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  1. Maybe they ARE using a $0.50 cell phone accelerometer, and then it got the moon's gravity field wrong.
  2. Is it part of the missions for these 2 landers to land consecutively ? Or is it just a happy coincidence ?
  3. Let me add a third one : - It's a piece of outdated garbage compared to next iterations, better used as recycled scrap material than... Than what actually ?
  4. There even is a banana, for scale ! Ho god, my meme days are coming back to haunt me...
  5. The usage of pesticides is inherently tied to mass production and globalization. It's not only about "not using pesticides", but about a whole lot more things. Let me explain myself : Mass production - Mono-culture : It needs pesticides or your whole crop will be ruined the first parasite that goes by. - Huge crop areas : Same as above, added the bad guys have nothing to stop or at least slow them, like hedges. Global trade Local crops would get ruined by imported pests if you don't use pesticides. Agreed these issues can be somewhat circumvented using adapted crops and applying good agronomic practices, but it they are really hard to put in place, and I doubt they can scale well, except for imported crops. I doubt we can go without globalization by now, so, the only leverage left is leaving the mass-production and abundance ways. That way, we'll need way less food to be produced.
  6. I definitely understand your point. But I fear that, Take Two being Take Two, will greedily increase the price the moment they see an entity interested in buying back the domain name. I'm not saying something should not be tried, but I would not put my hopes up on it.
  7. Well, it was !... at the time of my post. I heard there were some failures during engine relight. Anyone has more info on the matter ?
  8. No, it's not. I'm not even sure there is no small text specifying all the contents posted on this forum are the property of the forum owner (aka Take Two). Also, I doubt Take Two is willing to rent the domain name for only $250 a month. Without the proper domain name and the forum history (past threads), it is not the same.
  9. There is only one thing to say (pronounced with a strong south-west french accent ): PROPULSION, NOMINALE; TRAJECTOIRE, NOMINALE;
  10. ==> Exactly that For a moment this morning, I had 502s trying to access these forums. I can't stress how joyful I am to see we're still here and alive
  11. I picture VR experiences of Earth most noisy crowded places to keep mental sanity up into the deep loneliness of space. Dozens of people have already gone that deep under the oceans, and safely at that. The ones lost here probably fell for it because of charismatic discourse and well crafted PPT... And the scale of this is event is closer to a Moon orbit tourist mission going bad, than a Mars one.
  12. I think future Mars outposts will be more like the South Pole scientific stations, rather than a billionaire's rendez-vous hotspot like the Everest. Also, initial Mars manned missions may look more like the first polar explorers missions, with their boats getting immobilized or worse, crushed by ice, then keeping on with less and less assets until freezing on the way. These guys were outright crazy if you ask me ! I really don't see a billionaire going into such a maddening and self-destructing endeavour. But financing the project, publishing expedition's diaries in owned medias and then glorifying the fallen heroes if anything bad happens, yes, of course.
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