_Mapped = 0; } if (rot_Z_Read <= 510) { rot_Z_Mapped = map(rot_Z_Read, 296, 510, -32768, 0); } if (rot_Z_Read >= 520) { rot_Z_Mapped = map(rot_Z_Read, 520, 733, 0, 32767); } myRotation.mask = 1|2|4; myRotation.pitch = rot_Y_Mapped; myRotation.roll = rot_X_Mapped; // applies the X-axis value as the rotation roll value myRotation.yaw = rot_Z_Mapped; mySimpit.send(ROTATION_MESSAGE, myRotation); // sends the rotation value to Simpit int trans_X_Read = analogRead(TRANS_X); // takes a reading for the X-axis; from testing determined X-min = 330, X-mid = 505, X-max = 693 if (trans_X_Read < 510 && trans_X_Read > 500) { // determines if the X-axis pot is in the middle deadzone to eliminate jitter trans_X_Mapped = 0; } if (trans_X_Read <= 500) { // determines if X-axis pot is in the negative portion of its motion trans_X_Mapped = map(trans_X_Read, 330, 500, -32768, 0); // sets the mapping for the negative portion of the axis } if (trans_X_Read >= 510) { // determined if X-axis pot is in the positive portion of its motion trans_X_Mapped = map(trans_X_Read, 510, 693, 0, 32767); // sets the mapping for the positive portion of the axis } int trans_Y_Read = analogRead(TRANS_Y); if (trans_Y_Read < 518 && trans_Y_Read > 508) { trans_Y_Mapped = 0; } if (trans_Y_Read <= 508) { trans_Y_Mapped = map(trans_Y_Read, 344, 508, -32768, 0); } if (trans_Y_Read >= 518) { trans_Y_Mapped = map(trans_Y_Read, 518, 680, 0, 32767); } int trans_Z_Read = analogRead(TRANS_Z); if (trans_Z_Read < 520 && trans_Z_Read > 510) { trans_Z_Mapped = 0; } if (trans_Z_Read <= 510) { trans_Z_Mapped = map(trans_Z_Read, 296, 510, -32768, 0); } if (trans_Z_Read >= 520) { trans_Z_Mapped = map(trans_Z_Read, 520, 733, 0, 32767); } myTranslation.mask = 1|2|4; myTranslation.X = trans_X_Mapped; // applies the X-axis value as the X translation value myTranslation.Y = trans_Y_Mapped; myTranslation.Z = trans_Z_Mapped; mySimpit.send(TRANSLATION_MESSAGE, myTranslation); // sends the translation value to Simpit if (buttonSTAGE.isPressed()) { mySimpit.toggleAction(STAGE_ACTION); } if (buttonTHROT.isPressed()) { throt_Counter = 32767; mySimpit.send(THROTTLE_MESSAGE, throt_Counter); } if (buttonTHROT_CUT.isPressed()) { throt_Counter = 0; mySimpit.send(THROTTLE_MESSAGE, throt_Counter); } if (buttonSAS.isPressed()) { mySimpit.toggleAction(SAS_ACTION); } if (buttonRCS.isPressed()) { // declares action if the RCS button is pressed (toggles RCS on/off) mySimpit.toggleAction(RCS_ACTION); } if (buttonBRAKES.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Brakes button is pressed (toggles Brakes on/off) mySimpit.toggleAction(BRAKES_ACTION); } if (buttonGEAR.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Gear button is pressed (toggles Gear up/down) mySimpit.toggleAction(GEAR_ACTION); } if (buttonLIGHTS.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Lights button is pressed (toggles Lights on/off) mySimpit.toggleAction(LIGHT_ACTION); } if (buttonABORT.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Abort button is pressed (activates the Abort action group) mySimpit.toggleAction(ABORT_ACTION); } if (buttonAG_01.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 1 is pressed (toggles Action Group 1) mySimpit.toggleCAG(1); } if (buttonAG_02.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 2 is pressed (toggles Action Group 2) mySimpit.toggleCAG(2); } if (buttonAG_03.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 3 is pressed (toggles Action Group 3) mySimpit.toggleCAG(3); } if (buttonAG_04.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 4 is pressed (toggles Action Group 4) mySimpit.toggleCAG(4); } if (buttonAG_05.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 5 is pressed (toggles Action Group 5) mySimpit.toggleCAG(5); } if (buttonAG_05.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 6 is pressed (toggles Action Group 6) mySimpit.toggleCAG(6); } if (buttonAG_07.