I just finished constructing my prototype control box and everything was working individually until I put it all together. Now it freezes up about 5-10 seconds into game play and seems to stop transmitting data to the computer. I've checked the circuit connections and have found no shorts or faulty connections. Running tests with serial monitor shows that the Arduino is continuously outputting data in these situations. What I've noticed when I play the game is that the Rx LED on the Arduino is constantly lit up, which makes me think that it's locking up because it's getting inundated with information from the USB port. Do the message channels continually broadcast? TIA.
EDIT: Further testing revealed that it is the interaction of the analog joysticks that seems to cause everything to freeze up. I commented out the portion of the code below where the joysticks live and everything else worked flawlessly without freezing. The joysticks work on their own when I troubleshoot with serial monitor, and both power and ground are commonly wired with the joysticks in parallel with the other buttons and switches, so it's not a physical connection issue. It seems to be something with the Simpit code sending/receiving too much data when the joysticks are used that causes it to lock up. What am I doing in the joystick code that's causing this?
// Sets up the Arduino Mega to handle the analog joysticks, Action Groups, switches and buttons
#include <KerbalSimpit.h>
#include <KerbalSimpitMessageTypes.h>
#include <PayloadStructs.h>
#include <ezButton.h> // loads ezButton library for button debounce
#include <Rotary.h>
rotationMessage myRotation;
translationMessage myTranslation;
const int ROT_X = A0; // assigns rotation joystick X-axis to pin Analog 0
const int ROT_Y = A1; // assigns rotation joystick Y-axis to pin Analog 1
const int ROT_Z = A2; // assigns rotation joystick Z-axis to pin Analog 2
const int TRANS_X = A3; // assigns translation joystick X-axis to pin Analog 3
const int TRANS_Y = A4; // assigns translation joystick Y-axis to pin Analog 4
const int TRANS_Z = A5; // assigns translation joystick Z-axis to pin Analog 5
const int STAGE_BTN = 2; // assigns the Staging button to pin 2
const int RCS_LED = 3; // assigns the RCS indicator LED to pin 3
const int BRAKES_LED = 4; // assigns the Brakes indicator LED to pin 4
const int GEAR_LED = 5; // assigns the Landing Gear indicator LED to pin 5
const int LIGHTS_LED = 6; // assigns the Lights indicator LED to pin 6
const int SAS_LED = 7; // assigns the SAS indicator LED to pin 7
const int THROT_CLK = 22; // assigns the Throttle rotary encoder CLK output ("A") to pin 22
const int THROT_DT = 23; // assigns the Throttle rotary encoder DT output ("B") to pin 23
const int THROT_BTN = 24; // assigns the Throttle rotary encoder Switch output to pin 24
const int THROT_CUT = 25; // assigns the Throttle Cut button output to pin 25
const int SAS_CLK = 32; // assigns the SAS rotary encoder CLK output ("A") to pin 32
const int SAS_DT = 33; // assigns the SAS rotary encoder DT output ("B") to pin 33
const int SAS_SWITCH = 34; // assigns the SAS switch output to pin 34
const int RCS_SWITCH = 35; // assigns the RCS switch output to pin 35
const int BRAKES_SWITCH = 36; // assigns the Brakes switch output to pin 36
const int GEAR_SWITCH = 37; // assigns the Gear switch output to pin 37
const int LIGHTS_SWITCH = 38; // assigns the Lights switch output to pin 38
const int ABORT_BTN = 39; // assigns the Abort switch output to pin 38
const int AG_01 = 41; // assigns the Action Group 1 switch output to pin 41
const int AG_02 = 42; // assigns the Action Group 2 switch output to pin 42
const int AG_03 = 43; // assigns the Action Group 3 switch output to pin 43
