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Posts posted by SLAMOVNIK989

  1. Aerobus Industries announcement -  New Supersonic jet under testing

    We are glad to announce that we have achieved making supersonic design capable of having range higher than 5,000 km, which can go almost hypersonic. Believe us or not, but this plane's weight is only 29.25 tonnes and its cost is under :funds: 32 million.

    We are in final stage of testing - Landing performance. We are few hours away from releasing it into market. Maybe you will change way you will be designing planes.

    See ya on market release of plane.

    SLAMOVNIK989, CEO of Aerobus Industries.

  2. Aerobus Industries Announcement - New Super Jumbos in development

    It has come to our attention that there have been 2 attempts to make Super Jumbo, at which both of them failed - economically and due to low fuel efficiency. We are coming to change that.

    We are now designing first of the SJs, which will be long-range passenger plane, after that, focusing on hybrid super jumbo will begin.

    Our goals for first Super Jumbo are: Fuel flow close or equal to medium regional airliners, 900 passengers, price under 550 million credits.

    Due to documents in effect now, this is everything we can publish before airplanes will be ready for market release. I hope you will be excited to see those 2 giants. However, we do not want to be only ones to offer Super Jumbos to Kerbal Express Airlines.


    Sincerely, SLAMOVNIK989, CEO of Aerobus Industries

  3. Aerobus Industries Executive Board Public Announcement

    It has come out to that multiple competitors are releasing multiple types of airplanes to market regularly and out of sudden. This seems kind of not thought about and does not show the best of the companies.

    For this, Executive Board of Aerobus Industries is asking public, which 7 airplanes would public like from us to be released to market in following month and why they are needed.

    We made this decision so make sure that in future, we will satisfy customers by having information on their airplane demand and what route they want to cover with them, so we can design planes for exactly purposes that customers want from our airplanes to meet.

    If you already decided which plane and for what do you want from us, be sure to message CEO of Aerobus Industries, SLAMOVNIK989.


    Sincerely, SLAMOVNIK989, CEO of Aerobus Industries.

  4. New airplane release to market

    Aerobus Industries is proud to present you new Multi-Purpose Medium Regional Jet Airplane Aerobus A420



    Plane stats:

    Price: 107,372,000

    Range: 4400km at passengers only configuration/3800km at combined configuration

    Cruise parameters: 265m/s @ 4000m ASL

    Takeoff speed: 45m/s

    Landing speed: 40-60m/s

    Stall speed: 30m/s

    Capacity: 80 passengers and/or 25 tonnes of cargo


    This majestic airplane comes with unconventional wing shape and incredible CoG and CoL placement, having CoL just meter behind CoG, resulting in high manoeuvrability, and cargo transport ability.

    At first, we have been thinking of making such a plane with 7500km range, which would be too much and wouldn't meet MRJA requirements, so we came with cutting it on 4500km.

    Action groups: 1 for engines start/stop, 2 for reversers.

    Take-off: Accelerate to 40m/s, then pull up until you are off the ground.

    Climbing to CA: Keep full throttle and angle of 10 degrees, until you reach 3000m, at which you may lower angle to decrease climb rate and achieve cruising speed.

    Cruising: At cruising level, plane has tendency to climb up to higher altitudes (5000m+) at which speed falls under 200m/s, but still keeps plane at low AoA and stable position.

    Descending: Similar to climbing, but with 1/3 to idle throttle, altitude 3000m does not apply here.

    Landing: Landing at 40-60m/s range is optimum together with descend speed under 5m/s, after touchdown, brakes and reverses shall be activated. Plane shall stop within 1000m since touchdown.

    Safety notes: Due to very strong pitch, plane is capable of pulling 5-6Gs above 100m/s, under 100m/s overload falls to 2-3Gs, after takeoff, we recommend limiting pitch authority limit to 35%.

    If plane is slow enough and has high AoA, the stall is not recoverable or almost not recoverable (bellow 25m/s with 30+ degrees of AoA)


    Aerobus Industries hope you will enjoy our new airplane, while carrying cargo as well.

    SLAMOVNIK989, CEO of Aerobus Industries.

  5. Announcement of Aerobus Industries regarding airplane production decisions

    As we have been testing around Mk1, Mk2 and Mk3 possibilities of airplanes, their cost and fuel efficiency and other assets it has come that Mk3 supersonic airplanes and Jumbos are the worst, regarding mentioned earlier.

    We came to design and test some subsonic types of airplanes and we came to interesting conclusion: Mk2 Medium Regional Jet Airplane can fly twice as far as Mk2 supersonic airplane at same cost, while being 45 tonnes heavier and capable of cargo transport. That have surprised us the most, as the Mk2 MRJA we talk about has about 100K meters/s of DeltaV, approximate range of 7500 km, which is quite overpowered for such a category.

    Let me ask you something: Have you ever heard about Medium Regional Jet Airplane with such a range and capability of both passenger and cargo transport? I guess you did not.