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 7 is pressed (toggles Action Group 7) mySimpit.toggleCAG(7); } if (buttonAG_08.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 8 is pressed (toggles Action Group 8) mySimpit.toggleCAG(8); } if (buttonAG_09.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 9 is pressed (toggles Action Group 9) mySimpit.toggleCAG(9); } if (buttonAG_10.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 10 is pressed (toggles Action Group 10) mySimpit.toggleCAG(10); } unsigned char throtResult = throtRotary.process(); if (throtResult == DIR_CW && (throt_Counter <= 29487)) { throt_Counter = throt_Counter + 3276; // increments the Throttle counter by ~10% mySimpit.send(THROTTLE_MESSAGE, throt_Counter); // sends the new throttle setting to Simpit } if (throtResult == DIR_CCW && (throt_Counter >= 3276)) { throt_Counter = throt_Counter - 3276; // decrements the Throttle counter by ~10% mySimpit.send(THROTTLE_MESSAGE, throt_Counter); // sends the new throttle setting to Simpit } unsigned char sasResult = sasRotary.process(); if (sasResult == DIR_CW) { sas_Counter++; // increments the SAS counter by 1 mySimpit.send(28, (unsigned char*) &sas_Counter, 1); // sends the new SAS mode setting to Simpit } if (sasResult == DIR_CCW) { sas_Counter--; // decrements the SAS Counter by 1 mySimpit.send(28, (unsigned char*) &sas_Counter, 1); // sends the new SAS mode setting to Simpit } } void messageHandler(byte messageType, byte msg[], byte msgSize) { // sets up the message handler to receive messages from Simpit switch(messageType) { case ACTIONSTATUS_MESSAGE: // defines the set of actions for messages coming from ACTIONSTATUS_MESSAGE byte actions = msg[0]; // assigns the ACTIONSTATUS_MESSAGE to the variable actions if (actions & SAS_ACTION) { // checks to see if SAS is turned on digitalWrite(SAS_LED, HIGH); // turns on the SAS LED indicator if SAS is on } else { digitalWrite(SAS_LED, LOW); // set SAS LED indicator off if SAS is off } if (actions & GEAR_ACTION) { // checks to see if Gear is down digitalWrite(GEAR_LED, HIGH); // turns on Gear LED indicator if gear is down } else { digitalWrite(GEAR_LED, LOW); // set the Gear indicator off if gear is up } if (actions & LIGHT_ACTION) { // checks to see if Lights are on digitalWrite(LIGHTS_LED, HIGH); // turns on Lights LED indicator if lights are on } else { digitalWrite(LIGHTS_LED, LOW); // set Lights indicator off if lights are off } if (actions & RCS_ACTION) { // checks to see if RCS is active digitalWrite(RCS_LED, HIGH); // turns on the RCS LED indicator if RCS is active } else { digitalWrite(RCS_LED, LOW); // set RCS indicator off if RCS is inactive } if (actions & BRAKES_ACTION) { // checks to see if Brakes are on digitalWrite(BRAKES_LED, HIGH); // turns on Brakes LED indicator if brakes are on } else { digitalWrite(BRAKES_LED, LOW); // set Brakes indicator off if brakes are off } break; case SCENE_CHANGE_MESSAGE: // defines the set of actions for messages coming from SCENE-CHANGE-MESSAGE byte scene_state = msg[0]; // assigns the SCENE_CHANGE_MESSAGE to the variable scene_state if (scene_state & 0x01) { // checks to see if we are leaving the Flight scene digitalWrite(SAS_LED, LOW); // turns off all LED indicators is leaving the Flight scene digitalWrite(GEAR_LED, LOW); digitalWrite(LIGHTS_LED, LOW); digitalWrite(RCS_LED, LOW); digitalWrite(BRAKES_LED, LOW); } break; } }
