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Red Wolf

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Everything posted by Red Wolf

  1. There is a bug with the heat transfer for the mini converter. I have a craft file to prove it. I'll try to describe it until i can upload the file. Create a symmetrical ship with a mini converter in between two empty fuel tanks. Add two Radiator Panel (large) on one tank and add two Radiator Panel (large) on the other (four total) Now add a single mini drill to ONE of the tanks. Now to save time add a couple full ore tanks a ton of batteries and solar panels and some legs so the hole thing does not fall over. Now you should be able to cool the whole thing with only one panel (capacity wise at least), but you can't because of the separation. If you run the two panels on the to tank with the mini drill, these two panels hit over 75% and the converter goes to 3000K and 0%. Now turn off one panel on the drill tank and turn on one panel on the drill-less tank. You are still only running TWO radiators of the same size but this time the whole thing works just fine with the converter only hitting 1200K and around 90%. The same total cooling but totally different heat removal. By separating the one cooling panel from trying to cool two devices the system works. So as a work around for using the mini, it appears I HAVE to dedicate cooling to it. It can not be shared as the drill will rob all cooling forcing the converter to overheat.
  2. Same problem. KSP Version: (windows player) upgraded from v 1.2 on steam. What Happens: Custom action groups for science parts do no allow multiple firings on Barometer/Gravmax/Temperature/Atmospheric/Seismic. Mods / Add-Ons: None. Steps to Replicate: Create a single probe with battery, science antenna, and a temperature sensor bound to "log temperature" to action group "Custom1". Launch craft. Use action group 1. Transmit data to base. Use action group 1 again. Result: Does not work even though the temperature sensor has a valid action called "log temperature" to perform again. Fixes/Workarounds: Use a second action group to "Delete Data". This lets the temperature sensor reset and you can use action group 1 again.
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