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    General tester and breaker of things
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    Portland, Oregon
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    science and gaming

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  1. Trying to get a probe to Duna. I am using the Olex transfer calculator. It's day 189. My phase and ejection angles seem right but I can't seem to actually get the SOI icon to pop up like I see in other's videos.
  2. I feel you @minerbat. I am missing several key sequences in my captures of my Dunex 1 FC attempt. I deduced, after I discovered the gaps in filming, that I had Bethesda's game client popping up notifications that stopped the video from being captured. Of course this was AFTER I made a beautiful landing at KSC! It sort of broke me. I am working up the gumption to try it all over again, or maybe just try to recreate footage......
  3. I was going to put up a 120/120/120 full array at Duna, so as not to lose contact with KSC
  4. Which came in handy for you! I might just buy it myself. Would definitely be more useful on Duna where the gravity will play a much bigger part in deploying ground stations.
  5. Yes.... is there a problem with that? I needed the huge cargo bay and just recycled a previous shuttle I built in another save. I wanted to do challenge 4 in only one launch. I should have the video up later.
  6. @ManEatingApe How dare you make me heavily consider purchasing Breaking Ground! \
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