  5. All, I just finished constructing my prototype control box and everything was working individually until I put it all together. Now it freezes up about 5-10 seconds into game play and seems to stop transmitting data to the computer. I've checked the circuit connections and have found no shorts or faulty connections. Running tests with serial monitor shows that the Arduino is continuously outputting data in these situations. What I've noticed when I play the game is that the Rx LED on the Arduino is constantly lit up, which makes me think that it's locking up because it's getting inundated with information from the USB port. Do the message channels continually broadcast? TIA. EDIT: Further testing revealed that it is the interaction of the analog joysticks that seems to cause everything to freeze up. I commented out the portion of the code below where the joysticks live and everything else worked flawlessly without freezing. The joysticks work on their own when I troubleshoot with serial monitor, and both power and ground are commonly wired with the joysticks in parallel with the other buttons and switches, so it's not a physical connection issue. It seems to be something with the Simpit code sending/receiving too much data when the joysticks are used that causes it to lock up. What am I doing in the joystick code that's causing this? // Sets up the Arduino Mega to handle the analog joysticks, Action Groups, switches and buttons #include <KerbalSimpit.h> #include <KerbalSimpitMessageTypes.h> #include <PayloadStructs.h> #include <ezButton.h> // loads ezButton library for button debounce #include <Rotary.h> rotationMessage myRotation; translationMessage myTranslation; const int ROT_X = A0; // assigns rotation joystick X-axis to pin Analog 0 const int ROT_Y = A1; // assigns rotation joystick Y-axis to pin Analog 1 const int ROT_Z = A2; // assigns rotation joystick Z-axis to pin Analog 2 const int TRANS_X = A3; // assigns translation joystick X-axis to pin Analog 3 const int TRANS_Y = A4; // assigns translation joystick Y-axis to pin Analog 4 const int TRANS_Z = A5; // assigns translation joystick Z-axis to pin Analog 5 const int STAGE_BTN = 2; // assigns the Staging button to pin 2 const int RCS_LED = 3; // assigns the RCS indicator LED to pin 3 const int BRAKES_LED = 4; // assigns the Brakes indicator LED to pin 4 const int GEAR_LED = 5; // assigns the Landing Gear indicator LED to pin 5 const int LIGHTS_LED = 6; // assigns the Lights indicator LED to pin 6 const int SAS_LED = 7; // assigns the SAS indicator LED to pin 7 const int THROT_CLK = 22; // assigns the Throttle rotary encoder CLK output ("A") to pin 22 const int THROT_DT = 23; // assigns the Throttle rotary encoder DT output ("B") to pin 23 const int THROT_BTN = 24; // assigns the Throttle rotary encoder Switch output to pin 24 const int THROT_CUT = 25; // assigns the Throttle Cut button output to pin 25 const int SAS_CLK = 32; // assigns the SAS rotary encoder CLK output ("A") to pin 32 const int SAS_DT = 33; // assigns the SAS rotary encoder DT output ("B") to pin 33 const int SAS_SWITCH = 34; // assigns the SAS switch output to pin 34 const int RCS_SWITCH = 35; // assigns the RCS switch output to pin 35 const int BRAKES_SWITCH = 36; // assigns the Brakes switch output to pin 36 const int GEAR_SWITCH = 37; // assigns the Gear switch output to pin 37 const int LIGHTS_SWITCH = 38; // assigns the Lights switch output to pin 38 const int ABORT_BTN = 39; // assigns the Abort switch output to pin 38 const int AG_01 = 41; // assigns the Action Group 1 switch output to pin 41 const int AG_02 = 42; // assigns the Action Group 2 switch output to pin 42 const int AG_03 = 43; // assigns the Action Group 3 switch output to pin 43 const int AG_04 = 44; // assigns the Action Group 4 switch output to pin 44 const int AG_05 = 45; // assigns the Action Group 5 switch output to pin 45 const int AG_06 = 46; // assigns the Action Group 6 switch output to pin 46 const int AG_07 = 47; // assigns the Action Group 7 switch output to pin 47 const int AG_08 = 48; // assigns the Action Group 8 switch output to pin 48 const int AG_09 = 49; // assigns the Action Group 9 switch output to pin 49 const int AG_10 = 50; // assigns the Action Group 10 switch output to pin 50 int sas_Counter = 1; // initializes SAS