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  1. Thanks for the help! I had a mod that changed the dynamics of stored RCS Fuel, I figured that may have been changing the weight in a weird way. So, I uninstalled it and I can go back to the Space Center just fine now!
  2. I just downloaded a bunch of mods and started a new Science World, and I launched a small laboratory into orbit. The launch was successful, and I detached my final upper stage. I did some experiments, and transmitted the science back to the KSC. I was going to then go back to the space center to unlock some more parts. However, I was stopped by a alert that said, If I was to go back to the KSC my game would not be saved past the point where I launched the laboratory. I could have done a quick-save, but loading would just take me back up to "in-flight" mode, with no way of going back to the space center without losing my science, orbit, and my save. I've done heavily-modded science worlds before, and I could always go back to the tracking station/ Space Center, when my Vessel was in orbit. Does anybody know if I can go back to the KSC without reverting to a "pre-launch save"? (Sorry, I still haven't been playing that much Modded KSP yet.)
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