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  1. SPECS CPU ryzen 9 5900x GPU 4080 32gb ddr4 RAM This has happened with 2 campaign slots at this point and after 130 saves** everything will load slow, e.g. loading from the vab to launch will freeze the game for a few minutes before getting to the pad, opening the map will freeze everything for a minute or so, quicksaving will freeze the game for a minute or so. Prior to this I never had to wait more than a few seconds to load anything. Starting a new campaign slot everything runs and works fine in said campaign slot. **The issue may not be because of alot of saves - in both campaigns that runs slow i loaded an old save and played from that and that might be what causes the problem. VIDEO OF PROBLEM - First campaign loaded is one with very few saves and works fine - Second campaign loaded is the broken one WHAT I HAVE TRIED: Verifying game files Deleting 100+ of the saves GPU is up to date Have checked all the save file sizes for the broken campaign and they are their usual size, no large ones
  2. computer got accidentally turned off during sub-orbital flight above kerbin quicksaved luckily just before my foot rested on the off switch but when my pc restarts and i load up ksp my career save says 'just started' and when i click 'load' nothing happens any way to fix this issue and recover my hard earned space program? thank you so much for any support this is killing me
  3. Recently I was doing a KSP2 Dres mission and I encountered a bug where the save file size would exponentially increase in size, causing saving to freeze my game for several seconds. It turns out the culprit of the save file size ballooning is due items within a JSON array called "ObjectEvents" duplicating. This array can be found in any KSP2 save file. Within the save file, the ObjectEvents array is located within a JSON object titled TravelLogData. It is also important to note that I have two mods installed using Spacewarp version 1.0.1: - LazyOrbit version 0.4.0 - StageInfo (version unknown) However, I do not think these mods cause the issue since there are two reports of this issue occuring on 2/26/2023 and 2/27/2023 in the ksp2_help channel on the Intercept Games Discord, when modding was not as mainstream. The threads are called: - "Savefile sizes ballooning exponentially? - "Save files BALLOONING in size massively" You can see my save file with repeated entries in the ObjectEvents array at the link below (you can easily find this array by typing Ctrl + F and searching for "ObjectEvents"). When duplicates are removed using a Python program that I made, the save lowers to ~11 KB. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RKUqKpzwQd2S-TK4v_Z_-Mj7W73WlmaI/view?usp=sharing I hope this information helps!
  4. I tried to build a new rocket to go to the Mun northpole this morning. I got big problems. With the ship, it was a lousy build, but mainly with the save ships and save game commands. The saved ships that I had made were first not available ingame. (Which meant that the saves got corrupted and at one point i could not even save the game) That was the first thing that happened. When i looked in workspaces folder they were still there. The last save had the message that the rockets were unavailable. I could not save the Luna1 ship i was working on in the assembly hall. After restarting the game the ships came back and i managed to make a lift off. After going back to the vehicle assebly hall I loooked at the saved ships and they were all there. I decided to erase one of the ships and now I got back to the problem i had earlier. All ships disappered ingame and all saves had the wording that the ships were unavailable. I could not save the ship that I was working on either. I could make new saves but with the message that the vehicle was unavailable. I looked in the workspaces folder and all Luna and Mun ships had disappered. Only my crappy first ship was still there. And i could not save the ship that was in the Vehicle assembly hall. This is how it looked like. Now I am reinstalling the game from scratch. I will write here again later today if the problem remains. For my specs: https://pasteboard.co/8LMZ0j6nm6vE.png I have GTX 3070
  5. Tranfer save game from 1.9.1 to 1.12.3 I have next mesege ``Input string was not in a correct format`` when I'm tying to load the game. Please help me to load my previous achievements
