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Shadow Wolf56

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Everything posted by Shadow Wolf56

  1. Yeah @Rath is right. Basically Spaceport is gone and now we have space dock!
  2. Look at my signature XD

  3. congratulations Mauchkin!:o

    1. Matuchkin
    2. Shadow Wolf56

      Shadow Wolf56

      reaching the grand rep group.:)

  4. I'm just 895 rep away from the rep grand group...

    1. Shadow Wolf56

      Shadow Wolf56

      make that 894 rep!!!

  5. One...more rep til a hundred...


  6. It's cause Kerbins soi is round about 85 million kms out. (so if you didn't have a contract light up it's because you never leaved kerbin orbit...)
  7. No, I'm pretty sure that is a manuver node. That is a way to plan a change to your own orbit. (for example make your orbit higher) Also, to use manuver nodes, right click on your orbit and there will be a button saying, create manuver node. Hope that helps!!! EDIT: Also manuver nodes are not part of a mod, it is a part of the stock game.
  8. I am a scientist, though sometimes I just duct tape a launch vehicle to my Kerbin 1 capsule, and...
  9. How come there;s this dude @Jebediah Kerman who has no posts, 69101 rep and is as old as the forums!?!?! :confused:

    1. Kerbinchaser


      Shaa whaaaa???????

  10. Sorry, but even if I were a jelly fish I would be super slow. @StupidAndy???
  11. Normal sucks. So does stock. So you are fine.
  12. Yeah, history class. (*they just try to make it interesting but its actually a lie*)
  13. I can't really give advice, but here's a little bit of it. Make sure you edit carefully and stuff. Cant wait to see it!!!
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