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Everything posted by Scoutman1121

  1. This is basically a Encyclopedia for every single Kerban planet. It will help you with size, orbit, interesting things, stats, and basically everything you need to know. Kerbol (Sun) Kerbol, or the Kerbol system's star, is the only thing in the game you cannot land on. Statistics Heat:3000 - 9000 Farenheit Oxygen:Yes Moons:No Escape Velocity:90,000ish Landing Even with "Ignore Temperature" on, anything below -250 will be instantly destroyed no matter how many cheats you have installed. Orbit It is definitely possible to orbit Kerbol. However, you'll need several or more heat shields. And solar panels will give you a whole lot of power!
  2. This acts like a Inspiring Page. Post your ships (pictures optional) and it's basically to inspire people! (Any vehicle allowed!) (Also try to make your vehicle innovative!)
  3. Go to every single planet and moon Plant a flag on all of them Get a sattelite / probe in orbit in all of them Make one full rotation around Jool Come back to Kerbin Land safely on an Island IN ONE MISSION!!!! Bonus:No Mods [] (But you can use mods, you just won't get the bonus)
  4. Alright here is an interesting topic, in my opinion What if going to other planets / moons rewarded you? Let's say you would get like a collectible! Or bits and pieces of a item that if you get all those pieces, you get a special item. I don't know what those items would be but you have to get the collectibles to get them in a Career or Science game. For Example, on Duna, you might be able after you find enough pieces, be able to get like a powerful engine or something like that.
  5. I've been wondering, which bodies have you colonized? If so, what do you have on the planet / moon. Also I was wondering if it is possible to make a small base on an asteroid? Personally, I've colonized Duna and the Mun. I'm currentely colonizing Eeloo.
  6. Thanks! I'm planning on putting a Balloon, VTOL, Rover, Probes, Space Stations, and Bases on Eeloo.
  7. I haven't been to it but maybe check out Duna's Poles.
  8. I prepared all my vessels to colonize Eeloo (It took 3 - 4 hours of preperation) On 2-19-17 I will colonize Eeloo
  9. If this were to happen, the update would take a long time considering almost everything needed to be changed in a small portion of a way. Also, they should add things like items from a past civilization on the planet or something. (I know that's not very realistic but it would be fun to try to find all of it) If they added items from past civilizations, and collected all the pieces for a specific item, you could use it. These may include very powerful engines, or very very fast communitrons.
  10. This is a decent idea however... By adding boats, like add a space elevator up to a space station. However this would most likely be the last thing you unlock because of how op it is. They should add Submarines like in the maritime mod. I kind of want to explore the ocean too. Even though KSP is a game about Space Exploration have you not ever wanted to explore the oceans? Imagine being able to set up bases anywhere on Kerbin via ships! Basically the possibilites are endless with boats. A Space Elevator would be extremely hard to make considering the fact of weight, and rockets possibly entering the atmosphere and crashing into it would ruin the whole thing.
  11. Seems like this kind of stuff would be at the end of the tech tree.
  12. This is a pretty good suggestion. Considering for all we know, there COULD be a life form that doesn't survive off water, or anything like that. Add in Scanners etc. Be able to harvest the life Be able to tame life forms and use them as Astronauts. Aggressive Lifeforms should be able to be turned on and off What if you could instead of Kerbin, start on Duna or Eve? And if so, you could be like that Alien lifeform that lives on that planet.
  13. This is a pretty good idea. But for performance, you should be able to set how many are allowed to do the actions at one time.
  14. I like the idea, but a good way they should do it is put the app on the app store. Then in order to use it, enter a code you get from the game. Then it will sync the editor to the game. However, putting the game on Ipad / Android Tablets would be such a hassle. There are too many controls in KSP for it. I haven't tried out the console version but I imagine it must be very difficult.
  15. Kerballoons Planetary Base Inc. If they were to add either of these mods to stock, Planetary Base Inc. is most likely to improve the appeal to colonizing other bodies.
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