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Everything posted by 53miner53

  1. Though using Sr docking ports is not required, it is recommended to use them, especially on large modules.
  2. I land with a parachute and take the cookie back my cookie with hands
  3. I take the hill back and the planet explodes. my hill in space!
  4. 8/10 I don't think it's very powerful since it blew up so quickly. Looks cool though! How about this? https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0eMT8zRijNmNGI4aS1wbXNRRWc are you surprised what I chose for this?
  5. @rockets-don't-make-toast, the parts rules have changed. It's now 2 docking ports minimum, 5 max parts other than docking ports. Docking ports no longer add to the parts max. @Anonymmm, I'm adding you to the waiting list. You're 5th, soon to be 4th once I finish adding something. Welcome!
  6. I come and take the hill back. My hill
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