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Everything posted by MasterGir

  1. You probably shouldn't use the internet if you feel things like this are personal attacks.
  2. Yes, I'm the same person.

  3. I'm amazed this is still going on. Thanks everyone, keep it up.
  4. That kind of mentality is changing. Games are so widely available on so many platforms that it's almost odd for people NOT to play them.
  5. Hey, I was just curious about how old the general userbase was for KSP so I decided to open up a poll. (Just so you know, it's only to feed my curiosity. It isn't any sort of data collection, so don't worry.)
  6. I don't think that's very fair. Is it so wrong to ask that an official representative of the game show off how it works without mod assistance?
  7. Bad joke aside, what happened to it?
  8. This is an image snapped by a remote camera that NASA's latest Deep Space Probe released as it passed a giant crystal within the asteroid belt. Scientists can only speculate what it is made of, though some suggest it is mostly Kerbalium which is a form of crystal five times denser than diamond. I took a screenshot from this and tried to make it look as much like a grainy space photo as I could.
  9. I've been having a problem recently where no matter what altitude above Minmus I am, it refuses to "Land at target". It spins around it for days at a time then says it's not in position.
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