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Everything posted by MrCraftyG

  1. I didn't need to, but that will come in handy when I undock from the command pod when in Mun orbit. The rocket flew just fine now the root command pod is the right side up lol now I just need the adjust the design of the rocket to give me sufficient velocity without running out of fuel when trying to orbit....I love this game
  2. Wow what a greatt community here. Thank you everyone for your great suggestions. I think my issue is the upside down lander can which was the first part I placed...so i'll remove it, let the command pod take root control and give that a whirl. I've tried many aerodynamic setups using various wings/fins etc with no luck, so I'm sure it's not as aerodynamic issue, but still thanks for the tips. To add more detail on my lander concept, the pilot controls from the command pod (which imtsssue clearly messed up on by having an upside down lander can as my root lol), transfers into the lander can, undock and fly that plus the science lander to the mun, land, do stuff, then detach leaving the science hardware and landing engine behind, dock the lander can with the command pod which still has an engine attached, transfer back to pod, dump lander can, fly back to kerbin etc. I may have gone a bit ott with the comms, solar etc but it looks the part I like an air of realism in games like this so I expect my comms sats for example will have more antennae and power than needed...but if it looks the part, I feel better. Obviously some compromises will happen in due course as i learn more about kerbin rocketry. I'll post a screenshot of something that works if it turns out to be the upside down lander can causing the problems. ..or a screenshot of a failed design if that doesn't fix it. Thanks again for responding quickly and with several things to try. it will keep me busy tonight Fly Safe
  3. Greetings. Firstly let me just explain that I am quite new to the game as I have only been playing for a week or so. I'm having a bit of difficulty getting my Mun lander into orbit of Kerbin, let alone to the Mun. My main issue is loss of control - the rocket spins, flips and does whatever it wants, even with SAS enabled, whenever I engage the main liquid engine. It's fairly stable whilst using the initial boosters to get off the ground though...until I fire up the main engine that is... I have tried many different setups using my brain to design them but to no avail, so I thought i'd ask you guys for some help. I'm not asking for someone to design a rocket for me (i'm not that lazy), however if what I am doing needs to be binned, then I will happily accept any help that is offered. My lander and command module is 13T in mass...which might be my first problem. Here is a screenshot (not including AE-FF1 protective shell - is this needed?) without any of the many rocket designs I have tried below it. I have tried both slim and fat launch vehicles, usually with 2/4 boosters at the bottom. I have tried attaching some boosters further up near my payload to "tug" it unto orbit and that also doesn't work. Perhaps I need to learn more about launch profiles, perhaps just rocket design. Either way, I have been trying all day to launch this to no avail. I can get to 80km+ but when I try to round off my orbit, the rocket spins out of control even on quite a low throttle. Redesigning my lander isn't out of the question either. Does anyone have any tips, suggestions or help please? Many thanks in advance.
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