@SirCharizrd17 thank you for your reply.
It was keeping me busy, so i have already created some .cfg files.
Thanks @sarbian for ModuleManager, it is almost easy to change / edit everything.
In my cfg-files i created 2 new nodes for the Radiators, so it is not sooo easy to unlock them.
// Radiators
@TechRequired = heatManagementSystems
id = simHeatManagement
title = Simple Heat Management
description = Bigger better heat management, usefull for freezing Popsicles.
cost = 300
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_simHeatManagement
anyToUnlock = False
icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_heatManagementSystems
pos = -1309,380,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = heatManagementSystems
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
@parentID = simHeatManagement
@TechRequired = simHeatManagement
@TechRequired = simHeatManagement
@TechRequired = advHeatManagement
id = activeRadiators
title = Active Radiators
description = Active heat management. Warning, don't touch! Chilblains possible.
cost = 1000
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_activeRadiators
anyToUnlock = False
icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_specializedRadiators
pos = -927,380,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = advHeatManagement
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
@parentID = activeRadiators
@TechRequired = activeRadiators
@TechRequired = specializedRadiators
Also i found some nodes with wrong costs, i think:
Orbital Assembly --> 1000
Orbital Megastrucktures --> 1500
Advanced Aerospace Engineering --> 1500
Colonization --> 2250
Advanced Colonization --> 4000