const int AG_04 = 44; // assigns the Action Group 4 switch output to pin 44
const int AG_05 = 45; // assigns the Action Group 5 switch output to pin 45
const int AG_06 = 46; // assigns the Action Group 6 switch output to pin 46
const int AG_07 = 47; // assigns the Action Group 7 switch output to pin 47
const int AG_08 = 48; // assigns the Action Group 8 switch output to pin 48
const int AG_09 = 49; // assigns the Action Group 9 switch output to pin 49
const int AG_10 = 50; // assigns the Action Group 10 switch output to pin 50
int sas_Counter = 1; // initializes SAS Mode counter value variable at 1
int currentSASStateCLK;
int lastSASStateCLK;
int throt_Counter = 0; // initializes Throttle counter value variable at 0
int currentThrotStateCLK;
int lastThrotStateCLK;
int rot_X_Read;
int rot_Y_Read;
int rot_Z_Read;
int rot_X_Mapped;
int rot_Y_Mapped;
int rot_Z_Mapped;
int trans_X_Read;
int trans_Y_Read;
int trans_Z_Read;
int trans_X_Mapped;
int trans_Y_Mapped;
int trans_Z_Mapped;
int debounce_Time = 25;
KerbalSimpit mySimpit(Serial);
ezButton buttonSTAGE(STAGE_BTN);
ezButton buttonTHROT(THROT_BTN);
ezButton buttonTHROT_CUT(THROT_CUT);
ezButton buttonSAS(SAS_SWITCH);
ezButton buttonRCS(RCS_SWITCH);
ezButton buttonGEAR(GEAR_SWITCH);
ezButton buttonABORT(ABORT_BTN);
ezButton buttonAG_01(AG_01);
ezButton buttonAG_02(AG_02);
ezButton buttonAG_03(AG_03);
ezButton buttonAG_04(AG_04);
ezButton buttonAG_05(AG_05);
ezButton buttonAG_06(AG_06);
ezButton buttonAG_07(AG_07);
ezButton buttonAG_08(AG_08);
ezButton buttonAG_09(AG_09);
ezButton buttonAG_10(AG_10);
Rotary throtRotary = Rotary(THROT_DT, THROT_CLK);
Rotary sasRotary = Rotary(SAS_DT, SAS_CLK);
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // begins the serial connection to the computer through USB
pinMode(ROT_X, INPUT); // defines inputs and outputs on Arduino pins
pinMode(ROT_Y, INPUT);
pinMode(ROT_Z, INPUT);
pinMode(TRANS_X, INPUT);
pinMode(TRANS_Y, INPUT);
pinMode(TRANS_Z, INPUT);
pinMode(SAS_CLK, INPUT);
pinMode(SAS_DT, INPUT);
pinMode(AG_01, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(AG_02, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(AG_03, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(AG_04, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(AG_05, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(AG_06, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(AG_07, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(AG_08, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(AG_09, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(AG_10, INPUT_PULLUP);
buttonSTAGE.setDebounceTime(debounce_Time); // sets debounce times for buttons
digitalWrite(SAS_LED, HIGH); // turns on all the LEDs while the handshake process is happening
digitalWrite(RCS_LED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(BRAKES_LED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(GEAR_LED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LIGHTS_LED, HIGH);
while (!mySimpit.init()) { // initializes (handshakes) with Simpit mod
digitalWrite(SAS_LED, LOW); // turns off all the LEDs once the handshake process is complete
digitalWrite(RCS_LED, LOW);
digitalWrite(BRAKES_LED, LOW);
digitalWrite(GEAR_LED, LOW);
digitalWrite(LIGHTS_LED, LOW);
mySimpit.inboundHandler(messageHandler); // declares the message handler to read incoming messages from Simpit mod
mySimpit.registerChannel(ACTIONSTATUS_MESSAGE); // subscribes to the Action Status message channel
mySimpit.registerChannel(ROTATION_MESSAGE); // subscribes to the Rotation message channel
mySimpit.registerChannel(TRANSLATION_MESSAGE); // subscribes to the Translation message channel
void loop() {
mySimpit.update(); // necessary updates and loops for called functions
