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  1. I have both steam and the game to show the fps, it went from 4-5 to 15-20 on the ground, more on orbit.
  2. Awesome, thank you. Maybe because of the latest upgrade or because this setting the fps became borderline playable.
  3. What I noticed is that when I push a control key for a long time it fills up some cache, and until that cache runs out, any keypresses are ignored. Due to the 10-12 fps this results overcorrections very quickly. I'll try to make a video so i can report it as a bug.
  4. AMD Ryzen 5 5600g 32 gb RX 6600 Debian Wormhole? Wormbook? Wormsomething. It runs with Proton Experimental, on slideshow speeds. Adding the wine3d variable seems to help a bit, could not measure. Wil lwait for improvements.
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