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  1. Man you're the best. I really consider helping you through patreon soon. You really deserve it for maintaining all these mods on 1.3.1. I'm pretty sure that you have a lot of supporters in here. I hope you'll be brave enough to continue on 1.4 Cheers
  2. Thanks Krakatoa, I've made a lot of test and it seems i'm still can't understand the behavior of the Delta-V. Why my lv-909 (LF+Ox) have a better Dv than my NV-GX Emancipator (LH2) with a little fuel tank when it's the opposite with Very large Tanks ? (NB: for the larger tank i put 8xLV909 and 8xNVGX. With only one engine, the results are way more different LV909=7448 and NVGX=39986 )
  3. Hi. I was wondering what's the point of using Cryo/Nuclear and other cool engines and fuels if the stock LF/Ox remain the best TWR and give me more delta-V with less weight. I'm playing KSP for 2 years now and I still can't understand how to use anything as efficient as stock LF/Ox. Could someone can give me an example ?
  4. You were right, I updated my KER to 1.2.4p and it works just fine thank you.
  5. Sorry, I'm using Kerbal Engineer Redux. I tried multiple configurations : Stock engine on stockalike bicoupler = no infos Stockalike engine on stock tank = no infos stock engine on stock tank = infos
  6. Hello there I got an issue when I use mk2 stockalike engines in sph. My TWR and Dv values stay at 0. Stock engines display the right infos Thank you for this great mod
  7. Hi, there's no TWR or Delta-V infos in editor mode when i use the mk2 stockalike engines, it's a known issue ? Thank you for this great mod
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