throt_Counter = constrain(throt_Counter, 0, 32767); // sets upper and lower limits for counter variables for rotary encoders
sas_Counter = constrain(sas_Counter, 1, 10);
rot_X_Read = analogRead(ROT_X); // takes a reading for the X-axis; from testing determined X-min = 330, X-mid = 505, X-max = 693
if (rot_X_Read < 510 && rot_X_Read > 500) { // determines if the X-axis pot is in the middle deadzone to eliminate jitter
rot_X_Mapped = 0;
if (rot_X_Read <= 500) { // determines if X-axis pot is in the negative portion of its motion
rot_X_Mapped = map(rot_X_Read, 330, 500, -32768, 0); // sets the mapping for the negative portion of the axis
if (rot_X_Read >= 510) { // determined if X-axis pot is in the positive portion of its motion
rot_X_Mapped = map(rot_X_Read, 510, 693, 0, 32767); // sets the mapping for the positive portion of the axis
rot_X_Mapped = constrain(rot_X_Mapped, -32768, 32767); // constrains the mapped value of the X-axis reading to valid results
myRotation.mask = 2; // applies the bitmask required to only send roll information to Simpit
myRotation.roll = rot_X_Mapped; // applies the X-axis value as the rotation roll value
mySimpit.send(ROTATION_MESSAGE, myRotation); // sends the roll value to Simpit
rot_Y_Read = analogRead(ROT_Y);
if (rot_Y_Read < 518 && rot_Y_Read > 508) {
rot_Y_Mapped = 0;
if (rot_Y_Read <= 508) {
rot_Y_Mapped = map(rot_Y_Read, 344, 508, -32768, 0);
if (rot_Y_Read >= 518) {
rot_Y_Mapped = map(rot_Y_Read, 518, 680, 0, 32767);
rot_Y_Mapped = constrain(rot_Y_Mapped, -32768, 32767);
myRotation.mask = 1;
myRotation.pitch = rot_Y_Mapped;
mySimpit.send(ROTATION_MESSAGE, myRotation);
rot_Z_Read = analogRead(ROT_Z);
if (rot_Z_Read < 520 && rot_Z_Read > 510) {
rot_Z_Mapped = 0;
if (rot_Z_Read <= 510) {
rot_Z_Mapped = map(rot_Z_Read, 296, 510, -32768, 0);
if (rot_Z_Read >= 520) {
rot_Z_Mapped = map(rot_Z_Read, 520, 733, 0, 32767);
rot_Z_Mapped = constrain(rot_Z_Mapped, -32768, 32767);
myRotation.mask = 4;
myRotation.yaw = rot_Z_Mapped;
mySimpit.send(ROTATION_MESSAGE, myRotation);
trans_X_Read = analogRead(TRANS_X); // takes a reading for the X-axis; from testing determined X-min = 330, X-mid = 505, X-max = 693
if (trans_X_Read < 510 && trans_X_Read > 500) { // determines if the X-axis pot is in the middle deadzone to eliminate jitter
trans_X_Mapped = 0;
if (trans_X_Read <= 500) { // determines if X-axis pot is in the negative portion of its motion
trans_X_Mapped = map(trans_X_Read, 330, 500, -32768, 0); // sets the mapping for the negative portion of the axis
if (trans_X_Read >= 510) { // determined if X-axis pot is in the positive portion of its motion
trans_X_Mapped = map(trans_X_Read, 510, 693, 0, 32767); // sets the mapping for the positive portion of the axis
trans_X_Mapped = constrain(trans_X_Mapped, -32768, 32767); // constrains the mapped value of the X-axis reading to valid results
myTranslation.mask = 1; // applies the bitmask required to only send X information to Simpit
myTranslation.X = trans_X_Mapped; // applies the X-axis value as the X translation value
mySimpit.send(TRANSLATION_MESSAGE, myTranslation); // sends the x translation value to Simpit
trans_Y_Read = analogRead(TRANS_Y);
if (trans_Y_Read < 518 && trans_Y_Read > 508) {
trans_Y_Mapped = 0;
if (trans_Y_Read <= 508) {
trans_Y_Mapped = map(trans_Y_Read, 344, 508, -32768, 0);
if (trans_Y_Read >= 518) {
trans_Y_Mapped = map(trans_Y_Read, 518, 680, 0, 32767);
trans_Y_Mapped = constrain(trans_Y_Mapped, -32768, 32767);
myTranslation.mask = 2;
myTranslation.Y = trans_Y_Mapped;
mySimpit.send(TRANSLATION_MESSAGE, myTranslation);
trans_Z_Read = analogRead(TRANS_Z);
if (trans_Z_Read < 520 && trans_Z_Read > 510) {
trans_Z_Mapped = 0;
if (trans_Z_Read <= 510) {
trans_Z_Mapped = map(trans_Z_Read, 296, 510, -32768, 0);
if (trans_Z_Read >= 520) {
trans_Z_Mapped = map(trans_Z_Read, 520, 733, 0, 32767);