    Regarding Multi-Purpose Jumbo, it would be overpriced and it would be better to build rocket to Eeloo for that amount of money than airplane that barely reaches 5000m (360 million to be exact).

    As we have found those facts above, Aerobus Industries will concentrate on multi-purpose subsonic airplanes of Mk2 size and possible Mk3 regional planes. Aerobus A420 described as overpowered MRJA will be released in about 6 hours to market.


    Sincerely, SLAMOVNIK989, CEO of Aerobus Industries.

  6. On 6/24/2018 at 4:48 PM, panzerknoef said:

    Test Pilot Review: @SLAMOVNIK989's Aerobus Industries - Kerbus K200


    Figures as Tested:

    • Price: 91.940.000
    • Fuel: 4780kallons
    • Cruising speed: 1330m/s
    • Cruising altitude: 18.000m
    • Fuel burn rate: 1.9kal/s
    • Range:  3200km

    Review Notes:

    The design of this aircraft somewhat reminded us of a certain military aircraft with the designation SR-71, only longer and with more engines. We recon that's a good thing though, since a lot of little Kerbals have got posters of that aircraft hanging on their bedroom walls. Having kids put up posters of our aircraft with it would be a considerable advertisement. 

    The thing has 4 engines... As soon as that fact was known, we couldn't stop Jeb from running towards it as fast as he possibly could to take a closer look, and get in the cockpit. We decided to just let him have his ways since the plane wasn't actually fueled yet, and sure enough a few moments later a bamboozled Jeb exited the plane and asked if the plane was broken before we even tried it. Soon after we got it all fueled up and started the engines. The massive noise it produced instantly destroyed some glass and the ears of several bystanders. The plane quickly started picking up pace and took to the sky. In the manual it was mentioned we should fly it at 50% throttle but that was so dreadfully slow that we went with 3/4 instead. The plane makes altitude very easily and arrives at 18000m in less than 3 minutes. A very useful trait since you don't want this thing low over inhabited areas for any longer than is absolutely necessary. Flying at 400m/s up at 18000m did throw up a problem though, the AoA we had to maintain to keep our altitude was very steep, so steep in fact that we couldn't pick up more speed at all. Easily resolved though, as we just put it horizontal, made some speed in a very shallow descent and flew right back up again, this time at proper speed. The plane can stay at its cruising speed of 1330m/s with the throttle at 3/4, we can absolutely not call the plane fuel efficient though, since it used 1.9 units a second. We've tried turning off the engines in pairs but it definitely needs all 4 engines to be running if it wants to stay at speed. Maneuverability is quite average for a supersonic jet, it performs solidly at all altitudes, given that you are flying the speed you should be flying at said altitude. The brochure warned us of flying over 1000m/s under 6000m because the plane could disintegrate, curious as we are, we tried it. The plane doesn't disintegrate at all, in fact nothing happens. Nothing does really mean nothing though, you can't actually pull up or pitch down at all. You can just watch as the ground approaches you quickly while there's nothing you can do about it. We agree with the brochure, don't fly that fast under 6000m. 

    The plane is an absolute joy to fly with though. Despite the ear shattering noise on the outside, the inside is fairly quiet thanks to the use of the more expensive mk2 cabins. Apart from superior noise suppression they're also more spacious than a mk1 cabin, making the entire flight a first class experience...more or less. The ramjets  mounted on the wings get all their vibrations filtered out by the distance and the sheer amount of surface to absorb the vibrations. However, the 2 centerline mounted rapiers do create a significant amount of vibrations, as a result we discourage serving drinks and meals on board, it could get a bit messy. We do think we can hide all this by saying the plane has special massage seats, extra luxurious, right?

    All this luxury does come at a price. 91.940.000 to be exact. Whilst definitely not the most expensive supersonic jet we've ever seen, it is on the higher side of the spectrum. 64 parts is surprisingly low for a plane of its size and capabilities, we expected way worse of that to be honest. That doesn't mean the maintenance won't be high though, there's still 4 engines of 2 different types, meaning that we don't only need a lot of maintenance on the engines, we also need a wider expertise to maintain it. Finally there's the cost of fuel... This plane literally erases fuel faster than Jeb can eat sandwiches, and that's not a good thing.

    The Verdict:

    The K-200 is a boys dream. It's big, extremely loud and very fast. Though admittedly the boy would probably cry if he heard the plane in the flesh since it's just so loud. However, you do get a plane with an exceptionally luxurious flight (though I better hope you like massages) for 72 people, and you will get those people to where they want to be in no time at all. We'd like to order a set of 5 for first class supersonic routes. 

    Based on report above, Aerobus Industries will continue development on fuel efficiency, loudness and vibration issues caused by R.A.P.I.E.R.s.

    Since we also plan to produce 2 another supersonic airplanes and 1 multi-purpose Jumbo airplane, problems may be fixed till the end of July.

