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Everything posted by NickRoss120

  1. I finally got it done, wew. I'm not going to upload the pre-release today since I've done five straight hours of coding (except dinner break, of course). Expect it to be up sometime tomorrow, i'll post the link to the download as soon as it's up (Note: 64-bit is required to run this.)
  2. Dev note: WOOT! I'm almost done with this pack finally Expect a pre-release tomorrow or Tuesday
  3. @EricL I've tried the DTX5nm thing and it works! the planets aren't shiny anymore and now they actually face the star, thanks a lot!
  4. @ssd21345 No it's not going to be replacing the stock system because that just feels like a lot of effort for not much, plus I just don't feel like replacing the whole system. Instead it's a star located about two light-years away (0.2 ly in reality) so it might just work with IA-Revived and it will most definitely work with KSP Extrasolar or whatever it's called. @EricL Thanks, i'll try that out. I though that the more detail distance there is, the less detailed that it will be.
  5. @EricL Here's one moon with my coding: @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { Body { name = Mu cacheFile = GenesStar/Cache/Mu.bin Debug { exportMesh = true update = true } Template { name = Gilly removeAllPQSMods = true } Properties { description = Mu is the first and biggest moon of Cylar that was found. It was once an asteroid in the ancient belt of Gene's Star, until most of the material clumped into Cylar, and only Mu, Nyth, and other objects were left radius = 16175.4 geeASL = 0.01 rotates = true tidallyLocked = true initalRotation = 0 isHomeWorld = false sphereOfInfluence = 32100 timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ScienceValues { landedDataValue = 9 splashedDataValue = 1 flyingLowDataValue = 1 flyinghighDataValue = 1 inSpaceLowDataValue = 5 inSpaceHighDataValue = 4 SpaceAltitudeThreshold = 0 } } Orbit { referenceBody = Cylar inclination = -1.21 eccentricity = 0.02 semiMajorAxis = 505571 longitudeOfAscendingNode = -97.31 argumentOfPeriapsis = 151.3 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = -126.47 epoch = 2000.01 color = RGBA(135, 95, 76, 255) } ScaledVersion { type = Vacuum Material { texture = GenesStar/Moons/5-Cylar/Textures/Mu_color.png normals = GenesStar/Moons/5-Cylar/Textures/Mu_normal.png } } PQS { maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03 minLevel = 2 maxLevel = 6 minDetailDistance = 1 Mods { VertexColorMap { map = GenesStar/Moons/5-Cylar/Textures/Mu_color.png order = 500 enabled = true } VertexHeightMap { map = GenesStar/Moons/5-Cylar/Textures/Mu_height.png offset = -500 deformity = 1000.0 scaleDeformityByRadius = false order = 20 enabled = true } VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2 { deformity = 10 ridgedAddSeed = 123400 ridgedAddFrequency = 10 ridgedAddLacunarity = 1 ridgedAddOctaves = 5 ridgedSubSeed = 654321 ridgedSubFrequency = 12 ridgedSubLacunarity = 1 ridgedSubOctaves = 5 simplexCurve { key = 0 0 0.1466263 0.1466263 key = 0.7922793 0.2448772 0.6761706 1.497418 key = 1 1 6.106985 6.106985 } simplexHeightStart = 0 simplexHeightEnd = 6500 simplexSeed = 123456 simplexOctaves = 5 simplexPersistence = 0.6 simplexFrequency = 12 enabled = true order = 40 } } } } }
  6. OK dev talk: Y'know the rocky planets/moons I posted as images? Well they are pointing the wrong way from the star, like this for example: I'm quite sure there's a basic solution to this, right? Update: Plus, there's an issue where the terrain turns white and gets all glitchy and their appears to be no height whatsoever, just need these two issues resolved and I'll stop asking.