  6. I'm Pretty Dumb, I Was Almost Finished Sciencie Mode, Already With The Tech Tree Almost Released, But Since I'm A Genius, I Literally Deleted My Save Randomly, That Was 5 Months Ago I Can't Remember Why I Deleted My Save, Cloud Steam It Was My Salvation, Do You Know What You Had There? NOTHING, It Would Be A Good Idea To Put All My Sciences Back With Cuztomized Mode, If You Help Me Recover My Save, Thank you very much. It won't help me at all if you tell me to look in the dropbox ETC, i don't have anything save there
  7. PS4 user here. Just about got used to all there is to know on KSP basics and been building out my career nicely, last night I added another module to my munstation, about 5 modules in total. Spent a good hour getting it docked and saved game fine back to the KSC. I had a fleet of boosters in sub assembly and have been really enjoying the game. Last night I quickly loaded back into my munstation to check a few things again before closing for the night and it blue screen errored. It's done that a few times since I've been playing and usually it just loads up the last persistent save file fine. But for unknown reason on loading just now it says corrupt file keep or remove. I selected to keep but now when trying to load my career save has been removed. Noticed on here a few old threads but not for a while, as we recently had updates to breaking ground on PS4 I wondered if old bugs have crept back in or if this is just a result of poor quality on console versions? End result, I've lost hours and hours of hard graft and enjoyable gameplay... All those seat of the pants rescues and missions I've completed are down the drain and I've been forced to start new career. Am I the only one that thinks this is very poor? Even if they aren't releasing new updates anymore, surely we need a stable game to play!?
  8. S.A.V.E automatic backup system current version: 1.10.0-3173 Have you experienced some kind of major bug in a plugin? Did your save game got corrupt or have you lost all your ribbons in FinalFrontier, because of a single stupid mistake the developer (who is me unfortunately) has made? No? Well, you are lucky then. If you have experienced this, S.A.V.E may come to rescue. This plugin will handle automatic backups of your save games for you to prevent loss of data. As most other software, this software comes with no warranty of any kind. If you use it, you do it at your own risk. All releases until 0.9.11-319 will not backup your ship templates! And a word of warning: I have tested this on Windows only. I do not know, if S.A.V.E works correctly on a MAC or on Linux. Important! Please read! This plugin will store the backups at the location on the file system that is set by the user! It may write on any location on the file system if the user changes the default location. Please keep this in mind, if you are setting S.A.V.E to a different backup location. The default location for backups is: <KSP-HOME>/backup. There is a subfolder for each save game. Each backup is stored in a folder YYYYMMDD-HHMISS. Folders containing a .nobackup file are not included in any backup. So if you do not want to backup a game or a subfolder of a game, just create a file of that name there. Download: Spacedock license: LGPLv3 Features: Completely automatic; it will create a backup after a save Backups can be stored anywhere in the file system ("a king who must say 'I'm the king' is no real king" -a backup on the same hard disk is no real backup) Configurable backup interval Configurable minimal number of successful backups Configurable maximal number of backups Configurable time in days to keep backups Backup of all games at once Restore functionality Automatic backup before a restore is done. Compressed backups Cloning a game from a backup Screenshot: Hints: Setting "days to keep backups" to 0 will keep backups forever (as long other constraints are not violated). Setting "max number backups" to 0 will keep an unlimited amount of backups (as long other constraints are not violated). Setting both "days to keep backups" and "max number backups" to 0 will never delete any backup (not even failed ones). The value of "min number of backups" determines the number of successful backups that have to be kept in any case.
