Hello everybody, I may have missed something, but what I assume are greek characters in this thread are displayed to me as a mangle of characters (for example "Ãâ€" for what appears to be Lambda and "ÃŽÂ" for what seems to be Phi. Is there a way to display those characters appropriately?
Anyway, I didn't wait for a solution and tried to implement Yasmy's formulas in one of my projects by identifying the characters and decyphering the formulas. It mostly works, I have all the orbital paths I want, except when my ascending node is set too close to Pi/4 mod(Pi/2) (ie 45°, 135°, etc) where I get non-sensical orbits. I tried to debug the formulas but the display errors makes it very difficult.
Below is an example of the problem I am running into; there are three curves, one of which is pretty and has ascending node at 0°, and the ugly ones are close to 45° and -45°.