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  1. The above is the first bolded line of the OP. To me it says "You need to install MM", and then "This version of KWRocketry does not require you to install MM". As I said above, I have been using KWRocketry without issue and not having installed MM. I did use the install for dummies guide, which worked perfectly, and also does not at any point instruct you to install MM. So, the advice is to re-word the second line of the OP to be more clear on your intent. Should I or should I not install MM? If yes, the install for dummies should also contain this step.
  2. Didja happen to read 3 posts upward? The second line makes a conflicting statement. I'm aware that the OP is the place to go to look for instructions. I did, and the instructions contradict themselves. FYI I have since tested KW without MM, and it works. The OP definitely needs to be updated for clarity.
  3. So considering that I am installing manually, not via CKAN, do I need MM?
  4. Am I the only one confused by this? I have a feeling a previous edit left this conflict. Do we need to install ModuleManager or not?
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