  9. Problem: I dock two spacecraft in Munar orbit. Right up to the moment of docking, all works normally, I hit F5, the game freezes for a few seconds, and a savegame is created. I can switch to other vessels, etc., go to Tracking Station, all as normal. Once I've docked, however, I can't. Hitting F5 then does nothing. Trying to save via the pause menu, I click save and the dialog box disappear, the game freezes - for two seconds or two minutes, it remains frozen until I hit escape. It runs again, but no savegame was created. I cannot go anywhere via the GoTo mod. I cannot go to KSC or Tracking station via pause menu. I cannot exit the game - I get the exit confirmation, but clicking exit, no matter how often, does nothing. I cannot switch to another vessel from map view. I can switch to other vessels in visible range through Easy Vessel Switch, but not from map view. Undocking does not bring back normality. Switching between any visible vessels, including switching to one that had not been part of that docking maneuver, does not restore normal function, either. If I fly my craft back to Kerbin and splash down, and even after the craft has settled down in the water (or has come to rest on land), spamming the Recovery Vessel button does nothing. I have tried releasing input locks via the button, but that doesn't change anything, either. I >can< load an earlier savegame, and as it's before the fateful docking maneuver, everything works then. Until I try docking again. Restarting the game changes nothing. I had left the game running overnight, but it worked fine until I docked. I just restarted, loaded the save I made immediately before the docking (the two were so close, once the game loaded, the magnets did all the work), docked. And same issue. This is the third time this has happened. Every time, it's with a different pair of different ships, and different Kerbals on board. The first time, I spent some time testing it with different ships and had come to conclude that one of my Kerbal tourists must be cursed, since the problem kept happening with the same bunch of tourists aboard entirely different ships (used Kourageous Kerbals to transfer them from one lander to another without docking). I had to resort to Hyperedit two or three times at this point just to bring my tourists back to the surface of Kerbin. I do a lot of transferring crew, tourists, and fuel, in Munar orbit, a lot of docking, so this recurring problem makes the game somewhat unplayable for me. Recreation in Vanilla is not feasible, as all my ships involve parts from mods, or parts modified by mods, or parts I modified with the aid of mods (TweakScale, etc.). I have logs: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mTmh7pXlKgq3xxBKBz_7bMKLk-MuMONB?usp=sharing Previous log is a bit bloated, I had the game running for at least a day or so. When I just went to my google drive, I found two older logs, from when the problem had manifested and refused any fixes I could come up with the first time. I had prepared to ask a question before I decided to try and make a Hyperedit workaround, hoping it was a one-off. Well, it wasn't. I've left those old logs in, prefixed "old". Please, anyone who has any suggestions as to what the problem might be, or how I can fix it once it manifests, I would greatly appreciate it. Any experimentation required to narrow the problem down I will do, any further information required I will provide. Versions and addons:
  10. Good day. I started the game on version 1.9.1, but due to the fact that not all mods are adapted for this version, I rolled back the game to version 1.8.1 and now all my satellites are gone, although the rest of the progress has remained the same. Is there any way to load existing saves without losing running satellites?
  11. Hello. So, I quicksaved game and used task manager to shut down game as it takes less time and I was in hurry. When today I came to play KSP again, I pressed "load saved" option and in red text it said that I can't open game. I know if you leave game "normaly" it says "are you sure? Game will be saved" or something like that. Now, in rage I delited whole save, which I regret as there might be chance to save game via files. But I won't do it again. But... My PC doesn't run KSP well. It will "not respond", screen will go white literaly when I enter VAB. But game generaly does run well. I have decent FPS. So, what if one of those regular "not respondings" realy kills my game? How to avoid it killing my save? Is there way to save game (like quicksave but on main menu, like multiple, independent games?
  12. I was told that KSP loads in the entire persistent.sfs file into memory. is this still true?
  13. I noticed this in the 1.2.2 changelog: +++LoadGameDialog When a game is saved it now creates an associated metadata file - called .loadmeta alongside the .sfs. This file contains a hash of the sfs save. When the loadgame dialog opens it will compare the hash in the .loadmeta file with the hash of the savegame, and if so it will use the data in the .loadmeta file for the load dialog details instead of parsing the whole save file. Ew. Gross. Really? You take my nice clean Saves directory and clutter it up with a bunch of garbage? Can I suggest the developers eliminate this disgusting, amateur hack and put the cached information in the sfs files themselves, near the beginning of the file? The dialog could just read up to the end of the cached data. That would provide the same speedup, without littering the user's folder with files that are meaningless to them. It should be trivial to do this in a way that maintains compatibility with old/new saves. That's my friendly and opinionated two cents.