Mode counter value variable at 1 int currentSASStateCLK; int lastSASStateCLK; int throt_Counter = 0; // initializes Throttle counter value variable at 0 int currentThrotStateCLK; int lastThrotStateCLK; int rot_X_Read; int rot_Y_Read; int rot_Z_Read; int rot_X_Mapped; int rot_Y_Mapped; int rot_Z_Mapped; int trans_X_Read; int trans_Y_Read; int trans_Z_Read; int trans_X_Mapped; int trans_Y_Mapped; int trans_Z_Mapped; int debounce_Time = 25; KerbalSimpit mySimpit(Serial); ezButton buttonSTAGE(STAGE_BTN); ezButton buttonTHROT(THROT_BTN); ezButton buttonTHROT_CUT(THROT_CUT); ezButton buttonSAS(SAS_SWITCH); ezButton buttonRCS(RCS_SWITCH); ezButton buttonBRAKES(BRAKES_SWITCH); ezButton buttonGEAR(GEAR_SWITCH); ezButton buttonLIGHTS(LIGHTS_SWITCH); ezButton buttonABORT(ABORT_BTN); ezButton buttonAG_01(AG_01); ezButton buttonAG_02(AG_02); ezButton buttonAG_03(AG_03); ezButton buttonAG_04(AG_04); ezButton buttonAG_05(AG_05); ezButton buttonAG_06(AG_06); ezButton buttonAG_07(AG_07); ezButton buttonAG_08(AG_08); ezButton buttonAG_09(AG_09); ezButton buttonAG_10(AG_10); Rotary throtRotary = Rotary(THROT_DT, THROT_CLK); Rotary sasRotary = Rotary(SAS_DT, SAS_CLK); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // begins the serial connection to the computer through USB pinMode(ROT_X, INPUT); // defines inputs and outputs on Arduino pins pinMode(ROT_Y, INPUT); pinMode(ROT_Z, INPUT); pinMode(TRANS_X, INPUT); pinMode(TRANS_Y, INPUT); pinMode(TRANS_Z, INPUT); pinMode(STAGE_BTN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(SAS_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(RCS_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(BRAKES_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(GEAR_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(LIGHTS_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(SAS_CLK, INPUT); pinMode(SAS_DT, INPUT); pinMode(SAS_SWITCH, INPUT); pinMode(THROT_CLK, INPUT); pinMode(THROT_DT, INPUT); pinMode(THROT_BTN, INPUT); pinMode(SAS_SWITCH, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(RCS_SWITCH, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(BRAKES_SWITCH, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(GEAR_SWITCH, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(LIGHTS_SWITCH, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(ABORT_BTN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(AG_01, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(AG_02, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(AG_03, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(AG_04, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(AG_05, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(AG_06, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(AG_07, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(AG_08, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(AG_09, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(AG_10, INPUT_PULLUP); buttonSTAGE.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); // sets debounce times for buttons buttonTHROT.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonTHROT_CUT.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonSAS.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonRCS.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonBRAKES.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonGEAR.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonLIGHTS.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonABORT.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonAG_01.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonAG_02.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonAG_03.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonAG_04.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonAG_05.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonAG_06.