trans_Z_Mapped = constrain(trans_Z_Mapped, -32768, 32767);
myTranslation.mask = 4;
myTranslation.Z = trans_Z_Mapped;
mySimpit.send(TRANSLATION_MESSAGE, myTranslation);
if (buttonSTAGE.isPressed()) {
if (buttonTHROT.isPressed()) {
throt_Counter = 32767;
mySimpit.send(THROTTLE_MESSAGE, throt_Counter);
if (buttonTHROT_CUT.isPressed()) {
throt_Counter = 0;
mySimpit.send(THROTTLE_MESSAGE, throt_Counter);
if (buttonSAS.isPressed()) {
if (buttonRCS.isPressed()) { // declares action if the RCS button is pressed (toggles RCS on/off)
if (buttonBRAKES.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Brakes button is pressed (toggles Brakes on/off)
if (buttonGEAR.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Gear button is pressed (toggles Gear up/down)
if (buttonLIGHTS.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Lights button is pressed (toggles Lights on/off)
if (buttonABORT.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Abort button is pressed (activates the Abort action group)
if (buttonAG_01.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 1 is pressed (toggles Action Group 1)
if (buttonAG_02.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 2 is pressed (toggles Action Group 2)
if (buttonAG_03.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 3 is pressed (toggles Action Group 3)
if (buttonAG_04.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 4 is pressed (toggles Action Group 4)
if (buttonAG_05.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 5 is pressed (toggles Action Group 5)
if (buttonAG_05.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 6 is pressed (toggles Action Group 6)
if (buttonAG_07.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 7 is pressed (toggles Action Group 7)
if (buttonAG_08.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 8 is pressed (toggles Action Group 8)
if (buttonAG_09.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 9 is pressed (toggles Action Group 9)
if (buttonAG_10.isPressed()) { // declares action if the Action Group 10 is pressed (toggles Action Group 10)
unsigned char throtResult = throtRotary.process();
if (throtResult == DIR_CW && (throt_Counter <= 32349)) {
throt_Counter = throt_Counter + 327; // increments the Throttle counter by ~1%
mySimpit.send(THROTTLE_MESSAGE, throt_Counter); // sends the new throttle setting to Simpit
if (throtResult == DIR_CCW && (throt_Counter >= 327)) {
throt_Counter = throt_Counter - 327; // decrements the Throttle counter by ~1%
mySimpit.send(THROTTLE_MESSAGE, throt_Counter); // sends the new throttle setting to Simpit
unsigned char sasResult = sasRotary.process();
if (sasResult == DIR_CW) {
sas_Counter++; // increments the SAS counter by 1
mySimpit.send(28, (unsigned char*) &sas_Counter, 1); // sends the new SAS mode setting to Simpit
if (sasResult == DIR_CCW) {
sas_Counter--; // decrements the SAS Counter by 1
mySimpit.send(28, (unsigned char*) &sas_Counter, 1); // sends the new SAS mode setting to Simpit
void messageHandler(byte messageType, byte msg[], byte msgSize) { // sets up the message handler to receive messages from Simpit
switch(messageType) {
case ACTIONSTATUS_MESSAGE: // defines the set of actions for messages coming from ACTIONSTATUS_MESSAGE
byte actions = msg[0]; // assigns the ACTIONSTATUS_MESSAGE to the variable actions
if (actions & SAS_ACTION) { // checks to see if SAS is turned on
digitalWrite(SAS_LED, HIGH); // turns on the SAS LED indicator if SAS is on
} else {
digitalWrite(SAS_LED, LOW); // set SAS LED indicator off if SAS is off
if (actions & GEAR_ACTION) { // checks to see if Gear is down
digitalWrite(GEAR_LED, HIGH); // turns on Gear LED indicator if gear is down
} else {
digitalWrite(GEAR_LED, LOW); // set the Gear indicator off if gear is up