  14. Last Night I hit the "Maximum number of saves taken, delete some saves" well you cant use stock tools for this you have to use the ingame Load Menu to delete. I started to delete saves and then something weird happend.. Auto 'saving' started to take 2-3 minutes.. everytime I deleted an old save it got slower and slower. So apart from fixing the bug.. can we just have a small dialog that lets me 'block delete' from a date and before. I can pretty much delete 37 of my 40 saves. Also if deleting is triggering these issues .. a dedicated Load button on the main title would let me also clean up without the auto save firing off and taking forever to let me cleanup saves thanks bolloxim
  15. Hey all, A frustrating one for you. My 1.3.1 Career save has suddenly started misbehaving. KSP loads to the menu as usual but the persistent and renamed quicksaves do not load when 'resume' is selected, instead crashing the game. Even more frustratingly, there are no crash logs to try and narrow down the problem. KSP: 1.3.1 Windows 64bit Problem: Career save crashes on load. KSP initializes as normal, when selecting resume career save, the screen goes black, the gray animated loading tab in the bottom right appears and the planets rotate a little, then a windows error pops up ("something caused KSP_64 to stop working") and it crashes to desktop. Mods installed: Lots! But it has been working reliably for at least 2-3 weeks on an offline Laptop, nothing has been updated and steam is in offline mode. There are some outdated mods on the install but I've been using them with 1.3.1 since it came out with no issues. Reproduction steps: Reverting to a backup save works, but any saves made after this point refuse to load. The game works fine for as long as i want, but the saves made after the initial loading become dysfunctional. I have tried re-naming quicksaves to persistent and this also does not work. Removing all ship and sub-assembly files (not the folders themselves) doesnt seem to make any difference. Log: None generated So, my questions are - firstly is there any way to get it to generate a output log to try and track down the issue? Or any other tips or hints to track down the gremlins? Secondly, is there something on the last craft I was using that's causing the issue (a simple satellite round Ike, mostly stock with some Scansat, Karbonite, RLA and ProbePlus parts)? A mod causing chaos (I am going to start removing them one by one, but I'm not sure I'll have many crafts left after!)? Or, more depressingly, is their something deeper wrong with the savefile itself and I'm just going to have to start again? *cries* Anyhow, sorry that's not particularly illuminating. Thanks in advance for your attention. BF
  16. I couldn't find anything so I wonder if it would be possible for someone to do: A small prgoram that lets you browse your savegame node for node, search and edit it and declutter it. If you for example would like to remove the entries of certain mods you could use the program to scan for non stock nodes and the look closer at them. If you for some reason want to dump and erase your reports of mun you could do that. etc. I know there was something that let you do some of the things I mentioned, if I remember correctly but that was years ago. Edit: This seems outtaded but looks almost like it: Cheers.
  17. Hi all. With the addition of 1.4 update I recently had the following error message 'incompatible version of ksp' and a prompt to delete my save game. Needless to say, this was undesirable as I have many hours clocked on my save. The solution for me was to create a NEW career mode (new save). Then transfer the quicksave.sfs files from my corrupt save folder into the new game folder and load the quicksave from within the new game. Oddly the files are the exact same but KSP rejected my old save folder. (I even gave my new folder the same name) Not sure if it was the craft files as i'm going to remove them anyway because i read they are fazing some old parts out of the game. I have no part mods anyway so it would be also odd if this was the problem. All mods seem to work, abeit with startup error, so i don't know what the actually problem was. Hope this saves someone the trouble of restarting their career mode.
  18. Hi there. A really annoying bug have occurred many times in my KSP. Sometimes while im in orbit i can't save a game or recover vessel or do anything but load another save. I'm able to steer my ship and do what i want with it. This thing happens even sevral times in a row: i saved my game while i was on trajectory to Mun and i couldn't saved anymore when i was on Mun's orbit. I tried to load previous save but it happend again. Please do something about it.
