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  1. AndyMt, this mod is awesome. Thank you for maintaining it! Never knew about it during my last multi-year KSP addiction. Just got back into playing, and a friend at work pointed me to this mod. Small (and hopefully quick) QoL request: can an option be added to pause the game after GravityTurn relinquishes control back to the player? Thanks! Paul
  2. It is now working for me with GPP. I did have to update the database.cfg file for GPP to include these three lines: observatorylvl1range = 80000000000 observatorylvl2range = 184000000000 allowOldResearchinCareer = false Thanks for fixing this! Paul
  3. For the folks for whom it's not working, what does your log file show? I'm looking at the ResearchBodies.txt file in the "Plugins/PluginData/" directory. Look for the "Chances to get a body is set to" text. In my log file, it lists this chance as zero. I remain convinced that somehow, the chance to discover a body is mistakenly getting set to zero. I've started looking through the source code, but I don't see anything obviously wrong. I don't understand how other mods could affect that, but that's simply due to my own lack of background with modding KSP. I'm trying this mod with a basic GPP installation with no other mods installed, to be clear. Paul
  4. Thanks for the idea, but still no luck. (BTW, great work on your planet pack. :)) Adding Ciro, Gael, Iota, and Ceti to the deprecated PRIORITIES block got rid of the four "Config not found for *" lines, but it didn't solve the problem. Changing the IGNORE block by using the names Sun and Kerbin didn't change the behavior of the "Chances" or "sandbox/Tracking station" lines, however. Something is causing the problems with those last two lines I originally quoted. No idea what, though. Paul
  5. Still no luck. I created a new installation of the game with just GPP + RB. I did notice these lines in the RB log file: 18:40:20 PM [LOG] 2/20/2017 6:40:20 PM,ResearchBodies,Loading mods databases 18:40:20 PM [LOG] 2/20/2017 6:40:20 PM,ResearchBodies,Config not found for Ciro, priority set to 3. 18:40:20 PM [LOG] 2/20/2017 6:40:20 PM,ResearchBodies,Config not found for Gael, priority set to 3. 18:40:20 PM [LOG] 2/20/2017 6:40:20 PM,ResearchBodies,Config not found for Iota, priority set to 3. 18:40:20 PM [LOG] 2/20/2017 6:40:20 PM,ResearchBodies,Config not found for Ceti, priority set to 3. 18:40:20 PM [LOG] 2/20/2017 6:40:20 PM,ResearchBodies,Chances to get a body is set to 0 18:40:20 PM [LOG] 2/20/2017 6:40:20 PM,ResearchBodies,Loaded gamemode-related information : enable mod in sandbox = False, allow tracking with Tracking station lvl 1 = False That seems odd. Is the penultimate line saying that the chance to discover a body is zero? (Despite what's in the database.cfg file.) I don't know. It's also weird that the settings in the final line don't match the contents of my database.cfg file. Paul
  6. I was hoping to see additional updates on the topic of Research Bodies + GPP. Has anyone had any luck in the last week getting these two mods to work together? Thanks! Paul
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