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Everything posted by realHuman

  1. What would you say is the best way to get construction equipment like large cranes onto different planetary bodies? Is it more sensible to assemble once you're there or launch the whole thing pre-built?
  2. These are looking great! Excited for their release. Have a screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/Sinqq
  3. Oh man I don't have any idea how I missed that. Thank you for pointing it out to me!
  4. Geosynchronous Orbits How would one go about discovering the geosynchronous orbits for the planets in this pack? I've so far discovered that Gael's is about 2,860,000m. Is there any reference?
  5. Hours. So only 20 days of my life. I'll get to 480 days eventually. Just gotta keep working on it.
  6. Hello! I've logged about 480 in KSP so I wouldn't exactly call myself brand shiny new but I am new to these forums. I've mostly played Stock ksp but recently installed Galileo's Planet Pack and the USI Kolonization mods and they've really refreshed the game for me. realHuman
  7. Small Gameplay Mechanics Bug While playing Career mode with @RoverDude's constellation pack installed, I accepted a mission to rescue a kerbal from Iota (GPP). The rescue mission isn't a recover kerbal && parts mission, just the kerbal. Linked below is a screenshot where you can see that the kerbal spawned inside an observation cupola but because it has no hatch I can not get them out. https://imgur.com/a/55W28 I'm wondering if there is a certain flag for the cupolas or any other habitable parts that have no hatch and a way to turn the spawn flag off for these types of mission. It's not critical but just wanted to throw that out there. I'm going to send up another rocket with a claw to retrieve this unfortunate kerbal, who in all honesty I'm not sure how they got in the cupola to begin with. Thank you roverdude for all the amazing work that you do! I'm having a good deal of fun learning how to use your mods. If I can provide any other helpful information let me know.
  8. Galileo I just want to say thank you so much for this incredible planet pack. It's been consuming all of my time over break and I think you've done an amazing job!
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