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonAG_07.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonAG_08.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonAG_09.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); buttonAG_10.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); digitalWrite(SAS_LED, HIGH); // turns on all the LEDs while the handshake process is happening digitalWrite(RCS_LED, HIGH); digitalWrite(BRAKES_LED, HIGH); digitalWrite(GEAR_LED, HIGH); digitalWrite(LIGHTS_LED, HIGH); while (!mySimpit.init()) { // initializes (handshakes) with Simpit mod delay(100); } digitalWrite(SAS_LED, LOW); // turns off all the LEDs once the handshake process is complete digitalWrite(RCS_LED, LOW); digitalWrite(BRAKES_LED, LOW); digitalWrite(GEAR_LED, LOW); digitalWrite(LIGHTS_LED, LOW); mySimpit.inboundHandler(messageHandler); // declares the message handler to read incoming messages from Simpit mod mySimpit.registerChannel(ACTIONSTATUS_MESSAGE); // subscribes to the Action Status message channel mySimpit.registerChannel(ROTATION_MESSAGE); // subscribes to the Rotation message channel mySimpit.registerChannel(TRANSLATION_MESSAGE); // subscribes to the Translation message channel } void loop() { mySimpit.update(); // necessary updates and loops for called functions buttonSTAGE.loop(); buttonTHROT.loop(); buttonTHROT_CUT.loop(); buttonSAS.loop(); buttonRCS.loop(); buttonBRAKES.loop(); buttonGEAR.loop(); buttonLIGHTS.loop(); buttonABORT.loop(); buttonAG_01.loop(); buttonAG_02.loop(); buttonAG_03.loop(); buttonAG_04.loop(); buttonAG_05.loop(); buttonAG_06.loop(); buttonAG_07.loop(); buttonAG_08.loop(); buttonAG_09.loop(); buttonAG_10.loop(); throt_Counter = constrain(throt_Counter, 0, 32767); // sets upper and lower limits for counter variables for rotary encoders sas_Counter = constrain(sas_Counter, 1, 10); rot_X_Read = analogRead(ROT_X); // takes a reading for the X-axis; from testing determined X-min = 330, X-mid = 505, X-max = 693 if (rot_X_Read < 510 && rot_X_Read > 500) { // determines if the X-axis pot is in the middle deadzone to eliminate jitter rot_X_Mapped = 0; } if (rot_X_Read <= 500) { // determines if X-axis pot is in the negative portion of its motion rot_X_Mapped = map(rot_X_Read, 330, 500, -32768, 0); // sets the mapping for the negative portion of the axis } if (rot_X_Read >= 510) { // determined if X-axis pot is in the positive portion of its motion rot_X_Mapped = map(rot_X_Read, 510, 693, 0, 32767); // sets the mapping for the positive portion of the axis } rot_X_Mapped = constrain(rot_X_Mapped, -32768, 32767); // constrains the mapped value of the X-axis reading to valid results myRotation.mask = 2; // applies the bitmask required to only send roll information to Simpit myRotation.roll = rot_X_Mapped; // applies the X-axis value as the rotation roll value mySimpit.send(ROTATION_MESSAGE, myRotation); // sends the roll value to Simpit delay(1); rot_Y_Read = analogRead(ROT_Y); if (rot_Y_Read < 518 && rot_Y_Read > 508) { rot_Y_Mapped = 0; } if (rot_Y_Read <= 508) { rot_Y_Mapped = map(rot_Y_Read, 344, 508, -32768, 0); } if (rot_Y_Read >= 518) { rot_Y_Mapped = map(rot_Y_Read, 518, 680, 0, 32767); } rot_Y_Mapped = constrain(rot_Y_Mapped, -32768, 32767); myRotation.mask = 1; myRotation.pitch = rot_Y_Mapped; mySimpit.send(ROTATION_MESSAGE, myRotation); delay(1); rot_Z_Read = analogRead(ROT_Z); if (rot_Z_Read < 520 && rot_Z_Read > 510) { rot_Z_Mapped = 0; } if (rot_Z_Read <= 510) { rot_Z_Mapped = map(rot_Z_Read, 296, 510, -32768, 0); } if (rot_Z_Read >= 520) { rot_Z_Mapped = map(rot_Z_Read, 520, 733, 0, 32767); } rot_Z_Mapped = constrain(rot_Z_Mapped, -32768, 32767); myRotation.mask = 4; myRotation.yaw = rot_Z_Mapped; mySimpit.send(ROTATION_MESSAGE, myRotation); delay(1); trans_X_Read = analogRead(TRANS_X); // takes a reading for the X-axis; from testing determined X-min = 330, X-mid = 505, X-max = 693 