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Everything posted by Bornholio

  1. Yes, but developmental branch is more up to date but unless you are ready for a big jump in game complexity you may wish to play master. you have to manually do the training, tho proficiency lasts quite a long time. Mission training last only one mission or ~120 days so do it just before launch. You could manually edit the configs to last longer if that is intolerable. Modders have made a good number of advances towards 1.4.5 compatibility lately, Mk 1.4 Spreadsheet Sep 02, lots of cleanup and listing what will run/load from things listed as prior 1.4.5 compat, fixed a few notes also feel free to add any details
  2. Developmental Branch? The "Cryo" and other default tanks types are not used. Tank I, II... and Service module I, II... and balloon I,II... types are all you need. Life support should just go in Service module tanks generally.
  3. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/blob/Developmental/GameData/RP-0/CrewHandlerSettings.cfg Modified by lines for stupidity proficiency decays at 4 years or 120 days (or completion of mission) trainingProficiencyExpirationYears = 4 trainingMissionExpirationDays = 120 Note that it looks like stupidity effect is backwards from one of the types. Maybe @NathanKell could rise from the land of ghosts and clarify.
  4. Rollout costs are contained in the KCT preset and can be edited in play RolloutCostFormula = (((([L]+1)^2.5)*200)-180) + ([BP] * (0.7 + (([SN]^0.5)*0.05) + (([SP]^0.5)*0.05)) * (([L]+12)^1.2) * 0.00011) No-one with push rights is active now. Hopefully they regain some time and sanity coming back to do so. @Starwaster has done some good work with Real ISRU hopefully he is able to continue his blessed endeavor.
  5. Noticed a flaw in updating or adding KSC Switcher mid game. If you do this it can change your VAB build and pads to default amounts. Changing back requires cheating or editing the persistent save KCT data section to restore the previous values. These values are stored in the "stock" location instead of the US_cape Canveral one @MR_STYLZ try 1.3.1 and CKAN install except for RP-0, i'd use Developmental branch since master really didn't get needed updates for quite a while.
  6. Never seen that, but i'm not a heavy proc avionics user. Even if it has any science container functions they should not auto grab any science. And even with no avionics tonnage (say a aerobee core) you can do normal things with science. Can you click on an antenna and force transmit ? Using [X] science! or other science grabber mod? All the proc avionics info: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0 Spreadsheet showing how it functions and examples: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lpuszH_nUbWlTXZzfOMzsy-uhUNh016eNu0WL8x6qvU/edit#gid=1101913381 the config contains this on a module entry: name = ModuleScienceContainer reviewActionName = Review Stored Data storeActionName = Stored Experiments evaOnlyStorager = False storageRange = 2.0 https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/blob/master/GameData/RP-0/Tree/ProceduralAvionics.cfg maybe post over in IRC or discord also, since its been really quiet. I won't be able to answer for a couple days.
  7. Inside of the branch the parts are added to the spreadsheet and can be generated from that. Since no one is currently maintaining it though for personal mods you can edit the /GameData/RP-0/Tree/TREE-Parts.cfg and the other files in the tree folder. @PART[Bumper_Nose]:FOR[xxxRP0] { %TechRequired = unlockParts %cost = 30 %entryCost = 1 RP0conf = true @description ^=:$: <b><color=green>From Taerobee mod</color></b> }
  8. First, you only need NTR for mercury if you need to get a good amount of mass there. A hydrolox+simple three stage storageble/solid setup can get a small probe into mercury orbit. Venus is very easy to get a capture, you need a basic heat shield or even a high drag aeroshell. your drag hits so fast it can really keep the heating rate down. No parachute is needed use either a lithobreak system like structural or antennas or landing gear. I've had literal space junk accidentally make the descent safely. landing speed will be 10-15m/s depending on dragginess. be prepared to wait a long time. its more like sinking through soup that falling through air. Most of the time i try and use a parachute it just rips off or never deploys. if you want to try use a kevlar drogue. This was a carrier frame for a coms constellation that I dropped after aerocapture. It was so high drag that when i switch craft while doing the capture I couldn't get back to the rest of the sats and had to ride it down before switching to them. It broke one of the 4 decouplers on landing. I had a probe core and batteries plus basic antenna on it so it got my first landed science for that career. Make sure you have comms ready to go into orbit.
