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  1. Problem: I dock two spacecraft in Munar orbit. Right up to the moment of docking, all works normally, I hit F5, the game freezes for a few seconds, and a savegame is created. I can switch to other vessels, etc., go to Tracking Station, all as normal. Once I've docked, however, I can't. Hitting F5 then does nothing. Trying to save via the pause menu, I click save and the dialog box disappear, the game freezes - for two seconds or two minutes, it remains frozen until I hit escape. It runs again, but no savegame was created. I cannot go anywhere via the GoTo mod. I cannot go to KSC or Tracking station via pause menu. I cannot exit the game - I get the exit confirmation, but clicking exit, no matter how often, does nothing. I cannot switch to another vessel from map view. I can switch to other vessels in visible range through Easy Vessel Switch, but not from map view. Undocking does not bring back normality. Switching between any visible vessels, including switching to one that had not been part of that docking maneuver, does not restore normal function, either. If I fly my craft back to Kerbin and splash down, and even after the craft has settled down in the water (or has come to rest on land), spamming the Recovery Vessel button does nothing. I have tried releasing input locks via the button, but that doesn't change anything, either. I >can< load an earlier savegame, and as it's before the fateful docking maneuver, everything works then. Until I try docking again. Restarting the game changes nothing. I had left the game running overnight, but it worked fine until I docked. I just restarted, loaded the save I made immediately before the docking (the two were so close, once the game loaded, the magnets did all the work), docked. And same issue. This is the third time this has happened. Every time, it's with a different pair of different ships, and different Kerbals on board. The first time, I spent some time testing it with different ships and had come to conclude that one of my Kerbal tourists must be cursed, since the problem kept happening with the same bunch of tourists aboard entirely different ships (used Kourageous Kerbals to transfer them from one lander to another without docking). I had to resort to Hyperedit two or three times at this point just to bring my tourists back to the surface of Kerbin. I do a lot of transferring crew, tourists, and fuel, in Munar orbit, a lot of docking, so this recurring problem makes the game somewhat unplayable for me. Recreation in Vanilla is not feasible, as all my ships involve parts from mods, or parts modified by mods, or parts I modified with the aid of mods (TweakScale, etc.). I have logs: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mTmh7pXlKgq3xxBKBz_7bMKLk-MuMONB?usp=sharing Previous log is a bit bloated, I had the game running for at least a day or so. When I just went to my google drive, I found two older logs, from when the problem had manifested and refused any fixes I could come up with the first time. I had prepared to ask a question before I decided to try and make a Hyperedit workaround, hoping it was a one-off. Well, it wasn't. I've left those old logs in, prefixed "old". Please, anyone who has any suggestions as to what the problem might be, or how I can fix it once it manifests, I would greatly appreciate it. Any experimentation required to narrow the problem down I will do, any further information required I will provide. Versions and addons:
  2. Hello Guys, I’m new on the forum, and I have been in love with this Game since was released. You know is simply amazing. All you know that. and I know probably I’m asking the same stupid thing, but guys! This is a great Game, and I do not have an Xbox One, or a PS4, nor a PC. All that I Have is a: Nintendo Switch. so here we go again (I think): (I know all the technical Stuff and how difficult is to port it, I Know is a Heavy Software) but, Do you think there will be a Chance to Have KSP on the Switch? and if an admin is reading or someone of the staff, you know, you will have my Money ready for KSP on the Switch and you know very well that will not be only my Money.
  3. Is there a mod that will let me use RCS motors as main engines and equally choose other motors and tie them into the RCS ? In an ideal world I'd like to be able to make clusters of terriers or even poodles for instance and use them in place of RCS blocks. Equally I'd like to be able to take some of those bigger RCS engines and make them main engines for.. well actually the "Puff" is indeed a "main" engine so, see above But even place anywhere's would be cool to use as mains in low gravity environments and have them tied into the main engine schema. The reason I'm asking is that I'd love to make some "Eagle" style ships for my minmus and upcoming mun base that can do VTOL using ventral thrusters but also have forward and aft thrusters capable of getting a sizeable payload in to mun and minmus orbit. I could just use action groups to activate and deactivate groups of "main" engines but that's clunkier than just being able to hit R and use puffs of thrust.