  19. Having and issue with Kerbal Enhanced Edition for Xbox One Playing Career Mode, Custom Difficulty. When I try to save I get a pop up saying "Too Many Saves" in red bold letters followed by "You reached the maximum amount of saves. Delete some other saves to be able to make new ones." This issue occurred in original KSP, however it would ask at that point if you want to overwrite. This error happens every time, and occasionally causes the game to freeze. I have Revert Flights turned off and to keep myself from cheating I turned off quickloading as well. When I try to load a save I get text stating "Loading of saves is not allowed in this game." This is followed by the game freezing, and the icons at left of KSC disappear from the screen. Have had several crashes where when attempting to save, return to KSC or return to main menu the game stays at the pause menu and does not do any of those actions. I would like to know of any work around other than deleing this save file. My other save file is working fine, but it is only at save #4 or so. Also Xbox One only gives the option to delete all saved data, not individual save files. I still have the original game installed as well if this is cause for any interaction. Thank You -PixelGranny
  20. KSP crashes on me, usually when I load a save file (F9 or alt-F9), or when I switch to a station in orbit from the tracking station. But, it's not consistent and I can't reliably reproduce it. Often, the same action works fine after restarting KSP. I don't think it's out of memory, because my resource monitor shows 2 gb free when it crashes. I can't figure out how to read the crash diagnostics to find out which mod is causing the problem. I'd really appreciate some help tracking down and fixing this. Windows 7, 64 bit KSP Windows Player x64 en-us All files including complete mod list with versions, ship files, save files, and a crash folder are in this zip file: http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~chip/test/crash.zip Let me know if I left out any useful information. 2017-12-10 is the saved game, and 2017-12-30_212056 is the folder generated when KSP crashed. "quicksave" and "Ayrie I & Phoenix II docked" are saves that I often have trouble restoring. Thanks in advance. --- Chip Thanks for responding, linuxgurugamer, According to the process list, it was using 2,697,736 k when it crashed. There should have been about 2.3 g available above that. This is according to the Windows "Task Manager". I tried rebooting and running KSP by itself. It crashed at exactly the same point, at about the same size, with about 3 g free memory. Also, I forgot to mention that it often crashes when I exit (alt-F4), but that's less annoying.
  21. I change BypassEntryPurchaseAfterResearch to false in the save_file and parts from new-opened Tech tree node are unpurchased as expected. How make all old parts unpurchased too? There is that unpurchased/purchased params for every part at save-file?
  22. A new asteroid spawns, with the perfect orbital parameters to flyby Kerbin, maybe even touch the atmosphere or hit Kerbin itself! The end of Kerbalkind approaches, while the player on the other hand is trying to build a ridiculous tree swing on one of the Mun arches... I am looking for a mod which will add a contract for every asteroid that is on a near pass trajectory with Kerbin. These contracts get completed once the Asteroids trajectory is no longer a threat. It should be simple: - Default: If you don't want to do it, then just don't take these contracts. If you do take them, you get the usual penalty for canceling them etc. - Hard: These contracts are forced upon you, there is no backing out. Long term time-warping will be a real problem this way, but to each his own. Maybe you HAVE to leave a kerbal behind on each asteroid, their name changing to Bruce Willis for a moment
