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Everything posted by Oliverm001x

  1. Come to think of it, a brilliant unmentioned(until now) engineering feat is how Squad devolved KSP From good to impeccable! From the basic standard, to the pinnacle of aerospace games!
  2. If you can remember, what altitude does the system work up to, with all of the additional intakes per booster/core?
  3. It has a wide wheel-base which is usually good on tarmac, and hill-like terrain, the concept is good.
  4. Oh my word!, Can you post a picture of the Engineer's Report, I wonder just how many parts this monster has. Beautiful You should have entered this into the Kerbal Dakar
  5. It is fantastic to say the least, and I am hoping to getting to playing around with it myself as soon as possible
  6. K340-100 After years of development, R&D, and excruciating head scratching, the impeccable and notorious engineers at the KSC have unveiled the initial aircraft! The k340-100. While the craft was not christened with an original name (primarily due to it basically being named after the a340 except with a K instead of the A, come to think of it everything in KSP is), the design varies from the recognised a340 concept. Below are some pictures to incite your senses (for the better) and to give you an overview of the aircraft. An exterior view of the aircraft: The joy filled pilots on this inaugural flight! Jaris and Gemzy will be remembered for EVER! Another exterior view, which was taken whilst attempting a ditch in the choppy waters of the "Korean-Like" coast: How did the ditch go? You may ask! A Success! Sort of... But at any rate, below are some more images depicting this pinnacle of construction: So the aircraft: The Aircraft was engineered during a four year span, when Kerbin entered a state of financial prosperity. The only aircraft at the time was a simple "stock" aircraft that was given to them for free by the Squad "masters" as they were referred to. In layman's terms there was a distinctive problem, lot of tourists but no aircraft to accommodate them. So Jeb and co got to work and the K340-100 was born. Jeb and co clearly ignored the request by their superior officials, "please start on a small scale", As the aircraft has the following statistics: The aircraft is comprised of 4 Goliath Engines, each tweak-scaled to 200% of their initial size. The aircraft is constructed utilizing the "Stock Extension Revived" mods, which enable the engineers to use business and economy cabin modules. To be exact on this aircraft, there are 2 Business Modules for the richest of the rich, and 4 Economy modules, named "scum class", by the Kerbal Airways. Long story short, after legal proceedings and lawsuits, it was renamed to economy class. This enables a high capacity, whilst maintaining an optimal aircraft length (49.8 meters) relative to the wingspan(51.1 meters). To improve the pitch and the overall maneuverability of the K340, canards were implemented at the front, resulting in immense lift! It gives Jeb nightmares. Nevertheless, pilots love to fly this aircraft as it is strangely maneuverable relative to its size. The aircraft also has sufficient range, as I flew it for long distances around Kerbin, with the fuel tank containing 31,909 kg of liquid fuel. While the aircraft is not perfect, it is certainly a perfect first attempt for the bright minds at the KSC! And it is fully ditch-able :D, warranting it a place on the ultimate proving grounds of the Pinnacles Of Construction. Craft Link: https://kerbalx.com/Oliverm001x/K340--100 This is from my other thread!
  7. Wow! The general aesthetic is very clean and professional. What is the TWR?
  8. Have you read the full name? But I can certainly make it more specific
  9. Well this thread is orientated around the science behind the possibility of life, and exobiology.
  10. New Exoplanets Discovered! On the 22nd of February NASA, hosted a webcast disclosing a series of new exoplanets found orbiting an ultra-cool dwarf star. The mass of this star is approximately 0.08 times that of our own sun. However, the most intriguing part of this discovery is the potential for there to be life in this system, as three earth like planets, with similar radii were found to be orbiting in the habitable region (Goldilocks Zone), which can sustain liquid water. With the advent of this discovery, the potential for life as we know it, may exists on any one of these three planets, furthermore, extremophile microorganisms on earth can not only survive, but thrive in inhospitable conditions, such as the Mariana Trench and even the vacuum of space (Tardigrades). This biodiversity, casts light on life as we now it, surviving on different celestial bodies. So, what do you think of the discovery, and on the potential of life on these planets?
  11. Dragon postpones docking for a day: http://spaceflightnow.com/2017/02/22/spacex-waves-off-space-station-cargo-delivery-for-at-least-a-day/
  12. Solar array deployed! Beautiful Reminds me of KSP Thank you very much for today Spacex, good as usual!
  13. Dragon deployed best of luck on your voyage!
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