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Everything posted by poma

  1. How do you land the base? I have a base orbiting Minimus with inline engines on both ends and a control module and I can't land it. It considers Prograde to be along the long side of the base, so all controls are messed up and I can't orient it properly for landing. Is this because I initially built it vertically in VAB? Is there a way to fix this mid flight?
  2. I can't get KAS winch to work. I've attached 2 vessels in docking mode but fuel transfer is still disabled http://imgur.com/a/xokk6. Electric charge transfer works. I've tried to do the same with pipe and it still doesn't work http://imgur.com/a/cnRMK. What can be wrong here? With disabled crossfeed restrictions in difficulty settings fuel transfer works in any configurations (wire only, pipe only, through pylon) I'm playing KSP 1.2 on moderate difficulty.
  3. Planetary ISRU states that: But this is not true. I've started converting ore from container into liquid fuel and then sent all engineers (one lvl 2 and three noobs) to EVA. Ore consumption and fuel generation rates didn't change at all.
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