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Everything posted by Mister_Spaceman

  1. I absolutely love that comms array. Great idea. I might steal base a design off of that in the future.
  2. The latter. I wasn't sure whether I should've posted it one the page for EVE or here. I apologize if it's on the wrong forum.
  3. I've seen one mod that adds wind, but it's player controlled. And yes, I'm talking about Environmental Visual Enhancements.
  4. @StupidAndy EVE already adds weather, more or less. Although there isn't rain, or snow (I believe), there are clouds, which could decrease solar panel efficiency.
  5. It would be really cool if when doing science in EVE, there were situational outcomes. For example, if you do a materials study on Duna during a dust storm, you could get the report, "Flying Dust coats all of the materials within the bay," or something like that. The could also be situational damage. Again, with the Duna dust storm example, if you leave solar panels out for too long, "Dust coats the solar panels and clogs their servos, rendering them inoperable!" I just think that this would be a cool added challenge to stock KSP.
  6. @firegeek83 Nice rover. What'd you use for the central chassis? I might copy base a design off of that. Looks like it would be good for short-range exploration. (If i could ever get something more than a small lander to the Mun.)
  7. Update: Rather than go the hard way, i terminated the original probe, and sent one with the higher-powered antenna. It is currently in a circular, 150 kilometer, equatorial orbit. I'm so happy to have completed my first mission outside of the Kerbin system!
  8. @bewing Thank you. I hadn't realized that both antennae need to be within each others' range. Do you think that attaching an RA-15 to the depot would do the trick? I have a plan involving a small probe and a rendezvous, and I don't want it to be for nothing because of a small antenna.
  9. Hello. Like I said in the title, I have little skill in the game, especially in comms. I attempted to set up a network for a Duna mission (after realizing that I didn't have a powerful enough antenna), only for the probes not to connect. The first probe, a fuel depot, has a HG-5, and nothing else (communications wise). After I lost control and realized that this was not enough, I sent a relay satellite. It is orbiting the sun, both is apoapsis and periapsis at about the halfway point between Kerbin and Duna. The relay has an RA-15 antenna. When put in orbit, it didn't connect with the depot, so I sent another relay. Again, no connection. Did I do something wrong? Do probes just not connect? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you in advance. Images This is the fuel depot. This is the relay. This is the map, showing both relays, the depot, Kerbin and their relative positions.
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