if (trans_X_Read < 510 && trans_X_Read > 500) { // determines if the X-axis pot is in the middle deadzone to eliminate jitter trans_X_Mapped = 0; } if (trans_X_Read <= 500) { // determines if X-axis pot is in the negative portion of its motion trans_X_Mapped = map(trans_X_Read, 330, 500, -32768, 0); // sets the mapping for the negative portion of the axis } if (trans_X_Read >= 510) { // determined if X-axis pot is in the positive portion of its motion trans_X_Mapped = map(trans_X_Read, 510, 693, 0, 32767); // sets the mapping for the positive portion of the axis } trans_X_Mapped = constrain(trans_X_Mapped, -32768, 32767); // constrains the mapped value of the X-axis reading to valid results myTranslation.mask = 1; // applies the bitmask required to only send X information to Simpit myTranslation.X = trans_X_Mapped; // applies the X-axis value as the X translation value mySimpit.send(TRANSLATION_MESSAGE, myTranslation); // sends the x translation value to Simpit delay(1); trans_Y_Read = analogRead(TRANS_Y); if (trans_Y_Read < 518 && trans_Y_Read > 508) { trans_Y_Mapped = 0; } if (trans_Y_Read <= 508) { trans_Y_Mapped = map(trans_Y_Read, 344, 508, -32768, 0); } if (trans_Y_Read >= 518) { trans_Y_Mapped = map(trans_Y_Read, 518, 680, 0, 32767); } trans_Y_Mapped = constrain(trans_Y_Mapped, -32768, 32767); myTranslation.mask = 2; myTranslation.Y = trans_Y_Mapped; mySimpit.send(TRANSLATION_MESSAGE, myTranslation); delay(1); trans_Z_Read = analogRead(TRANS_Z); if (trans_Z_Read < 520 && trans_Z_Read > 510) { trans_Z_Mapped = 0; } if (trans_Z_Read <= 510) { trans_Z_Mapped = map(trans_Z_Read, 296, 510, -32768, 0); } if (trans_Z_Read >= 520) { trans_Z_Mapped = map(trans_Z_Read, 520, 733, 0, 32767); } trans_Z_Mapped = constrain(trans_Z_Mapped, -32768, 32767); myTranslation.mask = 4; myTranslation.Z = trans_Z_Mapped; mySimpit.send(TRANSLATION_MESSAGE, myTranslation); delay(1); if (buttonSTAGE.isPressed()) { mySimpit.toggleAction(STAGE_ACTION); } if (buttonTHROT.isPressed()) { throt_Counter = 32767; mySimpit.send(THROTTLE_MESSAGE, throt_Counter); } if (buttonTHROT_CUT.isPressed()) { throt_Counter = 0; mySimpit.send(THROTTLE_MESSAGE, throt_Counter); } if (buttonSAS.isPressed()) { mySimpit.toggleAction(SAS_ACTION); } if (buttonRCS.isPressed()) { // declares action if the RCS button is pressed (toggles RCS on/off) mySimpit.toggleAction(RCS_ACTION); } if (buttonBRAKES.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Brakes button is pressed (toggles Brakes on/off) mySimpit.toggleAction(BRAKES_ACTION); } if (buttonGEAR.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Gear button is pressed (toggles Gear up/down) mySimpit.toggleAction(GEAR_ACTION); } if (buttonLIGHTS.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Lights button is pressed (toggles Lights on/off) mySimpit.toggleAction(LIGHT_ACTION); } if (buttonABORT.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Abort button is pressed (activates the Abort action group) mySimpit.toggleAction(ABORT_ACTION); } if (buttonAG_01.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 1 is pressed (toggles Action Group 1) mySimpit.toggleCAG(1); } if (buttonAG_02.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 2 is pressed (toggles Action Group 2) mySimpit.toggleCAG(2); } if (buttonAG_03.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 3 is pressed (toggles Action Group 3) mySimpit.toggleCAG(3); } if (buttonAG_04.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 4 is pressed (toggles Action Group 4) mySimpit.toggleCAG(4); } if (buttonAG_05.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 5 is pressed (toggles Action Group 5) mySimpit.toggleCAG(5); } if (buttonAG_05.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 6 is pressed (toggles Action Group 6) mySimpit.toggleCAG(6); } if (buttonAG_07.