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  1. If you uninstalled it, your aero effect in your game settings was probably left at minimal. Go into your graphics settings and turn things back up.
  2. Took me a while to track down, too, but the one that comes through CKAN is just a single file, not the whole Classic Stock package, and it's just the intake air/liquid or compressed air, can't remember which of the three, that makes some of the parts work.
  3. Yes, that makes sense that they were a dependency. If you can tell me what other Wild Blue mod it was that you chose to download, I can probably direct you to the forum thread for it, where you can get more visibility for any questions. Each one has its own thread. The normal 2.5m stock science lab gets room for a single experiment. Right click it in the VAB, click Show Lab GUI in the PAW, and then select the experiment you want to run. It takes time to complete and then you send the results back to recover.
  4. WBI is split into a few mods, which ones do you have? All the labs that come with the different ones can do the special experiments, so like the Doc Sci Lab from Pathfinder, the big one in DSEV, and I'm pretty sure MOLE. The Buffalo and Heisenberg labs also have those slots, I think. The experiment storage pod can hold a single experiment to bring a new one to the lab or to take a finished one home.
  5. But also, if you have a running modded save, you shouldn't have auto updates enabled. Something would break eventually if you aren't checking change logs.
  6. With threats of annexation, this change makes sense to me! And what a treat, freshly made Nertea parts, a gift we haven't had in a while! Thank you for continuing to update and look after your work, it's a core part of my KSP experience.
  7. Yeah, on the Snacks side, that's as much as has been patched, but in the Patches folder of SSPXR is a whole patch for Snacks, and I specifically looked for and saw the 5m Dome Greenhouse as having a patch to be a recycler and make snacks.
  8. There's a patch in SSPXR that already adds Snacks production to the 5m Dome Greenhouse. Might need a screenshot of your craft with the PAW for the part open and a picture of your GameData, at the very least, since it should already work. I play with both, but haven't unlocked the large greenhouse in this current play through, so I'm not 100% certain it is working, just that it should.
  9. Yes indeed! I think that's most everything needed to help someone help you. I see you're using Linux, which unfortunately makes it a bit harder for me to know how everything is supposed to act. I want to say there's a problem with Parallax and Linux? But definitely don't take my word for it. Now that you have your logs here, hopefully someone with more knowledge about your specific setup can help. In the meantime, a screenshot of your gamedata folder can help to make sure it looks like the folders are in the right places.
  10. That read out is not that accurate to what's going on behind the scenes. You'll need to share your KSP log like it says in the pinned post.
  11. A while back, CRP pulled the resource distribution out of that pack and left it up to others to define. Since there's not a Community Distribution Pack for CRP, the best option is to download an older version of CRP that still has everything defined and copy the distribution cfgs over. I found that version Bleeding Edge 1 from the downloads on CRP's github was the last with everything included. Scansat only sees what's there, and I think will include the other materials if they are there to register. I will say I've done a lot of surgery on my install lately to get everything working like I want, so I can't remember if I had to set up any new definitions or delete any patches to get them working with each other, but I'm pretty sure it's just the resource cfg.
  12. You don't have control over that rocket, indicated by the red probe icon in the top left. I'm not an RP-anything player, so I don't know how all their parts are set up, but surely you need a probe core for it to work?
  13. For the landed result, I used something that could hover, and came down just enough to get a leg on the ground. If you're quick, you can get the scan on the bounce and get away.
  14. I can see up-down distance being hard to guess at, but I'm a fan of it printing how it's laid out in the VAB or SPH. Whatever is up there is up for the printer. If someone prints and it's sideways or pointing at the ground, it's a bit of a bummer, but time to go back to the VAB, change the orientation to what's correct, and print it again. Having Sandcastle attempt to assess something about a craft/building and change the orientation from what it is in the building mode sounds like it will lead to things not always being built the way I intend and no way to fix it, if it's automatic.
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