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Everything posted by Delcraft

  1. I found that the default values were in ModuleManager.Physics and ModuleManager.ConfigCache. I deleted these files and relaunched KSP with the last version of MM (2.7.5), and now the problem has gone. Thank you for your help!
  2. Thank you for your reply! Yes, you're right, the default value for machConvectionFactor is exactly 1.72, but I'm talking about the value found in debug menu - Physics - Thermal (though I don't know whether these two are the same or not). You can see my menu data on the screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/ftZwu And if they are the same coefficients and my installation is indeed corrupt, where should I place this config file and how should I name it?
  3. @MaxZhao Yes I'm using beta. To make this work right, I just deleted TestFlight folder from GameData and downloaded only TestFlight core. After you extract TestFlightCore- into your ksp directory you'll see that ../GameData/TestFlight/Config folder is empty.
  4. Hello, I found that for RO mod Deadly Reentry completely destroy my probe in high atmosphere (>70 km) even under very "light" conditions: LEO reentry, 700kg mass (1.0m diameter), LEO heat shield 1.5m. In ksp 1.1.3 all was OK with these settings. I managed to safely re-enter the atmosphere only lowering convection factor down to 3.5 (against 7.0 by default in 7.5 version). But I need to decrease this factor every time I load my game, which is annoying. Where can I change the default value of this factor? Thanks in advance!
  5. Thank you @stratochief66 for your response. I am leaning to blame myself in this error, because when I tried to re-download TestFlight it worked well. I've noticed that in my current installation the "Config" folder is empty and it wasn't in the previous one, so maybe that is the cause of my bug.
  6. Hello, I've noticed that for some RO "vanilla" engines like, for example, RD-103 TestFlight doesn't collect flight data as well as it doesn't show rated burn time (and it seems that such engines can burn without limits). Is it bug or feature? Can also post all encountered engines which do not work correctly here or as an issue at github.
  7. Hello, @ikeel_u, I had the same issue, but it works fine with MFI 1.2.2 (which is inside of RSS installation archive).
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