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 7 is pressed (toggles Action Group 7) mySimpit.toggleCAG(7); } if (buttonAG_08.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 8 is pressed (toggles Action Group 8) mySimpit.toggleCAG(8); } if (buttonAG_09.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 9 is pressed (toggles Action Group 9) mySimpit.toggleCAG(9); } if (buttonAG_10.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 10 is pressed (toggles Action Group 10) mySimpit.toggleCAG(10); } unsigned char throtResult = throtRotary.process(); if (throtResult == DIR_CW && (throt_Counter <= 32349)) { throt_Counter = throt_Counter + 327; // increments the Throttle counter by ~1% mySimpit.send(THROTTLE_MESSAGE, throt_Counter); // sends the new throttle setting to Simpit } if (throtResult == DIR_CCW && (throt_Counter >= 327)) { throt_Counter = throt_Counter - 327; // decrements the Throttle counter by ~1% mySimpit.send(THROTTLE_MESSAGE, throt_Counter); // sends the new throttle setting to Simpit } unsigned char sasResult = sasRotary.process(); if (sasResult == DIR_CW) { sas_Counter++; // increments the SAS counter by 1 mySimpit.send(28, (unsigned char*) &sas_Counter, 1); // sends the new SAS mode setting to Simpit } if (sasResult == DIR_CCW) { sas_Counter--; // decrements the SAS Counter by 1 mySimpit.send(28, (unsigned char*) &sas_Counter, 1); // sends the new SAS mode setting to Simpit } } void messageHandler(byte messageType, byte msg[], byte msgSize) { // sets up the message handler to receive messages from Simpit switch(messageType) { case ACTIONSTATUS_MESSAGE: // defines the set of actions for messages coming from ACTIONSTATUS_MESSAGE byte actions = msg[0]; // assigns the ACTIONSTATUS_MESSAGE to the variable actions if (actions & SAS_ACTION) { // checks to see if SAS is turned on digitalWrite(SAS_LED, HIGH); // turns on the SAS LED indicator if SAS is on } else { digitalWrite(SAS_LED, LOW); // set SAS LED indicator off if SAS is off } if (actions & GEAR_ACTION) { // checks to see if Gear is down digitalWrite(GEAR_LED, HIGH); // turns on Gear LED indicator if gear is down } else { digitalWrite(GEAR_LED, LOW); // set the Gear indicator off if gear is up } if (actions & LIGHT_ACTION) { // checks to see if Lights are on digitalWrite(LIGHTS_LED, HIGH); // turns on Lights LED indicator if lights are on } else { digitalWrite(LIGHTS_LED, LOW); // set Lights indicator off if lights are off } if (actions & RCS_ACTION) { // checks to see if RCS is active digitalWrite(RCS_LED, HIGH); // turns on the RCS LED indicator if RCS is active } else { digitalWrite(RCS_LED, LOW); // set RCS indicator off if RCS is inactive } if (actions & BRAKES_ACTION) { // checks to see if Brakes are on digitalWrite(BRAKES_LED, HIGH); // turns on Brakes LED indicator if brakes are on } else { digitalWrite(BRAKES_LED, LOW); // set Brakes indicator off if brakes are off } break; } } UPDATE: Here is the joystick portion of the code that I finally got to work: int rot_X_Read = analogRead(ROT_X); // takes a reading for the X-axis; from testing determined X-min = 330, X-mid = 505, X-max = 693 if (rot_X_Read < 510 && rot_X_Read > 500) { // determines if the X-axis pot is in the middle deadzone to eliminate jitter rot_X_Mapped = 0; } if (rot_X_Read <= 500) { // determines if X-axis pot is in the negative portion of its motion rot_X_Mapped = map(rot_X_Read, 330, 500, -32768, 0); // sets the mapping for the negative portion of the axis } if (rot_X_Read >= 510) { // determined if X-axis pot is in the positive portion of its motion rot_X_Mapped = map(rot_X_Read, 510, 693, 0, 32767); // sets the mapping for the positive portion of the axis } int rot_Y_Read = analogRead(ROT_Y); if (rot_Y_Read < 518 && rot_Y_Read > 508) { rot_Y_Mapped = 0; } if (rot_Y_Read <= 508) { rot_Y_Mapped = map(rot_Y_Read, 344, 508, -32768, 0); } if (rot_Y_Read >= 518) { rot_Y_Mapped = map(rot_Y_Read, 518, 680, 0, 