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Everything posted by nyugnep

  1. So I am fairly new to KSP, I have yet to update it to 1.2.2 version (limited internet) so I am playing on 1.2.1 and I don't seem to be able to start MechJeb. I downloaded the update from sarbian and i moved the mechjeb folder into gamedata. I launch up the game and it doesn't seem to be working so I am kinda stuck. What am I doing wrong? Eventually, are there any other mods that help with delta-v calculations? Edit: I've been pointed out on reddit to describe my problem. The problem is that there is no sign of existence of the mod. Neither in sandbox/career VAB/In-flight.
  2. I'll test that out. Thanks. Just out of curiousity. How come the guy in the video [19:45 flight start] doesnt have the same problem?
  3. Thank you, I am currently taking a short break so I'll get back to you if I succeeded. So ideally, my airfract should be as tight as possible so that my aircraft get least possible amount of friction with air. Would you propose that I remove nose cone/decoupler completely and just add nose cone to the service bay or should i keep the construction but instead put the probe into the service bay? Side note: This game is so addicting. I bought it on saturday, spent the whole sunday playing it and as I had no work today classes today I spent whole day playing the game/watching videos. It will ruin my education
  4. 2 Fins: Well I added 2 symetrical fins and as it did help a little bit, i spiraled out of control at 9 km going 300m/s while gradually gravity turning (at that point I was about 30 degrees east) 4: Fins: Same as above only at 11km Just thought it would help if i would post my method: 1: Start engines at max 2: Release from launch assist structure 3: Gradually increase velocity to 100m/s (10 m/s per 100m) to 1000 km 4: Start gravity turning by gradually pointing tip to 10 degrees east 5: Follow prograde 6: Gradually increase velocity to 240 m/s by 5km 7: Gradually increase velocity to 320 m/s by 8 km 8: Attempt to maintain control and follow prograde shift 9: Spiral out of control By the way. Thank you very much for helping
  5. I am trying to launch a satelite using asparagus staging, it is the first time I am not building simple build where i just put few fuel tanks on top of each other and strap a rocket underneath. However, at 6000m ish I lose control, I play around with different builds trying to solve the problem yet i end up with same result. I went on youtube and checked out this video and copy his rocket (only one less fuel tank on each side cause i dont need that much) yet i still run into the same problem. What can i be doing wrong? I spent the last 4 hours trying to get it into orbit. Photo of the aircraft
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