  23. Hi, has anyone experience with the UpgradeScript from the SaveUpgradePipeline? I want to replace one part in a save or craft file with another part of the same dimension and properties and therefore try to use the following script: using System; using SaveUpgradePipeline; using UnityEngine; namespace PlanetarySurfaceStructures { [UpgradeModule(LoadContext.SFS | LoadContext.Craft, sfsNodeUrl = "GAME/FLIGHTSTATE", craftNodeUrl = "PART")] public class StorageUpgrader : UpgradeScript { ///FLIGHTSTATE/VESSEL/PART" //visible name of the upgrader public override string Name { get { return "Upgrader 2.0.0"; } } //description for the upgrade process public override string Description { get { return "Upgraded to BLA"; } } //check the maximal version protected override bool CheckMaxVersion(Version v) { return true;// v <= TargetVersion; } //get the earliest version that can be upgraded public override Version EarliestCompatibleVersion { get { return new Version(1, 0, 4); } } //get the target version of the save file public override Version TargetVersion { get { return new Version(1, 3, 1); } } //test the save file for upgrades public override TestResult OnTest(ConfigNode node, LoadContext loadContext, ref string nodeName) { //when the parts of a craft should be checked if (loadContext == LoadContext.Craft) { Debug.Log("[STORAGEUPGRADE] OnTest - Craft"); string[] values = node.GetValues(); return checkPart(node, loadContext); } //when the savefile should be updated else if (loadContext == LoadContext.SFS) { Debug.Log("[STORAGEUPGRADE] OnTest - SFS"); //iterate over all vessels in the savefile ConfigNode[] vessels = node.GetNodes("VESSEL"); for (int i = 0; i < vessels.Length; i++) { //iterate of all parts in the vessel ConfigNode[] parts = vessels[i].GetNodes("PART"); for (int j = 0; j < parts.Length; j++) { if (checkPart(parts[j], loadContext) == TestResult.Upgradeable) { Debug.Log("[STORAGEUPGRADE] OnTest - Vessel \"" + vessels[i].GetValue("name") + "\" needs to be upgraded"); return TestResult.Upgradeable; } } } } Debug.Log("[STORAGEUPGRADE] OnTest - Save file is up to date"); return TestResult.Pass; } //upgrade the save file public override void OnUpgrade(ConfigNode node, LoadContext loadContext) { //when the part of a craft should be upgraded if (loadContext == LoadContext.Craft) { upgradePart(node, loadContext); } else if (loadContext == LoadContext.SFS) { Debug.Log("[STORAGEUPGRADE] OnUpgrade - SFS"); //string partName = node.GetValue("name"); //iterate over all vessels in the savefile ConfigNode[] vessels = node.GetNodes("VESSEL"); for (int i = 0; i < vessels.Length; i++) { //iterate of all parts in the vessel ConfigNode[] parts = vessels[i].GetNodes("PART"); for (int j = 0; j < parts.Length; j++) { upgradePart(parts[j], loadContext); } } } } //Check of the parts has to be upgraded private TestResult checkPart(ConfigNode part, LoadContext loadContext) { string partName = part.GetValue("name"); switch (partName) { case "KKAOSS.RCS.Tank": return TestResult.Upgradeable; } return TestResult.Pass; } //Upgrade the part private void upgradePart(ConfigNode part, LoadContext loadContext) { string partName = part.GetValue("name"); switch (partName) { case "KKAOSS.RCS.Tank": Debug.Log("[STORAGEUPGRADE] upgrade Part:" + partName); part.SetValue("name", "KKAOSS.Switchable.Tank"); part.AddValue("testValue", "BLA"); break; } } } } Judging from the debug information from the logs, all works as intended. First it is checked if something has to be upgraded (OnTest). This is the case an therefore the upgrade is done (onUpgrade). After the update the OnTest method is run again to check if everything is okay. [LOG 22:14:01.028] [STORAGEUPGRADE] OnTest - SFS [LOG 22:14:01.029] [STORAGEUPGRADE] OnTest - Vessel "Untitled Space Craft" needs to be upgraded [LOG 22:14:01.037] [STORAGEUPGRADE] OnTest - SFS [LOG 22:14:01.037] [STORAGEUPGRADE] OnTest - Vessel "Untitled Space Craft" needs to be upgraded [LOG 22:14:01.038] [STORAGEUPGRADE] OnUpgrade - SFS [LOG 22:14:01.039] [STORAGEUPGRADE] upgrade Part:KKAOSS.RCS.Tank [LOG 22:14:01.039] [STORAGEUPGRADE] upgrade Part:KKAOSS.RCS.Tank [LOG 22:14:01.040] [STORAGEUPGRADE] OnTest - SFS [LOG 22:14:01.040] [STORAGEUPGRADE] OnTest - Save file is up to date The thing is, although it seems to work on the paper (in the log) there are no changes made at all. Neither in the loaded game nor in the SFS file. Even the test value i added via AddValue("testValue, "BLA") to the node does not appear anywhere in the savefile. It was stated that with this upgrade pipeline you don't have to take care of file operations and so on and one simply needs to change the config nodes. Am i completely missing something here?
