Does this mod work with the Real Solar System mod (on KSP 1.45 )?
If so, then something is "off" with either KerbalGPS or Kerbal Engineer or RSS with the coordinates ... or (the most likely ?)with my satellite positioning
Specifically, I have added runways at where CYYZ and CYTZ should be, with Kerbal Konstruct using Kerbal Engineer as the reference for the coords.
After launching 4 sats with the GNSS transmitters, I moved them around with Hyper Edit until the GPS receiver stat indicated 4 sats, and was displaying a gps position.
I then "set a destination" at the CYYZ runway and "flew" to CYTZ.
The distance displayed was ~4km when it should be ~19 Km.
The sats are all at about 2,000 KM