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Everything posted by Clément

  1. Thanks. It explains why it worked in my sandbox tests but not in my career.
  2. Hi, I have some problems using fuel transfer using KAS connectors with my mun base. I can transfer fuel inside each ship/base but not through the KAS connectors. I quickly tested in sandbox, and it worked as it used to (link the ships and then they are "docked" and transfer works). But with this specific ship and base, I cannot get the transfer buttons to appear. Although the output from the ISRU in the base can go in the rocket. Any ideas about what I did wrong? The connectors are directly on the side of the parts I want to make the transfer fuel between. http://tof.canardpc.com/view/fab6174b-0c9e-4b79-ab2a-cca747756712.jpg http://tof.canardpc.com/view/7731229e-32ed-4a77-952a-561755ca81f7.jpg
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