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Peter Sa

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  1. I have stock 1.2.2 that is extremely slow loading. This is with zero mods. It's been 15 minutes and it's still loading...(or as it says now "proving murphy's law".... ;-). I ran with mods and after a full night it was still saying stuff like "Counting Backwards" and "tanning on Moho" and the like. I then reinstalled with just stock 1.2.2. on an SSD drive that I just benchmarked at 100Mbytes/sec write performance. OSX 10.12.3. I checked 'top' and there's no swapping going on. I have a 2011 8GB machine with 3.4Ghz I7 and 2GB of video RAM, and I still play e.g. Starcraft II on this machine with no issues. Let me know if you need further info to reproduce.
  2. Is there an outstanding feature request to alarm on velocity? I'm finding that with Interstellar I have extremely long boosts where I just head directly to the target with a deltaV of 10s of km/sec. It's very tedious to sit through the boost when I know pretty much what I want my final delta-V to be. I can't use a maneuver node because maneuver nodes can't target a destination.
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