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  1. No today, but in past weekend, after some months, I'm back to Kerbin universe (both) for playing and hopefully modding Just make a little ride to Mun and back to test some mods, and remember how to play KSP at all caution, many pictures here
  2. @Rakete It was (and still) planned for rework of Apus's modular RCS system, some modular intakes and engines that can be used as boosters
  3. @marxman28 Yes it works, just put folder APUS_Shuttle into a GameData Also you can go to APUS_Shuttle --> Parts --> Engines --> SRB1 and unpack "Boosters" archive this will give you all set of SRBs from 2 to 5 cylinders length, with various thrust and fuel load
  4. @cameronisher3 This is a known issue, Restock's Depth Mask conflict with SRB plumes in SE-PR part, My parts don't have any custom modules, and use only stock FX system, so I don't know a way how to fix it on my side
  5. @The Dressian Exploder If I remember, someone here already make (at least try) kite version of Gemini. Deployable wings is not necessary here, Kerbals have working paragliders, so it possible to use same things
  6. @grandmastergoober thanks, for point me to this project, I like glider capsules but never hear about it. Interesting idea for mod
  7. Just type NESD, that's all. RCS block from my APUS mod (first in picture)
  8. Nice ship, but just curious, why you add docking port on ship that don't have RCS and how small intakes survive reentry, if I remember they easily overheating
  9. unfortunately, yes In those times I don't know enough about custom drag cubes, so all parts in available mod release have configs based on stock Mk2 parts later I'm rewrite config for better performance, but they was planned for updated meshes and new parts, and by some reasons still not released now I'm waiting more info about rules of mod modelling in KSP2 (like new base diameters and amount of egdes) to continue this mod
  10. Without Trajectories and with Mandatory RCS ( suitable for almost all shuttles and SSTOs except those who fly like stone or have too big wings ) 1 - Always start reentry from 80 - 80 orbit ( yep, its fuel hungry method, because you cant dive from Mun, even return from station required full double descent ) 2 - Start burn at middle of big crater and keep it until Periapsis touch groung, it take around 80 dV ( for equatorial orbit, for other angles just start at 1/4 of orbit before home ) 3 - Keep SAS in prograde until touch atmosphere, then set it to Hold, at 50km you will get proper pitch angle for soaring 4 - Glide in atmosphere at 25 - 30 degrees ( properly made and balanced spaceplane can do it, just press [F] for respect to temporary disable SAS and drop nose) 5 - Your first checkpoint is a beach line of KSC continent, you must pass it at 1900 - 1800 m/s and 30000 - 35000 m ( very roughly, depending on ship ) 6 - Pitch up for more braking or down for longer flight, use airbrakes, they not overheat now 7 - If your ship fly MUCH faster or jumping in atmosphere to 45 km and back, roll your craft 90 degrees to side or even head down 8 - If you do everything right, after passing mountains your ship goes to normal flight and can glide to runway. Airbrakes and remaining fuel (if you have it) can help But . . . SpikeX have very small air drag and definitely overshot KSC so you need start reentry a bit earlier ( or read number 7 )
  11. well . . . 1 - SpikeX is a mod that primary created for SSTOs and aircrafts, so it more focused on More-LF and All-LF fuel systems Also its a bit of realism (in game about little green people ) , usually oxidizer required pressurized or insulated tanks monopropellant always stored in high pressure tanks, so wings not a good place for it. 2 - Original parts of this mod is only cockpit and nose, all other things is a parts from my other "time wasting" projects that surprisingly perfectly fit here. Engines, antenna and solar panel from Streamline rework, wings also have their own history so no new parts planned at this moment, maybe inline single pilot cabin, but now I'm waiting more info about new modelling rules for KSP2. 3 - waterfall patch used original waterfall effects, that created for engines with flat ends, wyverns have angular cut of nozzles (Streamline legacy), so it's just impossible to make it 100% fit together without custom models and animation for effects. -------------------------------------------------- Triangular thing is a parts of modular RCS nacelle from APUS (also my mod, unfortunately stuck in beta stage by some reasons), now they under total rework and planned to release as standalone mod ------ upd ------------ Thx for idea about small jet engine for Modular RCS nacelle
  12. This ring IS a decoupler, that give you ability to use rear shielded dock on upper stage of rocket Shroud have same feature but also give better streamlined view for simple stock docking port Interstage tubes on first picture is a decoupler shroud with rear stage cap of both rings ------- update ------------- SpikeX is a cockpit, based on some designs of future supersonic aircrafts and it created for SSTOs and high speed aircrafts but with other parts you can make nice tiny space shuttle for 6 pilots/ Engines 40 kn for LFO 10kn for MP ISP for mid to upper stages Landing gear is from Kerbal foundries, big wheel pack
  13. @Rakete SpikeX don't have it's own docking ports, but it include shrouds (dark ring on rear side) that give better view to stock docking ports and add upper attach node for shielded variant unfortunately it not 100% compatible with Nertea's version --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dock in picture possibly from Habtec pack, but if you want only ports I have my own APAS - IDA - IDSS style docking ports Here, in first page, or search KDSS in CKAN
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