if (actions & LIGHT_ACTION) { // checks to see if Lights are on
digitalWrite(LIGHTS_LED, HIGH); // turns on Lights LED indicator if lights are on
} else {
digitalWrite(LIGHTS_LED, LOW); // set Lights indicator off if lights are off
if (actions & RCS_ACTION) { // checks to see if RCS is active
digitalWrite(RCS_LED, HIGH); // turns on the RCS LED indicator if RCS is active
} else {
digitalWrite(RCS_LED, LOW); // set RCS indicator off if RCS is inactive
if (actions & BRAKES_ACTION) { // checks to see if Brakes are on
digitalWrite(BRAKES_LED, HIGH); // turns on Brakes LED indicator if brakes are on
} else {
digitalWrite(BRAKES_LED, LOW); // set Brakes indicator off if brakes are off
UPDATE: Here is the joystick portion of the code that I finally got to work:
int rot_X_Read = analogRead(ROT_X); // takes a reading for the X-axis; from testing determined X-min = 330, X-mid = 505, X-max = 693
if (rot_X_Read < 510 && rot_X_Read > 500) { // determines if the X-axis pot is in the middle deadzone to eliminate jitter
rot_X_Mapped = 0;
if (rot_X_Read <= 500) { // determines if X-axis pot is in the negative portion of its motion
rot_X_Mapped = map(rot_X_Read, 330, 500, -32768, 0); // sets the mapping for the negative portion of the axis
if (rot_X_Read >= 510) { // determined if X-axis pot is in the positive portion of its motion
rot_X_Mapped = map(rot_X_Read, 510, 693, 0, 32767); // sets the mapping for the positive portion of the axis
int rot_Y_Read = analogRead(ROT_Y);
if (rot_Y_Read < 518 && rot_Y_Read > 508) {
rot_Y_Mapped = 0;
if (rot_Y_Read <= 508) {
rot_Y_Mapped = map(rot_Y_Read, 344, 508, -32768, 0);
if (rot_Y_Read >= 518) {
rot_Y_Mapped = map(rot_Y_Read, 518, 680, 0, 32767);
int rot_Z_Read = analogRead(ROT_Z);
if (rot_Z_Read < 520 && rot_Z_Read > 510) {
rot_Z_Mapped = 0;
if (rot_Z_Read <= 510) {
rot_Z_Mapped = map(rot_Z_Read, 296, 510, -32768, 0);
if (rot_Z_Read >= 520) {
rot_Z_Mapped = map(rot_Z_Read, 520, 733, 0, 32767);
myRotation.mask = 1|2|4;
myRotation.pitch = rot_Y_Mapped;
myRotation.roll = rot_X_Mapped; // applies the X-axis value as the rotation roll value
myRotation.yaw = rot_Z_Mapped;
mySimpit.send(ROTATION_MESSAGE, myRotation); // sends the roll value to Simpit
int trans_X_Read = analogRead(TRANS_X); // takes a reading for the X-axis; from testing determined X-min = 330, X-mid = 505, X-max = 693
if (trans_X_Read < 510 && trans_X_Read > 500) { // determines if the X-axis pot is in the middle deadzone to eliminate jitter
trans_X_Mapped = 0;
if (trans_X_Read <= 500) { // determines if X-axis pot is in the negative portion of its motion
trans_X_Mapped = map(trans_X_Read, 330, 500, -32768, 0); // sets the mapping for the negative portion of the axis
if (trans_X_Read >= 510) { // determined if X-axis pot is in the positive portion of its motion
trans_X_Mapped = map(trans_X_Read, 510, 693, 0, 32767); // sets the mapping for the positive portion of the axis
int trans_Y_Read = analogRead(TRANS_Y);
if (trans_Y_Read < 518 && trans_Y_Read > 508) {
trans_Y_Mapped = 0;
if (trans_Y_Read <= 508) {
trans_Y_Mapped = map(trans_Y_Read, 344, 508, -32768, 0);
if (trans_Y_Read >= 518) {
trans_Y_Mapped = map(trans_Y_Read, 518, 680, 0, 32767);
int trans_Z_Read = analogRead(TRANS_Z);
if (trans_Z_Read < 520 && trans_Z_Read > 510) {
trans_Z_Mapped = 0;
if (trans_Z_Read <= 510) {
trans_Z_Mapped = map(trans_Z_Read, 296, 510, -32768, 0);
if (trans_Z_Read >= 520) {
trans_Z_Mapped = map(trans_Z_Read, 520, 733, 0, 32767);
myTranslation.mask = 1|2|4;
myTranslation.X = trans_X_Mapped; // applies the X-axis value as the X translation value
myTranslation.Y = trans_Y_Mapped;
myTranslation.Z = trans_Z_Mapped;
mySimpit.send(TRANSLATION_MESSAGE, myTranslation); // sends the x translation value to Simpit