That would be cool but the only bad thing is that it might not be accurate and if it is then they might be useless but it might br cool.
Although does KSP calculate that like make it go faster like with voyager 2 as it was escaping the solar system it was going faster and faster sling shoting with each planet.
I have a idea/question that i got from watching Tyler Raiz's last episode (I don't watch the livestreams).
Is it posible to use a star to benifitialy sling shot to another star in KSP and this mod.
I know that you have/had stars with no planets around them. If the sling shot was posible then it would give those stars a "reason to be thier".
Yes i know to make it benifitial you might have to put the stars where they are not but i am just kind of wondering if it was posible in KSP and benifitial in this mod.
Thanks for helping out. Now I can really get a scale of the mod and I have to say wow it is big.
P.S. I had to make a new account because I forgot my password and I am having problems with my email so NEW ACCOUNT