  9. The Pokey cockpit is the best. Like this one also. Put on some retro thrusters for avoiding burniness.
  10. I play, :) at 1965 in my RP-1 career probes all over the solar system in transit, in my little tiny windows I have between work and family life. Also do a load check for 1.4.4 mods once a week or so just to keep the new spreadsheet up to date in the hopes that we get a 1.4.x release at some point. Hopefully its stable now at 1.4.4 and FAR can update soon. Its the wall for a lot of stuff.
  11. First know that Modified ElectricCharge system - 1EC/s = 1kW, 1EC = 1kJ. So each EC/s or kW times the seconds it operates is the EC or kJ of battery needed. For example the proc avionics shown above needs 27.6W or .0276kW so after 2200s in earth orbit (dark side for instance) it will have used 61 EC. If there are no generators you will need 2400ec per day. a pair of 15W solar cells even both 100% sun facing would have a hard time keeping it powered. @golfsoccer9 Your consumption not counting antenna is probably 50W unless you turn the probe to low power mode, maybe even as high as 200W if an able is going along for the ride. while power generation at best is 24W or maybe 60W if those are ST1 Solar Panels instead of ST1 Medium Solar Panels. I'd first make sure they are upgraded from mediums, make sure you get rid of any ables after TLI and then power down the ECC probe. it can be worth using some light structural to make a frame for getting all the solar panels on a balanced plane and positioned so they all see the sun. then reduce the battery to 4-5000 this will allow for the ECC to be on during night time and that maneuver to set orbit at luna. If you are already to Early Power gen tech it is well worth the weight to use a ranger cell as it is you first high density foldable Battery should be enough to meet power demands when you are in shade or at odd angles for maneuvers. the best thing to do is understand what your total power draw is (antenna,control etc.) in kW then make sure you can exceed this with sun facing solar or fuel cells. also remember to turn off avionics if you have that function. The avionics on probes is generally the largest power draw. At 200km parking orbit around earth you will need batteries for a 2200 second night time. Lunar orbits will need 2600 seconds or more. For your TLI stage, the able is drawing 540 per hour so its usually best to dump that stage immediately and have a bit of extra battery that leaves with that stage if you have to wait for TLI start much. If you are using MJ smartA.S.S. has a advance facing function the can place you sun relative and with the right selections keep you with a solar panel facing at the sun. Select a solar panel you want to optimize and watch the efficiency. I generally use side placed and choose sun relative prograde and set force roll to the angle that is best for the cells. If you need help estimating the shade duration in parking orbit use the Visual remotetech planner link at the bottom of https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/wiki/RemoteTech-antenna-ranges-in-RO This tool has a good power planner but needs a settings change to work with RSS/RO/RP0 https://ryohpops.github.io/kspRemoteTechPlanner/#/settings
  12. That core is heavy and power hungry, also has no ability to turn on or off RCS state since it allows no avionics tonnage. You can't transfer science to it. Its based on the aerobee core allowing some limited functions and timers. Later US cores are much lighter with tiny power consumption and science instruments integrated. When you go to orbit it can be done, but not reliably, using the sounding rocket core. Generally you need one last controllable stage with rcs spin up to set a AP burn. Then once you are there you'll only have a few orbits of battery because of power consumption. Also without the ability to turn off rcs many times RCS fuel is bled off being used unnecessarily. This can be partially mitigated with staging of RCS thrusters. With launch clamps you can even leave that Core off. Set some trim to spin the rocket and power up the rocket and stage the clamp. No interaction after that.
  13. ***Developmental Branch*** Normal way is increase your BP/s quickly and tool everything. Awang had a "tool Everything" button patch out. else. Edit the configs that control all that. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/blob/Developmental/GameData/RP-0/ProcCosts.cfg If you reduce that significantly you should also reduce rewards. There is no set value as it hard to balance all that peicemeal. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/blob/Developmental/GameData/RP-0/GameParameters.cfg That aside, the whole thing needs more balance. I find I'm ahead of the time line by quite on hard. Mainly due to aggressive play and making sure I'm powering out missions over and over. Early Sounding Rocket. Uses Proc Wing parts as ground support/landing gear. Earn science put tech node points into build time until at least .5bp
  14. Since 1.4.4 released I went a loaded a fresh install and fired up CKAN. Updated the golden sheet to include what mods on it are successfully loading. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jqFjaHCo0gdIj5mX61V8D02Ma6v1WfH2Zuv0ddXgG5M/edit#gid=0 Feel free to update as more become available since I'm traveling for business too much to keep on the ball for a while. Have an early mars surface probe. The gemini top hat has a quite high temp and good drag when lightly loaded. Need to have an orbital relay go with or be in orbit already. Happy rocketting
  15. A set of small Aerobee Rocket fins, and the V2/A-4 Fins should be available in the automatically given post start node. at 1fund each as will a set of proc wing/control surfaces and all moving wings. between these nose people make starting surfaces. They are in this node so that people don't get forced to have them in VAB from the start. did you add some of the mods (say vens, fasa, RN's) after the fact. most of the parts are atleast in appropriate dates, maybe a few of the RN things didn't get in with correct nodes because of name differences remote tech has a setting for throttle loss on loss of control. one option sets that to zero most of the time i'd say thats it, but yours doesn't look like that. Second, if you had a pressure fed engine..but same. I've had thrust problems because of real plume before. Lastly is something about it causing a thrust unstart from negative g's and ullage state flickering? At that point in program i rarely use a launch clamp.
