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Rogue Phoenix

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Everything posted by Rogue Phoenix

  1. I was seeing this happen while I was planning the maneuver node, without even engaging the engines. from Map view, create a maneuver node switch to flight view switch back to map view Maneuver node is wonkified
  2. KSP Version Operating System and version (Windows 10, Windows 11) Windows 11 CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant Ryzen 9; Nvidia 1080 Description of the bug. any time I enter flight mode, the camera is stuck facing North and does not move. Right-click-drag to move the camera does not work. This happens when I Launch from VAB or enter flight mode in the tutorial. Expected Behavior right-click-drag in flight mode moves the camera Observed Behavior right-click-drag in flight mode does nothing at all Steps to Replicate enter flight mode from the VAB, or the 2nd event of the 1st tutorial. Attempt right-click-drag Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) I'm not aware of any at this time A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window. no mods Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..) camera movement in VAB works
  3. yes. Ran some tests which I'll post soon. What does locking the motors do? I set up a KAL-1000 specifically to lock all the arm components (there are a lot of them). In the VAB, I locked everything, then ran the program (on a separate KAL-1000) to stow the arm, expecting nothing to happen. The arm stowed. Priority on both controllers was 3.
  4. I've built and deployed a refueling station - mines ore, converts it to fuel. On this station I have a robotic arm with docking ports (regular, Jr) at the end. Its purpose is to act like the fuel nozzle at a gas station for cars. Dock to a spacecraft that's landed nearby, and pump fuel into it. The problem is, whenever they connect, the other ship flails about wildly, sometimes breaking parts and often winding up at some weird angle that makes it difficult or impossible to launch. Reducing the docking force helps, and slllllooooooowwwwwwwwly moving the arm into the place where they dock sometimes does the trick. But more often, some kind of feedback loop between the landing suspension of and the docking arm makes it flail. If the to-be-fueled craft is light enough - and it often is, particularly before loaded with fuel - it gets thrown about like a hooked fish. How do I reduce or eliminate this behavior?
  5. re: loop of parts - that kinda makes sense - it's a limit of how the game is programmed. re: strut near bottom of stack - how does that work with decoupling? won't the strut just hang on to its part? re: parachutes - I'm running a mod. Stage Recovery I think. It calculates a probability of recovering the part based on the projected landing speed with equipped parachutes. If touchdown < 6m/s, recovery is 100%.
  6. Greetings! I'm building a rocket with radially attached solid fuel boosters that have extra liquid fuel tanks on top. I desire that the solid fuel boosters decouple and leave the liquid fuel tanks attached for later decoupling. I cannot get both the stack coupler and both radial decouplers to attach all at the same time. I've tried several methods of constructing it. One method joins the liquid fuel tanks first and tries to attach the boosters to it, and that doesn't seem to work at all - the top join point on the boosters doesn't connect to the bottom join point of the coupler. I can attach both parts separately with radial couplers but if I don't use 2 on the solid booster it wobbles both on the launch pad spawn and in flight. If I do use 2 radials on the solid boosters, they decouple weird and take out my liquid fuel engine at separation. If I construct the whole side stack first and then attempt to attach it to the main rocket via the bottom radial coupler, the top coupler doesn't attach and the whole booster/tank assembly wobbles on the one attach point. thoughts? ideas? pic: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1845395872
  7. after new install of mod, some parachutes were deploying on launch after tinkering, I discovered that the parachutes that were deploying early were on the ship before I installed the mod. Deleting those chutes and adding new ones fixed it.
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