32767); } int rot_Z_Read = analogRead(ROT_Z); if (rot_Z_Read < 520 && rot_Z_Read > 510) { rot_Z_Mapped = 0; } if (rot_Z_Read <= 510) { rot_Z_Mapped = map(rot_Z_Read, 296, 510, -32768, 0); } if (rot_Z_Read >= 520) { rot_Z_Mapped = map(rot_Z_Read, 520, 733, 0, 32767); } myRotation.mask = 1|2|4; myRotation.pitch = rot_Y_Mapped; myRotation.roll = rot_X_Mapped; // applies the X-axis value as the rotation roll value myRotation.yaw = rot_Z_Mapped; mySimpit.send(ROTATION_MESSAGE, myRotation); // sends the roll value to Simpit int trans_X_Read = analogRead(TRANS_X); // takes a reading for the X-axis; from testing determined X-min = 330, X-mid = 505, X-max = 693 if (trans_X_Read < 510 && trans_X_Read > 500) { // determines if the X-axis pot is in the middle deadzone to eliminate jitter trans_X_Mapped = 0; } if (trans_X_Read <= 500) { // determines if X-axis pot is in the negative portion of its motion trans_X_Mapped = map(trans_X_Read, 330, 500, -32768, 0); // sets the mapping for the negative portion of the axis } if (trans_X_Read >= 510) { // determined if X-axis pot is in the positive portion of its motion trans_X_Mapped = map(trans_X_Read, 510, 693, 0, 32767); // sets the mapping for the positive portion of the axis } int trans_Y_Read = analogRead(TRANS_Y); if (trans_Y_Read < 518 && trans_Y_Read > 508) { trans_Y_Mapped = 0; } if (trans_Y_Read <= 508) { trans_Y_Mapped = map(trans_Y_Read, 344, 508, -32768, 0); } if (trans_Y_Read >= 518) { trans_Y_Mapped = map(trans_Y_Read, 518, 680, 0, 32767); } int trans_Z_Read = analogRead(TRANS_Z); if (trans_Z_Read < 520 && trans_Z_Read > 510) { trans_Z_Mapped = 0; } if (trans_Z_Read <= 510) { trans_Z_Mapped = map(trans_Z_Read, 296, 510, -32768, 0); } if (trans_Z_Read >= 520) { trans_Z_Mapped = map(trans_Z_Read, 520, 733, 0, 32767); } myTranslation.mask = 1|2|4; myTranslation.X = trans_X_Mapped; // applies the X-axis value as the X translation value myTranslation.Y = trans_Y_Mapped; myTranslation.Z = trans_Z_Mapped; mySimpit.send(TRANSLATION_MESSAGE, myTranslation); // sends the x translation value to Simpit
  6. Hello @stibbons! I really appreciate the work you've done here and it's been really exciting building my own Kontrol box for KSP. I have successfully gotten a load of buttons to work, plus throttle. I'm working through translating my 3-axis analog joystick inputs now to the format that Simpit needs. I wanted to ask if you had any plans to incorporate more of the overall game commands into your mod. For instance, I've put Quicksave, Load, Pause, Time Warp, and Map functions on my Kontrol box. At this time I don't see any such functionality built into Simpit, so it looks like I'm going to have to emulate an HID with a second arduino board to accomplish that. Thanks!
  7. I was having a ton of problems with stutter in the game. It got to the point where it would freeze up for a second about every two to three seconds and it was driving me absolutely bonkers. I tried all kinds of tweaks that have been suggested, to no avail. In fact, just for S's & G's I bumped up the graphics to the max and it didn't make anything worse. I just happened to be combing through my contracts and noticed that I had one to capture an E class asteroid and one for an A class asteroid. When I went to the tracking station, I noticed that I was tracking a ton of C class asteroids. So I stopped tracking them. All of a sudden, voila! No more stuttering! So for me it seemed to be fixed because I was just tracking way too much junk in the tracking station. I should also note that my methodical debris removal (using KIS and the K4 explosive when it's too much delta-v to try to bring it back for reentry) has not made any noticeable difference...it's only been the removal of tracking asteroids that drastically improved my gameplay. I hope this helps someone else!
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