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Posts posted by Bungthebadger

  1. Well, I fixed the problem which was much more simple than I thought it would be. I read the "Readme" installation guide wrong since it said to put it in the Gamedata directory and I put it in the Gamedata directory into where my Gamedata folder is as well and I put the mod and dependencies in just the directory that fixed the problem. Sorry for bothering you guys. :( Well, thank you for helping, I appreciate it.

    I also must say that this mod is quite great and really adds a lot to do in the Space Hanger. I think some of this deserves to be in stock as well.  

  2. Hi there! I'm currently having some problems with installing your MK2 Expansion Mod and it appears to not load in as I don't see it anywhere in my game or in the Space Hangar, I have tried Sandbox mode to see if they appear there and they don't seem to be there as well. I have downloaded the latest version of this mod and have followed its instructions as I put the proper files in the game data folder and I have Module Manager 2.8.1 installed at the moment. 

    Output Log  


  3. Hello there! I've been enjoying the mod so far with the new planets and pleasing aesthetics. But I have one (or two.) problems with this mod. I can't load the game anymore since the addition of the three new planets that replaces Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus. Kerbal Space Program also took about 4-8 minutes to load before the addition of the three new planets when I had the mod installed.

    My specs: .eJwNxNENhCAMANBdGIAKRQXXcIALQQImSgmtX5fb_Xwf76uecalNVZHOG8BxcqJxaBYasWRdiMqVYz9ZJ7ohisRU79yEwXrn3RpmxMUZ-xYADU5oJwyzW1bngw2wp5Fz40ryMcbq3or6_QECJCTr.Thne0x5vUfLYqTdHyz1RSVSCTt0?width=400&height=171 I censored BIOS and System Model because I can. :P I'm playing on Laptop and my RAM is 8GB.


    Output log: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/284847953364123649/313035506109906944/KSP.log


    My mods in KSP: .eJwNxMENwyAMAMBdGAAHTAPJGh2gQsSCSAlG2H1V3b29x33Me15mN011yA5wnFJ4HlaUZ65kK3O9KI9TbOEbsmou7aauAj6FFOL2QFyD8_82QIcLrhi8i3HBhBjhWSZRl8b6cg7t6NV8fwDcJN4.FdxNvSZs6nDjt8V0gZ1uM5NX74Y?width=400&height=260

  4. Hello there, I'm having a slight issue with your mod. It's a little agitating to me because the clouds are not showing.


    The only things I can provide are screenshots:  .eJwNxMsNwyAMANBdGABTfoFsg4gFkRKMsHOKunv7Du9Vz7rUrrrI5B3gOLnSOjQLrdJQN6J2YZkn60o3FJFS-41DGGzyyW85OBf9x_7LYLMJycaweROMjc544LoQB3cSF_QcTX1_uxskdg.kvCgxdVwdxfcwNx07mVMVi4g_Qk?width=400&height=225                                                        








    Is there any way of fixing this by chance?

  5. Well, here's the pic of the ship that I use to go to Minmus (And occasionally the Mun) Here is what I researched so far: 320.jpg?1481285196 And here is my own ship that I use to journey to Minmus:  jpwABEy.pngDownload link for ship:  https://mega.nz/#!pVdzxSIT!NgD6q010r1oQTlMhfAIORYiWa6fwkrsvMfU4-LgZsG4 If anyone can improve the ship to fit this contract they can. It will help me very much as well, and anyone can use it too.

  6. So I accepted this contract to both save the Kerbal (Already done) And recover a scrap of the ship (Which is an MK1 Lander Can) And I have the Klaw,  but I don't exactly know how to put it on my ship and get the scrap, survive reentry without the pod exploding, and  get it back to Kerbin. I have gone to the highlands, and about every single biome on Minmus. ( Also, does SOI mean? Does it mean Sphere Of Influence?)

  7. 29 minutes ago, Vanamonde said:

    You will need to connect the rescue ship to the first ship with docking rings or the claw part in order to transfer fuel. If you do not have a claw on the rescue ship or docking rings on both ships, there is no way in the stock game to transfer fuel. However, you could have the kerbals take the science from the first ship and transfer it to the rescue ship, and then bring the pilot of the first ship back. Of course, you'd need an empty seat on the rescue ship to do that. 

    As for bringing the ships together, that depends on the orbit, and I'm afraid I don't know what you mean by "semi-polar horizontal." How about a screenshot of the situation? 


    I don't have the Klaw or docking ports. Does external fuel feeders work? ( The yellow tape looking thing )

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