    Sincerely, SLAMOVNIK989,
    CEO of Aerobus Industries.

  7. Aerobus Industries is proud to present you  its the most advanced passenger plane: Aerobus K200 (https://kerbalx.com/SLAMOVNIK989/Kerbus-K200)

    Compared to other planes, it fits to supersonic planes category, even though it is considered a hypersonic passenger plane.

    Hypersonic airplane for Kerbal Express Airlines challenge.
    Price: 91,940,000
    Takeoff/Landing speed:50 m/s
    Safe Climb speed/V2 speed: 60 m/s
    Cruising altitude: 18,500m above sea level
    Cruising Speed: Mach 4 (1320 m/s)/4750 km/h
    Ceiling: 25.000 m ASL
    Capacity: 4 crew members and 72 passengers
    Range: 5000 km (Manufacturer is not sure with range and it needs further testing to be done by customers)

    This majestically fast airplane capable of hypersonic and/or suborbital flight catches all other airplanes with its price, weight and extremely high speed, combining 2 types of most powerful jet engines.
    Procedure on how to fly a plane may be found on KerbalX link.

    It is very stable, even though very fast aircraft, capable of producing 1700 kN of thrust at Mach 3 when on full throttle (not used on standard flight).


    Enjoy the hypersonicry of this plane.

  8. On 22. 11. 2017 at 5:44 PM, HeroBrian_333 said:

    What is the score for a Low Solar Orbit to Eeloo transfer? 300 seems too low. I am working on an SSTO that can get anywhere with no refuel.

    Plus, do you automatically win the challenge if you can land on every solar body (excluding Kerbol and Jool) with no refuel?

    Well, there may be multiple people able to do this, if that will happen, Number of experiments done will determine winner.

    Which means, no, you do not automaticly winning when you land on every body in KSP, it also depents on number of crew reports, science experiments, cargo transfers and surface samples you take/perform/send.

  9. On 19. 11. 2017 at 8:24 PM, Thor Wotansen said:

    Some of us can't run a screen recorder and KSP at the same time without framerate issues.  Is an Imgur album acceptable?

    Albums of Spaceplanes at multiple phases of flight, including Takeoff, orbits, landings, science experiments performing is also an option to prove long-range abilities of your spaceplanes,

    Answer is yes, it is acceptable.

  10. Hello Kerbonauts,

    My name is SLAMOVNIK989 and I am declaring Long-Range SSTO Championship, where best of the best SSTOs will compete, which can fly the biggest distance possible.

    Rules: Only Stock parts allowed, to be fair. No Cheats or Mods (Delta-V calculation and flight status mods allowed only) are allowed. Video of entire flight of vessel must be published on YouTube with public access to viewers.

    There are 3 categories: NRF (No Refuel), OPRF (Outpost Refuel), MRF (Mining Refuel). Spaceplane must takeoff horizontally, cannot use engines larger than 2.5 meters in diameter and must return back to Kerbin. Interplanetary transfers allowed.

    Rating System: Transfer to Mun/Minmus from Kerbin: 80 points; Transfer to Eve/Moho and/or their satellites from Kerbin: 150 points; Transfer to Duna from Kerbin: 300 points; Transfer to Jool and/or its satellites: 800 points; any other Transfer: 300 points;

    Landing on any surface of Planet or its satellites, that is not Kerbin: 250 points; Taking Surface Sample/ Performing any science experiment at orbit/surface of any planet or its satellite that is not Kerbin: 100 points; Crew Report/Transfer of experiments/Reports to Kerbin: 50 points;

    Returning to Kerbin with plane weight higher than during takeoff: 150 points; Orbital Transfer from Jool to Moho or opposite: 1200 points

    Obtainable awards: Lightest spaceplane - 300 points bonus; Heaviest airplane - 200 points bonus; 1 engine type only spaceplane - 500 points bonus; 1 circle around planet with atmosphere - 250 points bonus (this award can stack); Cargo/Fuel supplier - 300 points (this award can stack); Cargo/Fuel dropper - 500 points (this award can stack); Expert of Failure Flight/Landing - Fly or Land an airplane while damaged or any of system failed - 600 points; Orbital Cargo Deployer: 400 points (this award can stack)

    Note to awards: Cargo or Fuel must be transfered to Space Station, or land at distance of 300 meters max from Surface Outpost/Base.

    Good luck during building and flying and all the best,

    Admiral SLAMOVNIK989.

  11. Actually, I think that this mission/challenge can be even done with 1 vehicle only.

    And everyone tried to do it with rocket, and what is more efficient, spaceplane or rocket? I think it is spaceplane, so expect big spaceplane, which will make it to both Mun and Minmus in just one, and really, one launch.

    It seems to be Mission Impossible, but, with great design and engine choosing, it will be way too easy.


    SLAMOVNIK989, Admiral of K.S.S. Kerbitz

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