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Shadow Wolf56

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Everything posted by Shadow Wolf56

  1. mine takes around 3 min. so I hum a tune maybe, or get a small snack.
  2. it would be interesting what the commentators call it... (*will they callout the Jeb,? The Jebadiah one? Nobody knows...*)
  3. He is using a mod called Burn Together(hope that helps???)
  4. how the heck dos someone turn black in 12 weeks??!
  5. Today was a very short day as I was doing stuff all day long... But, anyways, I was trying to make my several part transfer stage for my Mission to Dres. Then I was making the Orbital stage for my Lander. (*sry no pics cause I was very busy today*)
  6. Banned for having the spelling disease (four-4, dumb-dum ect...)
  7. Man, that's sad. My school is a normal school except there are no bullies or anything.
  8. Some times people like this make me doubt they paid any attention in astronomy class
  9. Guys just asking, how far do you guys think a Would go out? (*I'm a noob at stargazing*)
  10. this reminds me of when I went out one night and saw jupiter and its four main moons...
  11. granted, but your laptop does not support it and you have to put in your old one again I wish to go on a zero g plane!
  12. terriblly sorry sir, I was answering the other call.(*no I wasn't *) waiter! there's an atom bomb in my soup!
  13. 4/10 I see you nearly everywhere!
  14. @Galileo none of those packs given worked. They all had the same result. I use mac and thank you for saving me from boredom!
  15. I'd walk outside, quickly get a camera and then ask"how the hell did you guys get here!"
  16. Banned for being a space shuttle fan
  17. Well, here's my fail of the day... I was test flying my dres transfer stage to orbit, when the top of my rocket all the sudden started swinging! Then my rocket swung into the groun-BOOOOM!! That's my fail of the day
  18. Welcome everyone! This thread is a continuation of @Endersmens Stargazing thread! This thread has been dedicated to stargazing and telescopes to those fellow stargazers among us. feel free to show people your telescopes, and so on (*feel free to do other stuff as well!*) I have a Celestron 6 inch telescope that is a bit expensive, but works great! (*sorry no other telescope details because I'm on holiday. Also I'm not able to take pics yet*) Edit: wait, I have a Celestron Nexstar 6SE Schmidt-Cassegrain
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