  4. This mod have moved to the released section of the forums Ever wished the stock MultiModeEngine could handle more than 2 modes for engines? GTI Multi Mode Engine does exactly this. The purpose is to introduce an alternative way to switch engine configuration (propellants and other properties). The key source of inspiration comes from InterstellarFuelSwitch by FreeThinker. I find that supplementing it by versatile engines is a great asset. I've added simple intake switching, so intake atm is more attractive, and the days of adding two intake modules to an intake can be over. Pictures Features: GTI MultiModeEngine: Multiengine switch (conceptually what InterstellarFuelSwitch does, just for engines) Select which engine ID to affect Availability (Flight, Editor) Propellants, Ratios, IgnoreForISP, DrawGauge Custom naming of Engine configuration Set Engine Type [LiquidFuel, Nuclear, SolidBooster, Turbine, MonoProp, ScramJet, Electric, Generic, Piston] Thrust Heat production Curves: atmosphereCurve, velCurve, atmCurve Technology needed can be defined (currently not working) Engine Exhaust Effect switches when engine is switched UI Override of individual engine Activate, Shutdown and KSPFields in the right click menu UI_CHOOSEOPTION for switching between engine configurations Next/Previous Action Possibility of 8 Individual actions for engine, i.e. first 8 configurations can be accessed directly through actions (custom button defined in VAB or through AGX) Multi Mode Intakes: Switch intake resources on the fly current resource will be reset to zero (intended) Other setting will remain unchanged for now. Only one intake should be present in any one part. Only the first one is changed. How: (There are no parts added with GTI Utilities, this is intended for use in other mods) List of Atmosphere Curve in the Kerbol system. Very nice when deciding on form of the curves for the engines. Download: Download from GitHub (including the source code) Dependencies: Module Manager by sarbian which is under a "CC share-alike license" Changelog: Credits and sources of code inspiration: kerbokatz - Afterburner mod FreeThinker - Interstellar Fuel Switch blowfish - advice on UI_ functions Crzyrndm - advice on ConfigNode coding NathanKell - for coding advise in the forums sarbian - Module Manager & advice Licence: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
  5. Does anybody know how the "MultiModeEngine" module handles the engine switch on code level? What makes the "MultiModeEngine" tick? I have for long tried to make a more generel engine switching mod, but I keep bumping up against animations/effects disappearing or going crazy.... I've tried two approaches; what I think is stock alike (i.e. having multiple engines, and switching between them by shutting them down and changing the the "Fields" not to be shown). shadowing what is done in fuel switching (IFS and FS), by changing the settings of a single engine. In both cases effect are a >>#¤%&/<< ...... I works the best with a single set of effects for all engine configurations, but I would really like it to work more generally than that. I was somewhat lucky in version 1.1.2, with getting it work, while 1.1.3 killed it for some reason.... Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  6. I'm working on a mod for engines. One basic function is supposed to be switching the propellant on an engine, like fuelswitch does for fueltanks. It is supposed to function as an alternative to the engine switch like on rapiers. I aim at integrating against tech level, and maybe inflight upgrading by EVA or something. Now, my current issue is, I cannot get the propellant switch to work. I can change the name of the propellant, but that does not change the propellant. A copy of the full C# module in it's current state can be obtained here. I think I need to change the ".id" of the propellant to get the game to recognise the change. If this is what I need to do, then I do not know how to obtain the resource ID's other than through the error logs in KSP. I've tried "PartResourceLibrary.GetDefinition(string)" but I get an error I simply cannot figure out how to fix. --> "An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'PartResourceLibrary.GetDefinition(string)'." I reality I would really like to be able to delete the old propellants and replace them by new ones. Can anyone help?
  7. Some stock spaceplanes use the Panther, but none have it in wet mode by default or an action to toggle it. An auto-switch function for the afterburner would be convenient to have, the auto-switch will activate the afterburner if the throttle is max, and deactivate the afterburner if throttle was decreased. The auto-switch can also be disabled.
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