  24. I was running full time warp waiting for an ISRU to fuel my Eve lander and forgot to pause my game. My computer went to sleep, which causes my game to crash. When I went to load my save this morning, there was some red text that said "Error Accessing this save", and underneath read "Object reference not set to an instance of an object. I have tried google, but there is nothing like this. Any way that I can fix this?
  25. After flying a mission, I am unable to save my game. When I click the button to confirm a quicksave, the UI gets stuck in a wierd state where I can't do anything, until I hit ESC again. If I click Exit to Desktop, nothing happens. (I also tried returning to space center or tracking station - nothing happens when I click those, either.) When I click save, I see a NullReferenceException. The output log was also getting spammed continuously with that "root part drag cube" error message: OS, game version and other details listed at the bottom, after the stack trace. [FlightIntegrator]: Root part's drag cube is still zeroed! (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42) The Miner Thing Mk I Relay Debris Unloaded (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at CompoundPart.GetReferenceTransform () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ProtoPartSnapshot..ctor (.Part PartRef, .ProtoVessel protoVessel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ProtoVessel..ctor (.Vessel VesselRef) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Vessel.Unload () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Vessel.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at CompoundPart.GetReferenceTransform () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ProtoPartSnapshot..ctor (.Part PartRef, .ProtoVessel protoVessel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ProtoVessel..ctor (.Vessel VesselRef) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Vessel.BackupVessel () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at FlightState..ctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Game.Updated () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at QuickSaveLoad.doSave (System.String filename) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at QuickSaveLoad.OnSaveAsClose (System.String saveName, Boolean pauseGame, .FinishedSaveLoadDialogCallback onSaveAsCloseReturn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at QuickSaveLoad.ConfirmDialog (Boolean pauseGame, .FinishedSaveLoadDialogCallback onSaveAsCloseReturn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at QuickSaveLoad+<SpawnSaveAsDialog>c__AnonStorey15F.<>m__1FC () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at DialogGUIButton.OptionSelected () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at DialogGUIButton.<Create>m__6FD () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke (System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCallList.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[IPointerClickHandler] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction`1 functor) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(GameObject, BaseEventData, EventFunction`1) UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData) UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent(Int32) UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:ProcessMouseEvent() UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule:Process() UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem:Update() ------------------------------- System/game specs: Windows 10 x64 (launched with 64-bit version option) on Steam. Updated 05/27/2017. No game mods installed. [config] build id = 01804 2017.05.25 at 19:56:39 CEST Branch: master language = en-us Related files: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kw9bhc2idmlfmtb/AADPOFJcDKU4dyEn7vGsEihga?dl=0 Since I am prevented from saving the game, I don't have a save that demonstrates the issue. I will include the latest save game file that I have. Details of the game session: 1) Chatted on Steam in-game overlay 2) Went to tracking station 3) Launched using auto-saved ship 4) Grabbed the asteroid that is already in orbit around Kerbin (and has another ship attached to it) 5) Mined with both drills until storage tank is full 6) Separated and returned to Kerbin 7) Ran atmospheric experiments in upper atmosphere over polar ice cap 7) Successful landing on polar ice cap Note: In some ship stages, manual activation of the engine is required, due to weird behavior during stage separation. Sometimes I have to cycle through debris using square bracket keys to get control of the next stage. I was not able to quickly reproduce the issue with a fresh launch. Save game files are from an older version (maybe a originally started maybe 6 months ago; last save is maybe a month or two old - not sure how to check which version). After force-closing and restarting the game, I was able to start a mission with the auto-saved ship and exit the game normally.
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