  16. RCS, once you get into the high 200's ISP they should be your go to propulsion for probes. Only annoying thing is you will need a dV calculator to use them well ( I use this handy spreadsheet). I make lunar landers and hop rovers with them. also mission mass, more is less. cut out everything un-needed. minimize structure and batteries, solar works a lot better near mercury so dump power generation as you finish your correction burn. make sure you are using the right antenna, not something more than you need. Mercury is a bear to do though, you looking to minimize your transit velocity. faster missions are worse because of capture dV requirements. Like winged says a good start for capture is Solids since gravity loss minimized and oberth effect can be maximized. come in skimming the dirt and burn them right at pe. lastly get ready to lob a flyby probe to maintain control or prepare a maneuver since it can be hard to maintain earth LOS when you get so close for the burn. Early probes aren't to bad to get very eccentric captures with.
  17. If you want the new tech tree you will have to install the Developmental branch of RP-0 (colloquially known as RP-1) comes with a whole wall of learning curve. Remote tech and RO are perfectly compatible, also with RP-0. my poor out of date guide/spreadsheet for 1.3.1 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A7gQkIiQKi0VtRecE6p86KCKuoawZPdzk7NlaxssRJ4/edit#gid=523836116 between vens' and SXT you should have antenna to work with RO/RP-0 in either set up. Most probe cores come with a small interna antenna, but most of the time a minimum is the sputnik style one for leo
  18. Raidernick has a lot of US and Soviet rockets probes and other parts for virtually all historical rockets. The RO umbrella has all these and more https://github.com/KSP-RO Real ISRU is getting updates with 2018 research. Head over to RO/RP0 and see @winged constellation and DRA5 stuff. As for stockalike it gets a lot more thin but SSTU does a good job of later stuff.
  19. I've not been updating the 1.3.1 list at all since RO released for that. go poke people or PR yourself for RP0/1 releases. As far as i know RF no longer requires fixes for 1.3.1 Developmental Rp0 I'm maintaining the 1.4.x list when i have time Golden Spreadsheet Mk 1.4
  20. Testing Tomorrow. Looks great. My snoring cat agrees also. Between this and MLI happy nukes for everyone.
  21. The developmental branch (also known as RP-1) is 1.3.1 compatible as is current master however it is save breaking from several points. Current master uses Community Tech Tree as a base for the tree while RP-1 uses a much larger tree that is based on historical time frame and linear tracks of development. Only one technology node has a shared name between them. Contract Configurator is shared between them but RP-1 uses its own fully developed set of contracts instead of the various mod packs and stock contracts. Science is tuned to the new tech tree in RP-1 with an eye towards balance and hopefully historical tech advancing. Master Branch uses considerably different tech availability. The KCT portion of the rules has a lot of balance issues between the RP-0 and RP-1 RP-1 new features are also save breaking from the perspective of tracking. For instance tooling keeps a list of each procedural item you have paid the cost on and as you move along a career it makes sense to reuse these items. There is discussion of making the next release for both a RP-0 master and Development branches so that we have a 1.3.1 version that is not save breaking. Everything is available for 1.3.1 if you play using a master branch. Alternatively you can play the Developmental Branch The 1.2.2 version is playable but many fixes are rolled into the 1.3.1 version of mods needed.
  22. Thanks for the link As to engine upgrades doesn't matter what they cost in the node, they neither purchase on an "all" nor cost any money if purchased individually. If set to zero they would auto purchase, and probably also if null. So they have been left as is because it doesn't affect anyone. Sure it would be nice if someone fixed the code on that :) would also be a waste of time functionally.
  23. the [x] science has a stutter issue, and a fix dll. but it still is laggy even after the fix dll just less. any engine upgrade bout in node will cost no money and do nothing. bought in VAB engine UI it will have proper cost.
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