  7. Props to: @EricL For assistance with normal maps. @The White Guardian For teaching me how to make planets, gas giants etc. via his YouTube tutorials. @Thomas P. For making Kopernicus and maintaining it's status. And everyone else who shows support for this mod! Anyways... Hello, this is the development forum for my first planet pack called Gene's Star (A not-so-obvious ripoff of Barnard's Star), So included in this pack are: Gene's Star: The star that is the center of the whole pack Vulkan: A gas giant quite close to the star which carries the risk of high heat, you can get quite a bit of science from just a fly-by and has one moon. Hestia: A tiny fiery asteroid not too far from Vulkan. Himos: Despite It's vicinity to Gene's Star, it has a comfortable temperature and it has one moon. Amirani: the small, oblate moon of Himos. Zeus: The largest planet in the pack, it comes third after Himos and doesn't have any moons. Vylo: A giant singular rocky planet that has witnessed some stuff in the past, meaning some good science. Agustin: I would personally call this one of the main planets in the pack, it has four moons with varying terrain and a thin atmosphere. Iturbide: A small desert moon. Martinez: Another desert moon. Barcena: Fair-sized moon, Minmus copy. Yanez: The furthest of the quartet, It has plenty of space to establish a station or colony. Duenus: This has the second-most moons (5 moons) in the pack and decent science scores, has a strange pink atmosphere. Arbyl: The first moon in the system, has decent views of the whole system. Tota: The largest moon in this system, being the same size as The Mun. Ubfer: The farthest of the big three, even better views. DU-10: An asteroid moon that goes close and far out over and over. (hedgehog is intentional) Fchillo: The furthest of all the moons, orbits just in Duenus' SOI. Cylar: The Dwarf planet filling the void between Duenus and Haglade, has two moons and blue ice. Mu: Small-ish moon. Nyth: same as Mu. Haglade: This would also be one of the main planets, with seven moons. Yup, you saw that right. Meaning that this has the most moons out of all of them. Mettaris: a moon within Haglade's Rings. Pele: The first one of the Big Quartet, it is a strangely warm moon, getting up to 43°C, maybe it has something to do with Haglade? Vulo: The second and smallest of the Big Quartet, It has some surface ice. Titania: The largest moon in the whole system, over-sizing Cylar and Himos and about 2/3 the size of Kerbin, has a respectable atmosphere of 24km. Buriz: The last of the Big Quartet, it has the best views of the Big Quartet. Hemi: The asteroid moon orbiting between Buriz and Nusku. Nusku: Same situation as Fchillo, except it's the second largest moon in the whole system. Iceos: The final frontier of the system, it's so uninteresting that isn't worth mentioning (like Alaska). Progress chart: Not working on ATM Developing Almost done Just need to iron out bugs Ready for Release ---------------------------------------- Gene's Star Vulkan Hestia Himos Amirani Zeus Vylo Agustin Iturbide Martinez Barcena Yanez Duenus Arbyl Tota Ubfer DU-10 Fchillo Cylar Mu Nyth Haglade Mettaris Pele Vulo Titania Buriz Hemi Nusku Iceos Bugs: Terrain is known to be glitchy (is known and will be fixed soon enough.) ...
  8. Ooooh! The "Hoth" planet, nice one However, there's a bug in RSS Constellations that if you go too far from the sun, your spaceship will explode randomly into a million pieces and crash your game. I hope this doesn't happen here Update: You can also add SWEEPS-10 or PSR J1719-1438 b, they both have insanely fast orbit periods (10 hrs and 2.1 hrs respectively) and they are quite far from the sun. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PSR_J1719-1438_b https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SWEEPS-10
  9. Here's Ungas 2.0 I've decided to give it a bit more of a Cambrian Kerbin look (Assuming that Kerbin has tectonic plates) since that previous one was a bit un-realistic and didn't look as well as this; mostly made via the dent distort tool in paint.net
  10. I meant to say 510,000km, not 5.1 million km. Stupid me.
  11. ProtoJeb has replied to this? O my gosh, I love your work!
  12. Thanks bro While it isn't the best texture map quote unquote, it's a start when i'm still learning about PQS mods. Edit: I think the two moons could work together since your moon is much closer to Ira than mine, plus I only have to change a word or two in the info to make my moon more appealing
  13. @Cabbink Here's what I got for the contest so far: It's a moon called Ungas and it orbits Ira at about 5.1M km (in the game of course, duh). It's a Kerbin-esque moon that has a 678km radius, tidally locked, 75km atmosphere, and has 1.2 gees of gravity. I've done the hard part by coding this moon out, It's actually easy if you know what you're doing, I wish I would've gotten this down weeks ago.
  14. Congrats on the (official) release, mate.
  15. Huh, I never figured a Normal map could do that, then again, I'm terrible at creating planets with PQS Mods.
  16. O hai there, MrChumley, didn't expect a somewhat well-known person to reply here this quickly.
  17. Still looks good regardless Congrats on the pre-release Update: I find this... odd at the least I'm not sure how or why this happened, but I suspect a bug with Kopernicus, I'll try re-installing this and Kopernicus to see if that works. Update 2: I've checked the coding (since it happened, again) and nothing seems out of the ordinary, so I'm calling a bug on Kopernicus' part here. It seems fine when I create a planet though, I'll investigate this.
  18. If it isn't the RimPower, then it must be the RimBlend since stars don't use RimBlend and they look good, regardless if there's RimPower or not.
  19. It is. Many popular Kopernicus mods from what I can tell don't use RimPower and RimBlend, so I suspect that they may be broken or heavily bugged This is what it looks like without the RimPower and RimBlend, I still need the fix the atmosphere's color but it looks infinitely better and the best part? no atmo. bugs!
  20. Well, you've definitely made those planets interesting. I notice that weird bug that shows blue and yellow lines which looks awfully similar to what's happening to my gas planets. It makes me wonder if there's a bug in Kopernicus or something that is causing that.
  21. Maybe between the orbit of Duna and Dres sounds fine, there's quite a gap between those two anyways.
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