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    Trajectories Dev
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  1. That fix was never released in 2.4.4 it was fixed after that release, you will have to build from GitHub or wait for @linuxgurugamerto fix the issue.
  2. @linuxgurugamerassumed control recently but it seems he is AWOL. So while we wait... For those having minor issues, can I suggest trying the previous release on the original GitHub page, just a hunch.
  3. Tbh I would of liked to be informed of this ? My bad just found your PM
  4. Possibly, you would have to remove the mod and see if the error still occurs or not as suggested in removing-mods-for-debugging
  5. KSP is returning NAN's to Trajectories via Orbit.GetDTforTrueAnomaly, also Trajectories has not been passed a Celestial Body from KSP to work with. I could catch the NRE for the missing Celestial Body but the problem would still exist somewhere in the depths of your KSP setup. I suggest you read this for extra help CONTRIBUTING.md
  6. Cheers, have at it you'll find the toolbar handling in GitHub : AppLauncherButton.cs Is this with the stock or blizzy icon ?
  7. Have you turned the trajectory view on ? The Trajectories icon text will change to green when its on.
  8. I've just had a look at the kOS interface and there is no Update method, although there is one in the Trajectories API. Raise an issue on Github and I'll get round to it eventually
  9. Trajectories intended purpose is for predicting Aerobraking of multiple orbits, impact prediction is a bonus of the predictions. I usually just guesstimate the final position, save the game, hit the stage button and if I'm miles off target reload and try again. As a side note I've been working on and off developing a multithreaded version of Trajectories and an unintended consequence might be the ability to predict multiple stages, tbh it will probably be another few yrs till release
  10. I suppose I could add a config file that stores one, add an issue on github I'll get around to it eventually, I'm real busy at the moment so wont be any time soon.
  11. The config.xml file is located in your KSP installation folder\GameData\Trajectories\Plugin\PluginData\Trajectories\ edit the line <bool name="UseBlizzyToolbar">1</bool> by changing the 1 to a 0 or vies-versa.
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