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  1. This is probably the most interesting article I ever read about a RC-plane. Thank you!
  2. Glad to see we agree on this point. Plus, I saw a dude on youtube sending back the mini-science container from the surface of Mün using only one chute, two separatrons and a decoupler. The only condition is to be approx. on the retrograde side of Mün. I am currently working on a rover with several little science boxes, in order to get maximum science points as soon as a biome is done, without waiting to get all these experiments to the KSC. I may post some pics or vids here once the design is over!
  3. Hi. I think there is another way to do this, for a much smaller cost: the stock science container. On each biome, you do all the experiments you want, then collect into the science box and re-do the experiments to put them into your crew compartment.
  4. Hi everyone, For my first post on this forum, I would like to, first of all, thank all the community for what you make. I play KSP since march 2016 and I think I would still be around Kerbin without this forum and all those threads Here comes my question: I restarted a career mode since 1.2 released, in order to do stuff in a more properly and efficient way than my first career play (and sometimes in a more Kerbal way...). Things going on and on, I ultimately unlock custom action group. So I put all my science experiment to group 4, the "Collect All" option of the science box to group 5 and the reset of all experiences to group 6 (even if I don't even know if this is necessarry). It seems that the action group 4 works once, and then is not re-runnable. I checked several times, and as soon as I collect all the science, the right-click on any science module offers me the possibility to log again, but the action group won't work anymore. Any idea of what is going on? Thanks! ps: I put this on the "modded install" part of the forum because I have KER, KAS and KIS installed, but this thread may interest unmodded install players. What do you think?
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