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  1. New to KSP, so please forgive my ignorance, but I am unable to launch any sounding rockets. I built a rocket as: Payload truss (0.35m), attach SRM-L engine, attach at other end Nosecone parachute (0.35m), attach (anywhere) Avionics package. When I go to launch, my stage light is purple, which I understand means Stage Lock. I cannot turn off stage lock with the keyboard, and Stage Lock is not set for any other rocket that I put on the launch bay. Any ideas? Thanks! Here is a screenshot of my GameData folder: http://imgur.com/a/JyFvv. I don't believe I've done anything unusual besides install a few mods via CKAN. FWIW, I can launch a sounding rocket with a Stayputnik at the head instead of the Nosecone + Avionics. EDIT: I fixed this issue by adding a battery. Maybe this will help another newbie.
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