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Everything posted by DeadOnDuna

  1. Hello Sorry for maybe spaming the forum but... what auto-installed check box does ???
  2. the pittsburgh steelers boosters on the way to the Super Bowl
  3. I live in a dream... with only 4GB of ram !!! <3 @Padishar
  4. i follow that thread for quite some time... (old KF and KSPwheel made me wanna build rovers again) i dont understand the terminology or the physics of wheels ... i just want to move sliders Do you know where the difficulty options menu is ? Couldn't find it...
  5. it's for real !!! I get a lot of "broke from overstressing " Couldn't find the difficulty options menu (i was in a hurry and i might have missed it).... i could use some scaling powers and damage model adjustments.
  6. weird i was under the impression that every time i was pressing alt+End GC interval was increasing ... I'll try 2048 ... i like breaking things and spending hours in fixing them maybe you could PM me the list... much obliged
  7. Thank you i'll try the dev version of MJ Maybe a list of "suspicious|" mods would be helpfull but i'll undrstand if you dont want to refer to other mods... I used OpenGL and low resolution textures with earlier versions of KSP (0.90, 1.0, 1.1) and the result was disappointing ( i like playing with EVE , scatterer and so on ... ) Ok i know i expect a lot from my old rig ... but i'll spent the waiting time looking at beautiful clouds and auroras 3 times alt+End is the sweet spot for me ... MemGraph made my game playable again (from 7sec to 30+sec intervals is a miracle to me ) so <3 @Padishar
  8. I did it ... didn't noticed any difference on ksp ... so i turned it back to defaults Not confused (...ok maybe sometimes :p) just experimenting a lot... The only thing i can do to improve Ksp performance is to buy a new PC (at least some RAM) but unfortunately this is not an option for me so i try to squeeze everything out of my old rig ... tanx for your help
  9. I thought i wouldn't build a rover again ... tracks are good enough for me ... for now ... I believe "minor" problems will be corrected ...
  10. OMG it works!!! My wheels are moving!!! thanx*1010 RESPECT @Shadowmage
  11. Searching the forum i stumbled upon some posts saying that mechjeb and GC dont work so great together . Is this true? Will uninstalling MJ improve GC intervals ???
  12. Correct! I totaly agree!!! My virtual memory setting is " automatically manage paging file size for all drives " and i have 4 GB of RAM (a joke i know ...) Do you suggest a diffrent setting???(for playing KSP) I see your point but... when i play without "cleaning my memory", after some reverts in the game, my memory usage goes up to 99% and the game crashes... when i "clean" manualy the game never crashes ... even after 3 hr ... So i am not sure ...
  13. All the above are true but ... the most important factor is if the game supports SLI/Crossfire . If it does you'll see a major performance boost also SLI/Crossfire helps with other apps like video editing and more ... Don't forget that we are talking about a 800$ pc... you can't afford a hi-end GPU with that budget ... but you can afford (... darn i just realizes i'm poor ) to pay 200$ in a couple of months if you realize that SLI/Crossfire will benefit you in some way...
  14. already done it. I've set my paging file to 8GB manualy ... works for other applications but i didn't noticed any difference on ksp ... Ksp loads everything in ram and if you fill your ram and you start "leaking" to sdd the game becomes unresponsive and eventually crashes (maybe it's just me and my potato pc) thanx for your time @damerell
  15. The catch is, they have to be of the same core derivative. I think RX 460 is on Polaris 11 and RX480 is Polaris 10 but you should google it ...
  16. True Soo true you don't even have to buy the same card crossfire works with different cards (some of them) http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/Crossfire-Chart.aspx
  17. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/profile/142607-legoclone09/ legoclone09 has a point! Also you may consider a 750W PSU to support better your second GPU ... that you will buy in a couple of months Crossfire will be a major factor in your gaming performance
  18. open image in new tab and pasting the url didn't work for me ... but clicking on the image a menu appears and i selected the BBCode (message boards & forums) link That did it! thanx for the help eloquentJane! you are the best
  19. i copy pasted my screenshots (and pressed save ) but nothing .... dang it!
  20. At last I’ve managed to build a decent 220+tns launcher to low kerbin orbit Mods in use : KW Rocketry and FAR a quite aggressive gravity turn booster separation full ahead! to orbit at last ...
  21. What a great mod Made KSP playable again on my potato pc ( 80+ mods with 4GB RAM ). I went up from 5 – 7secs to 30+ secs intervals. Thanx @Padishar And know my stupid question: Is there a way to use SSD space to gain extra memory benefits ? (ok I’m 99.9% sure that it’s a silly question ) I play at 95% of ram (10 -15 FPS (good enough for me)) and when I do a manual “clear RAM” (with a third party program )more than 1,5 GB gets released and I get 20 – 30 FPS… is there any way to improve my GC intervals??? (I don’t care about FPS,, 15ish is good enough for me )
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